
Notice catalographique « Human osteology »

Human osteology
Auteur ou éditeur
  • White, T. D. (Timothy D.)
  • Folkens, Pieter A.
Lieu de publication
San Diego
Maison d'édition
Academic Press
Date de publication
xix, 455 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Revised from a classic in the field, the second edition of Human Osteology is designed for students and professionals who need to accurately identify human skeletal remains, however isolated and fragmentary. The book includes hundreds of photographs and drawings specifically designed to show a maximum amount of anatomical information. With the addition of four new case studies, a guide to electronic resources, and a chapter on molecular osteology, Human Osteology, Second Edition is even more valuable for courses on the human skeleton and as a basic reference and field manual for professional osteologists and anatomists, forensic scientists, paleontologists, and archaeologists.
Human Osteology -- A Guide to the Text -- Teaching Osteology -- Resources for the Osteologist -- Studying Osteology -- Working with Human Bones -- Bone Biology -- Variation -- A Few Facts about Bone -- Bones as Elements of the Musculoskeletal System -- Gross Anatomy of Bones -- Molecular Structure of Bone -- Histology and Metabolism of Bone -- Bone Growth -- Morphogenesis -- Bone Repair -- Anatomical Terminology -- Planes of Reference -- Directional Terms -- Teeth -- Hands and Feet -- Motions of the Body -- Hands and Feet -- General Bone Features -- Projections and Parts -- Depressions -- Skull -- Handling the Skull -- Elements of the Skull -- Growth and Architecture, Sutures and Sinuses -- Skull Orientation -- Cranial Osteometric Points -- Unpaired (Midline) Cranial Osteometric Points -- Paired Cranial Osteometric Points -- Learning Cranial Skeletal Anatomy -- Frontal -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Parietals -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Temporals -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Auditory Ossicles -- Occipital -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Maxillae -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Palatines -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Vomer -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Inferior Nasal Conchae -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Ethmoid -- Anatomy -- Growth -- Possible Confusion -- Siding -- Lacrimals -- Anatomy.
English = Anglais
  • Physical anthropology
  • Bone
  • Skeleton
  • Fossil hominids
  • Human remains (Archaeology)
  • Archaeology
  • Medical jurisprudence
  • Paleontology
  • Anthropologie physique
  • Os
  • Squelette
  • Homme fossile
  • Restes humains (Archéologie)
  • Archéologie
  • Médecine légale
  • Paléontologie
United States
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
GN 70 W58
Date de modification :