

Nom de l'objet : Map
Titre : Mapping the midday meal
Artiste ou artisan : Steven Fick
Numéro d'accession : 24
Description : Map showing where the items of one meal come from around the world.
Commentaires : Whether grabbing a bite to eat at the mall food court or dining out leisurely with friends, we often donÍt think of the geography behind lunch. In 2002, Canadians spent $39 billion annually at restaurants. While food may come from the farmerÍs market down the street, it may also come from the other side of the world. This map depicts a typical midday meal and where those ingredients ususally come from„ a surprising conclusion when you think about how quickly you chow down.
Sujet ou image : meal, food miles, Canada, food transport,
Établissement : Canadian Geographic  Facebook-Canadian Geographic  Twitter-Canadian Geographic 
Ville de l'établissement : Ottawa
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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