
Notice catalographique « 30th annual ANAGPIC student conference : Ottawa April 22-24, 2004 : student papers »

30th annual ANAGPIC student conference : Ottawa April 22-24, 2004 : student papers
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural property
  • O'Neill, John
Lieu de publication
Kingston, Ont.
Maison d'édition
Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.)
Date de publication
178 p.
Table des matières


Lauren E. Fly and Joanne M. Klaar - Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Loss Compensation for Gilded Surfaces Using Wax-Resin Fills

Abby Haywood - Preservation and Conservation Studies, The Center for the Cultural Record, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
Inside Out and 360 Degrees: Examining the Potentials for Computerized Axial Tomography in Book Conservation

Scott Hornolka - Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums
Horror vacui and the Process of Expression: A Technical Examination of Drawings by Alfonso Ossorio

Jo-Fan Huang - University of Delware
A Technical Study of Albums of Chinese Export Watercolour on Pith

Sandra Kelberlau - State University College at Buffalo
The Structural Conservation of a 17th Century Flemish Panel Painting

Anne Kingery - University of Delaware
Restoration of Sound: A Case Study of the Conservation of a Gourd Lute

Tom Riddolls - Queen's University Art Conservation Program
The Authenticity of a 'Hellenistic' Terracotta in the Queen's University Diniacopoulos Collection: A Scientific Investigation of the Physical Evidence

Sylvia Schweri - The Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
The Restoration of an Etruscan Kantharos: Decision Making, Fill Making

Rick Taylor - Preservation and Conservation Studies, The Center for the Cultural Record, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
Experience Counts: Assessing the Condition and Preservation Needs of an Archival Audio Collection

Ige Verslype - Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums
A Stuyd of the Prepatory Stages of J.S. Copley's (1738-1815) History Paintings

Ainsley Walton - Queen's University Art Conservation Program
Historical Context and Conservation Treatment of a 19th Century Paper Fan

Jeffrey Warda -State University College at Buffalo
Analysis of Three Gel Poultices Used in Paper Conservation

English = Anglais
  • Art - Conservation and restoration - Training
  • Art - Conservation et restauration - Formation
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
N 8560 C66 2004
Date de modification :