
Notice catalographique « Art 2002 : 7th international conference on non-destructive testing and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of the cultural and environmental heritage, 2-6 June 2002 : proceedings »

Art 2002 : 7th international conference on non-destructive testing and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of the cultural and environmental heritage, 2-6 June 2002 : proceedings
Auteur ou éditeur
Grieken, R. Van
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
University of Antwerp
Date de publication
ca. 900 p.
Table des matières


- Study of "darkening spots" induced by PIXE irradiation

- Reflectance luminescence and vibrational spectroscopies for the characterisation of gemmological materials used in works of art and handicrafts.

- Use of non-destructive methodology in the identification of old inks

- Analysis of archaeological tin spoons from Amsterdam.

- ESR and petrographic identification of classical marbles.

- Alteration at the gold/substrate interface for mercury-gilded copper-based items from cultural heritage.

- The Fornarina by Raphael. Comparison of the results from ND-analyses executed at a distance of 18 years.

- Comparative study of the degradation processes on renaissance bronze statues

- Analysis and non-destructive testing of the great wooden crucifix in the Cathedral of Chieri, Italy.

- 1H-MR imaging - a diagnostic technique for use in the conservation of historical stone artefacts.

- Spatially-resolved and non-resolved magnetic resonance techniques in the study of high surface-to-volume ratio systems.

- Effects of the cultural environment.

- The ink composition study of the Piran Ledger Codices

- Investigation of iron-gall ink corrosion of ancient manuscript by non-destructive and microanalytical methods.

- On the use of Mössbauer spectroscopy for the quantification of Fe(II)/Fe(III) in ancient manuscripts.

- Morphology of the blue artist's pigment smalt using scanning electron microscopy.

- Heating in historical buildings: a manifold problem.

- A multispectral scanning device for reflectance and colour measurements: an application to the Croce di Rosano.

- Mixed or superimposed pigments ? An FT-Raman approach.

- X-ray fluorescence of metal objects of art for their restoration.

- Portable equipments for energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of works of art.

- Application of pyrolysis to the diagnostic in the artistic field.

- How advanced diagnostic technologies could contribute to the interpretation of the inner meaning expressed through Byzantine iconography.

- TXRF analysis of inorganic pigments used in some old Albanian icons.

- Limitations of fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool for non-destructive in situ identification of organic pigments, dyes and inks.

- Preliminary results of the use of X-ray computed microtomography as a new technique in stone conservation and restoration.

- Characterisation of pictorial pigments by Raman spectroscopy

- The scientific conservation of cultural materials: a study of Australian Aboriginal bark paintings.

- Non-destructive ion beam techniques for the depth profiling of elements in Amerindian gold jewellery artefacts.

- A.S.T.E.A.: a computerised archive for ancient architectures and building techniques documentation.

- Microanalytical characterisation of ancient Syrian bronze artefacts originating from Tell Beydar.

- Raman and IR micro-spectroscopy for the study of corrosion products on archaeological bronze objects.

- Monitoring moisture-induced deformations of panel paintings: reasons, requirements and suggested equipment.

- Characterisation towards conservation of a fragment of Italian embroidered upholstery.

- Towards a taxonomy of pigments.

- Study of a 9th century illuminated manuscript from Saint Amand by PIXE, spectrophotometry and X-ray diffraction.

- Ageing of high-lead glazes in XVI-XVII century tiles.

- 3D modelling of statues: the Minerva of Arezza

- The restoration of the "Madonna del Cardellino" by Raffaello: comparison among optical techniques supporting its repair.

- Raman studies of medieval wall paintings.

- New non-destructive FTIR-spectroscopic investigations on works of art.

- The use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and pyrolysis techniques for assessing the nature of stone yellowing produced after laser cleaning

- An innovative high-resolution survey based on integrated non-destructive analyses applied to marble decorated sculptures.

- XVIIIth century glasses analysed by FTIR spectroscopy.

- Estimation of degradation of glass decorated by eglomisé technique in altar dated from the XVIIth century.

- Ancient gold and modern techniques: identification of gold supplies from Croesus to Mahomet using accelerators and ICP-MS.

- Study of the composition of the pigments used in the Christ "Maiestas Domini' painting of the Ename Church by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy.

- Analysis of paint layers by light microscopyr scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron induced micro X-ray diffraction.

- Can X-ray computed tomography contribute to cultural heritage and stone conservation through the non-destructive monitoring of deterioration and restoration processes ?

- Some aspects of the technique and materials used for mordant gilding on Byzantine icons and wall paintings.

- Chemical changes in lead-pigmented oil paints: on the early stage of formation of protrusions.

- Image processing: a helpful tool in the art conservation.

- Application of non-destructive quantitative X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to ancient non-ferrous alloys.

- Characterisation of air pollutants in museum showcases.

- Authenticating ancient gold using the U-He radiogenic clock.

- Contribution of non-destructive testing to the study, documentation and conservation of four icons of the Ionian Islands.

- Mass spectrometry as a micro-analytical method to study Kassel earth (Vandyke brown) pigments in oil paint.

- Modern and ancient glass in the polluted atmosphere: what is the prevailing phenomenon?

- Lixiviation, corrosion, soiling, encrusting, ... ?

- Neutron radiography and tomography investigations of samples of archaeological and natural historical importance.

- Use of XRF portable instruments for the study of mosaic materials. Preliminary experiments.

- Microchemical analysis of inorganic materials used in Romanian 16th - 19th century icons - Part II.

- Computed tomographic investigation of the Octorious Athlete with further observations on square patching and other features.

- Innovative techniques for the characterisation of encrustation on Pentelic marble from the Parthenon.

- A new scanning device for high-resolution IR-colour reflectography of paintings

- Deterioration of Jurassic limestone - mineralogical and chemical analyses.

- Pigments and binders, a study of artists' materials based on Raman spectroscopy and total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF).

- Addictions to lead-tin-antimony yellow - recent researches and results

- Characterisation of iron based pigments through XRF analysis.

- Research and developments of innovative systems for assisted investigations and diagnosis.

- NDT as a tool for materials characterisation, environmental impact assessment, conservation, evaluation and strategical planning regarding the protection of cultural heritage.

- NDT methodology for the protection of mosaics.

- NDT planning methodology of conservation interventions on historic buildings.

- Evaluation of the protective effect of commercially available aluminium alkoxides on vegetable tanned leather deteriorated through oxidation.

- Endangered glass objects identified by ion beam analysis

- Non-destructive metallurgical analysis of astrolabes utilising synchrotron radiation

- Understanding a bronze age weapon hoard.

- PIXE identification of pigments used in old masters paintings: black chalk used as a pigment in an oil painting attributed to Lambert Lombard (Liège, 1506-1566)

- Non-destructive analysis of the Codex Egberti.

- Changes in the chemical composition of historical objects determined by FTIR microscopy.

- Investigation of banner silver embroidery degradation.

- A critical analysis of commercial pigments.

- Coding techniques for image databases in virtual monitoring of cultural heritage.

- Environmental monitoring of the microclima, air pollutants and microbial contamination in the National Gallery of Umbria. Part 2.

- The analysis of eight manuscripts and fragments from the 5th / 6th century to the 12th century, with particular reference to the use of and identification of "real purple" in manuscripts.

- Web-based exchange of infrared and Raman spectra: a new IRUG initiative

- Chemical characterisation with microanalytical techniques of blue panels of the XVIth century.

- Non-destructive investigations of Dürer's silver point drawings by PIXE and SR-XRF.

- Study of building through diagnosis for an intervention aimed to repair. Case of the Precettoria of S. Antonio of Ranverso (Turin, Italy)

- Micro-computed tomography (mCT) as a new non-destructive tool for the characterisation of archaeological glasses.

- Microclimate monitoring assures the long lasting preservation of frescoes.

- An information system and dissemination of knowledge tools regarding heterogeneous data in the recovery of historical buildings: from ARKIS to ARKIS-NET.

- Indoor air quality in the National Gallery of Umbria (Italy): monitoring of microclima, air pollutants and microbial contamination. Part 1.

- Realisation of standards for ancient pigments.

- On the XRF detection of Ti in white spots of paintings.

- Proteomics approach of binding media in art painting.

- Analysis of copal resins in 19th century oil paints and resin/oil varnishes

- Infrared and ion beam analysis of 15th century stained glass.

- Application of LA-ICP-MS in the identification of the plating method used in the production of Roman coins (250 - 350 AD).

- Identification of inks and pigments in ancient Egyptian Bookof Death by SEM-EDS.

- Authentication of an historic painting at the Santa Ines Mission, California.

English = Anglais
  • Non-destructive testing
  • Art - Expertising
  • Painting - Expertising
  • Art - Expertise
  • Contrôle non destructif
  • Peinture - Expertise
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
TA 417.2 C68 2002
Date de modification :