
Notice catalographique « Radioactive dating : proceedings of the Symposium on Radioactive Dating held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity (ICSU) in Athens, 19-23 November 1962 »

Radioactive dating : proceedings of the Symposium on Radioactive Dating held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity (ICSU) in Athens, 19-23 November 1962
Auteur ou éditeur
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
International Atomic Energy Agency
Date de publication
440 pages : maps, diagrams, tables ; 25 cm
Panel Proceedings series [International Atomic Energy Agency]
  • The half-life of C¹4 and the problems which are encountered in absolute measurements on beta-decaying gases / Ingrid U. Olsson and I. Karle´n -- Low-level counting methods / H. Oeschger -- Age determinations by the rhenium-osmium method / W. Herr, B. Hirt and W. Hoffmeister -- Dating methods based on the process of nuclear fission / P.K. Kuroda -- Investigations of the helium age dating method by stable isotope-dilution technique / P.E. Damon and W.D. Green -- New developments in the thermoluminescence method of geologic age determination / E.J. Zeller and L.B. Ronca -- Age studies on basaltic lava flows using natural alpha activity and thermoluminescence / B.E. Sabels -- Dating of some pitchblendes and uraninites from Yugoslav localities by the Pb²°6/Pb²¹° method / S. Gojkovic´, G. Deleon and Z. Cervenjak -- Natural variations in the ratio of U²³4 to U²³8 / D.L. Thurber -- Geochronology with Pb²¹° / Edward D. Goldberg -- De´se´quilibre radioactif et isotopes du thorium dans quelques proble`mes de ge´ochronologie / C. Coquema [and others] -- Study of long and short-term geophysical processes using natural radioactivity / D. Lal -- Radiocarbon dating of the deep water of the Pacific and Indian oceans / G.S. Bien, N.W. Rakestraw and N.E. Suess -- Investigations in marine environments using radioisotopes produced by cosmic rays / D.P. Kharkar, D. Lal and B.L.K. Somayajulu -- Investigations of meridional transport in the troposphere by means of carbon-14 measurements / K.O. Mu¨nnich and J.C. Vogel -- New approaches to geochronology by strontium isotope variations in whole rocks / P.M. Hurley [and others] -- Discordances in K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic ages / J.L. Kulp and Joan Engels -- K-Ar dating of some limestones and fluorites (examples of K-Ar ages with extremely low argon concentrations) / H.J. Lippolt and W. Gentner -- C¹4 dating of the Upper Anthropogene in the USSR (English translation) / A.P. Vinogradov -- Age determination on secondary uranium-minerals in North Bavaria / H. Lenz and I. Wendt -- The use of cogenetic uranium-lead isotope systems in zircons in geochronology / Leon T. Silver -- K-Ar measurements of tektites / J. Za¨hringer -- Lead-lead and uranium lead ages of meteorites / David E. Fisher -- Tritium and radioactive argon and xenon in meteorites and satellites / E.L. Fireman, J. DeFelice and D. Tilles -- Se´paration et mesures de ²6Al et ¹°Be dans les me´te´orites / E.H. Cre`vecoeur et O.A. Schaeffer -- Studies on the cosmic-ray produced nuclides Be¹°, Al²6 and Cl³6 in iron meteorites / F. Sammet and W. Herr -- Cosmic-ray produced Ar³7 and Ar³ in recently fallen meteorites / R. Davis Jr., R.W. Stoenner and O.A, Schaeffer -- The cosmic-ray exposure ages of iron meteorites as derived from the isotopic composition of potassium and the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in the past / H. Voshage and H. Hintenberger -- Cosmic-ray exposure ages and terrestrial ages of stone and iron meteorites derived from Cl³6 and Ar³ measurements / E. Vilscek and H. Wa¨nke -- Terrestrial ages of meteorites from cosmogenic C¹4 / T.P. Kohman and P.S. Goel -- Cosmic-ray exposure history of meteorites from cosmogenic Cl³6 / PS. Goel and T.P. Kohman.
  • Papers in English, French or Russian; with abstracts in English, French, Russian and Spanish
  • Spanish = Espagnol
  • English = Anglais
  • French = Français
  • Russian = Russe
  • Radioactive dating - Congresses
  • Meteorites - Congresses
  • Météorites - Congrès
  • Datation radioactive - Congrès
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
QC 798 D3 S98
Date de modification :