
Notice catalographique « Des soins du corps aux soins de l’objet : étude et conservation-restauration d’un coffret médical en bronze, époque gallo-romaine, Inrap, site de Marquion - Sauchy-Lestrée, fouilles du Canal Seine-Nord Europe : recherche d’un système de conditionnement adapté à un stockage en réserve archéologique »

Des soins du corps aux soins de l’objet : étude et conservation-restauration d’un coffret médical en bronze, époque gallo-romaine, Inrap, site de Marquion - Sauchy-Lestrée, fouilles du Canal Seine-Nord Europe : recherche d’un système de conditionnement adapté à un stockage en réserve archéologique
Auteur ou éditeur
Chalvidal, Clémence
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
Institut national du patrimoine
Date de publication
218 pages : illustrations
  • This thesis presents the study as well as the conservation and restoration of a medical casket, the bronze object has been discovered in the archaeological site of Marquion–Sauchy-Lestrée (Pas de Calais) and can be dated between the end of the first and the middle of the second century.
  • The approach of the subject starts with the discovery of the object and leads finally to its future conservation in an archaeological storage facility. The preliminary exams of the object (X Rays, 3D Scan) made a first indirect approach possible. The object could therefore be assimilated to a limited corpus (only around thirty similar examples are known today all over the roman world) of object that are known as medicine caskets. During the opening of the casket, solid residues could be determined in the compartments. Their aspect and the initial analysis of their composition (SEM, GC) supports their identification as collyrium, dry medical compositions destined to heal different diseases (often affecting the eye, but not exclusively). Analysis of these residues is still ongoing. The interventions for the conservation and restoration of the casket had to satisfy multiple objectives: guarantee the “reading” of the object, which is at the same time maintained complete and accessible for further analysis of the remaining residue. Different measures have been taken: cleaning, consolidation, filling of the defect, bonding and reconstruction of the casket. Finally a study has been conducted researching a conditioning system appropriate to the casket in its future conservation, but also in a larger matter to the long term conservation of other archaeological copper alloys in storage. This study is divided in two parts. First about the evaluation of the influence of both corrosive agents – water and dioxygen- have on copper alloys. This work showed a positive effect of oxygen scavengers for the deceleration of the corrosion of copper alloys containing chlorides in a wet atmosphere. The second phase of the research consisted in the study of the hermeticity of the standard recipient used in archaeological archives: plastic boxes, in order to optimise and maintain the conditioning system.
Diplôme de restaurateur du patrimoine, spécialité Arts du Feu, Métal, Institut national du patrimoine (INP), Département des restaurateurs, Aubervilliers, France
Autres titres
[From medical care to the care of the object : study and conservation-restoration of a Gallo-Roman bronze medical vallet, Inrap, site of Marquion - Sauchy-Lestrée, excavation Canal Seine-Nord Europe : research for a appropriate air conditioning system for storage facilities of archaeological objects]
French = Français
  • Bronze - Conservation and restoration
  • Bronze - Conservation et restauration
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
TS 570 .C53 2014
Date de modification :