
Notice catalographique « First aid for finds »

First aid for finds
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Watkinson, David
  • United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Archaeology Section
Lieu de publication
Hertford, Hertfordshire
Maison d'édition
RESCUE-the British Archaeological Trust UKIC Archaeology Section
Date de publication
3rd ed.
108 p.
Table des matières


Section 1: Planning for Conservation
1.1 Conservation and Excavation
1.2 Planning for Conservation: guidelines for site directors
1.3 Role of a Conservator On-site
1.4 Levels of Conservation
1.5 X-Radiography
1.6 Health and Safety

Section 2: Excavation and Decay
2.1 Burial Environment
2.1.1 Object Decay
2.1.2 Composite Objects
2.2 Post - Excavation Environment

Section 3: Packing Finds for Storage
3.1 Labelling
3.1.1 Composition and Marking of a Label
3.1.2 Labels for Dry Packaging
3.1.3 Labels for Wet Packaging

3.2 Moisture Levels (Relative Humidity)

3.3 Packing Finds
3.3.1 Physical Protection: Basic Materials and Procedures
3.3.2 Polythene Boxes and Micro climate

3.4 Dry Packaging
3.4.1 Silica Gel
3.4.2 Using silica gel to create a dry packing environment

3.5 Wet Packaging
3.5.1 Biocides
3.5.2 Immersion Technique
3.5.3 Storage Damp (High Humidity) Environment

3.6 Mid-Range Relative Humidity Packaging

3.7 Transportation of Finds

3.8 Packaging Checklist

Section 4: Metals
4.1 Corrosion of Metals
4.2 X-Radiography of Metals
4.3 Iron
4.3.1 Appearance and Colour upon Excavation
4.3.2 Degree of Corrosion
4.3.3 Post Excavation Corrosion
4.3.4 Packaging and Storage
4.3.5 Associated Materials
4.3.6 Selection Policy

4.4: Copper Alloys
4.4.1 Appearance and Colour Upon Excavation
4.4.2 Degree of Corrosion and Post-Excavation Corrosion
4.4.3 Packaging and Storage of Copper Alloys
4.4.4 Associated Materials

4.5 Silver and Gold
4.5.1 Appearance and Colour Upon Excavation
4.5.2 Degree of Corrosion
4.5.3 Post Excavation Corrosion
4.5.4 Packaging and Storage of Silver and Gold
4.5.5 Associated Materials

4.6: Lead, Tin, Pewter and Zinc
4.6.1 Appearance and Colour Upon Excavation
4.6.2 Condition and Degree of Corrosion
4.6.3 Post Excavation Corrosion
4.6.4 Packaging and Storage of Lead, Tin, Pewter and Zinc

4.7: Coins and Tokens
4.7.1 Handling and Packaging
4.7.2 Coin Hoards
4.7.3 Associated Materials: Moulds

4.8 Composite Metal/Organic Objects: Problems and Storage

Section 5: Inorganic Materials
5.1 Stone and Related Materials
5.1.1 Structure and Identification
5.1.2 Decay, Excavation, Cleaning and Storage
5.1.3 Shale and Jet
5.1.4 Marble and Alabaster
5.1.5 Amber
5.1.6 Exotic Calcium Carbonate Based Material and Semi-precious Stone
5.1.7 Labelling Stone

5.2 Mosaics and Floorings
5.2.1 Structure
5.2.2 Deterioration
5.2.3 Excavation, Protection and Recording
5.2.4 Reburying a mosaic
5.2.5 Tiled Floors

5.3 Ceramics
5.3.1 Composition
5.3.2 Excavation, Washing, and Packaging
5.3.3 Labelling Sherds
5.3.4 Reassembly of Ceramics

5.4 Wall Paintings
5.4.1 Structure and Decay
5.4.2 Excavation, Protection, Cleaning and Recording

5.5 Glass and Viterous Materials
5.5.1 Composition, Identification and Decay
5.5.2 Excavation, Packaging and Storage
5.5.3 Faience and Frit

Section 6: Organic Materials
6.1 Waterlogged Wood
6.1.1 Strcuture and Decay
6.1.2 Excavation and Packaging

6.2 Textiles
6.2.1 Composition and Decay
6.2.2 Excavation and Packaging

6.3 Leather
6.2.1 Composition and Decay
6.2.2 Excavation and Packaging

6.4 Bone, Antler, and Ivory
6.4.1 Composition and Decay
6.4.2 Excavation and Packaging

6.5 Horn and Related Materials
6.5.1 Composition and Decay
6.5.2 Excavation and Packaging

Section 7: Lifting Fragile Objects
7.1 General Principles
7.2 Lifting Techniques
7.2.1 Bandage Techniques
7.2.2 Block Lifting Techniques

7.3 Lifting Whole Ceramic Vessels

7.4 Skeletal Material

7.5 Larger Waterlogged Items

7.6 Consolidation
7.6.1 Consolidants: General Background
7.6.2 Recommended Consolidations
7.6.3 Consolidation of an Earth Matrix
7.6.4 Moulding Objects On-Site

Appendix 1: Glossary and suppliers

Appendix 2: Weights, volumes and measures



English = Anglais
  • Archaeology - Methodology
  • Antiquities - Collection and preservation
  • Archéologie - Méthodologie
United Kingdom
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
CC 135 L4 1998
Date de modification :