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Artist/Maker name Artist other names Dates
Grier, Eldon
  • Grier, Eldon Brockwill
Grier, Stella Evelyn
  • Gould, A. E., Mrs.
Grierson, John -
Gries, Rieta - -
Griese, Jim -
Grieve, Anne J. - -
Grieve, David - -
Grieve, Elisabeth - -
Grieve, Jo - -
Griff, Helen - -
Griffel, Kerin - -
Griffin, Andrew - -
Griffin, Anthony - -
Griffin, Barbara - -
Griffin, Catherine Norah -
Griffin, Christopher - -
Griffin, Clint - -
Griffin, Constance - -
Griffin, David - -
Griffin, Dick - -
Griffin, Doug - -
Griffin, Elizabeth - -
Griffin, Evelyn - -
Griffin, George - -
Griffin, George Henry -
Griffin, Gertrude - -
Griffin, Helen Wodehouse
  • Guan, Hai Lun
  • Wodehouse Griffin, Helen
Griffin, John Raymond
  • Griffin, Ray
Griffin, J. S., Mrs. - -
Griffin, Karla - -
Griffin, Keith - -
Griffin, Margaret - -
Griffin, Mary - -
Griffin, Michael - -
Griffin, Nancy -
Griffin, Paul - -
Griffin, Sara - -
Griffin, Scott -
Griffin, W. Gladwell - -
Griffin-Smith, Donna
  • Smith, Donna Griffin
Griffith, Colwyn -
Griffith, David - -
Griffith, Edward - -
Griffith, Julius
  • Griffith, Julius Edward Lindsay
Griffith, Lew - -
Griffith, Martha - -
Griffith, Rhys - -
Griffiths, Bus
  • Griffiths, Gilbert Joseph
  • Griffiths, G. J.
Griffiths, Deirdre - -
Griffiths, E.H. - -

The content of Artists in Canada is © National Gallery of Canada 2008