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Artist/Maker name Artist other names Dates
Lachance-Legault, Louise
  • Legault, Louise Lachance
Lachapelle, Claude - -
Lachapelle, David - -
Lachapelle, Diane - -
Lachapelle, Édouard
  • Jeannotte, Édouard
Lachapelle, Gary -
Lachapelle, Guillaume -
Lachapelle, Lison - -
Lachapelle, Paul - -
Lachapelle, Richard - -
Lachapelle-Beyak, Jo-Anne
  • Beyak, Jo-Anne Lachapelle
Lachapelle-Hébert, Gisèle
  • Hébert, Gisèle Lachapelle
Lacharity, Sheila - -
Lachine, Paul - -
Lachowsky, Taras -
Lack, Stephen -
Lackey, Tom - -
Lackie, Barb - -
Lackie, Cheryl Mogg - -
Lackman, Ken -
Lackmanec, Marie - -
Lacombe, Gilles - -
Lacombe, Julien - -
Lacombe, Laurent - -
Lacombe, Linda - -
Lacombe, Michel -
Lacombe, Michelle - -
Lacombe, Monique - -
Lacombe, Paul Emile - -
Lacombe, Raymond - -
Lacombe Gill, Lisette - -
Lacomme, Daniel - -
Lacosta, Walter - -
Lacoste, Céline Aubin
  • Aubin Lacoste, Céline
  • Aubin, Céline
LaCoste, Gena - -
Lacourciere, Marc -
Lacoursiere, Dave - -
Lacovetsky, Alan - -
Lacroix, André - -
Lacroix, Christiane - -
Lacroix, Christopher - -
Lacroix, Claude - -
Lacroix, Claudette - -
Lacroix, Doris -
Lacroix, Florence
  • Lawless-Lacroix, Florence
Lacroix, Guaitan -
Lacroix, Henriette -
Lacroix, Irène - -
Lacroix, Jacques -
Lacroix, Lise - -

The content of Artists in Canada is © National Gallery of Canada 2008