
Notice catalographique « ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC : 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland 1996 : preprints »

ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC : 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland 1996 : preprints
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Bridgland, Janet
  • ICOM Committee for Conservation
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
International Council of Museums
Date de publication
2 v.
Table des matières


Preventive Conservation / Conservation préventive
J.E. Bergh, H. Mourier and K.P. Poulsen

Lethal Effects of Low Pressure Vacuum on some Museum Pest Insects
Susan Bradley

Development of an Environmental Policy for the British Museum
Simon F. Cane

The Introduction of Preventive Conservation at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester
Stephen Cannon-Brookes and Malcolm Parry

Daylighting Dosage Prediction for Side-lit Interiors in
Museum Galleries and Historic Buildings
Katherine Eremin, Paul Wilthew

The Effectiveness of Barrier Materials in reducing Emissions of Organic Gases from Fibreboard: Results of Preliminary Tests

L'usage de la lumière naturelle en muséographieJean-Jacques Ezrati

Preventive Conservation in Swedish Museums: Technical Museum Storage Room Survey 1994-1995
Jan G. Holmberg, and Lars-Uno Johansson

Large-Scale Disinfestation of Museum Objects using Nitrogen Anoxia
Shin Maekawa and Kerstin Elert

The Wellcome Unpacking Project Preparing a Multi-material Collection for Storage
Catherine Nightingale and Helen Kingsley

A Case History of Managing Outbreaks of Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella)
Ruth E. Norton

Low Energy Climate Control in Museum Stores: A Postscript
Tim Padfield and Annabel Robinson

The Climate behind Pictures Mounted against the Outer Walls of the Chapel of Ledreborg, Denmark
Tim Padfield

Quantfying the Conservation Backlog - The Trondelag Project
Elizabeth E. Peacock and Roar Saeterhaug

Torpid Larvae of the Webbing Clothes Moth, Tineola Bisselliella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae), and Moth Control
Success in Museums
Irene N Provorova

Maintenance of Microbiological Safety of Artifacts in Different Conditions of Storage : from Show-case to Open Air
N. L. Rebrikova, N.V. Manturovskaya

Light-induced Damage: Investigating the Reciprocity Principle
David Saunders and, J.O. Kirby

Mould Growth in Tropical Environments: A Discussion
B. de Tapol, "Interactive" Didactic Material in Conservation
Graeme Scott

Training in Conservation and Restoration / Forrnation en
conservation et restauration

La formation professionnelle, une affaire à suivre
Emmanuel Caillé, Kate Foley and Colin Pearson

The Creation of Self-development Learning Packages (SDLP) and Formalised Object Construction and Use Sequences (FOCUS)
Chris Caple

PREMA: A Training Strategy for a Change or Let's Stop Building Castles in the Sand
Terry Little, Catherine Antomarchi, Gael de Guichen, Alain Godonou

Conservation Training for Developing Countries:The Hopes and Realities
Colin Pearson

Conservation Training: The Pacfic Islands' Priorities
Neal Putt

The Education and Training of Art Conservators:
Teaching the Triptych of Practice, History and Science
Joyce Hill Stoner

Education of the Conservator-Restorer at the Fine Arts School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Bethania Reis Veloso

Assessing Student Practical Work
David Watkinson and Siobhan Stevenson

Theory and History of Restoration / Théorie et histoire de la restauration

Accreditation in Conservation: The Canadian Experience
Karen Colby-Stothart, Carole Dignard and Michaela Keyserlingk

The State of the Professionalization of Conservators in
Germany, Existing Data of Conservators' Associations and Institutes of Higher Education
Kornelius Gotz

Stability as a Technical and an Ethical Requirement in Conservation
Francoise Hanssen-Bauer

The Cleaning Controversy and the Keeping of Secrets at the Nationa Gallery in Oslo 1917-1921
Johannes Rod

Cleaning Controversies and "The Two Cultures" steps towards Professional Autonomy
Erling S. Skaug

Mireille Maria te Marvelde, an Eighteenth-century Restorer of Paintings

The State of Professionalism in Restoration in the 1930s in Germany
Michael von der Goltz

Scientific Examination of Works of Art / Investigation scientifique des oeuvres d'art

A Mass Spectrometric Study of the Effect of Varnish Removal from a 19th Century Solvent-sensitive Wax Oil Painting
Jaap J. Boon and Jos van Och

Apport de l'analyse PIXE à l'étude de la technique picturale d'un thang-ka peint du musée Guimet de Paris
Sylvie Colinart, Duncan Mac Arthur and Gilles Beguin

Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acids as Ethyl Chloroformate Derivatives: Identification of Proteinaceous Binding Media by Interpretation of Amino Acid Composition Data
Michael R. Schilling, Herant P. Khanjian

Gas Chromatographic Determination of the Fatty Acid and Glycerol content of Lipids: The Effects of Pigments and Aging on the Composition of Oil Paints
Michael R. Schilling, Herant P. Khanjian

Paintings I: Conservation and Restoration of Paintings / Peinture I: Conservation et restauration des peintures

Glue-Paste Lining of Paintings: An Evaluation of Some Additive Materials
Paul Ackroyd

Transparent Lining of Paintings
Gustav A. Berger

Canvas Shrinkage: A Preliminary Investigation into the
Response of a Woven Structure
Thomas Bilson

A Study of the Clearance of Solvent Gels used for Varnish Removal from Paintings
Aviva Burnstock and Tanya Kieslich

La restauration d'une Vièrge hodigitria attribuée à l'Ecole d'Onuphre XVléme siècle: Exemple de coopération internationale dans le domaine de la conservation
Nicole S. Delsaux

Investigation into the Deformations of Panel Paintings
K. Dreiner, P. Klein and I. Zillich

Studies on the Deacidfication of Canvas Supports with Magnesium Methoxy Methyl Carbonate (MMC)
Stephen Hackney, Joyce Townsend and Nicolas Wyplosz

The Consolidation of Paintings on Copper Supports
Isabel Horovitz

The Discovery of Oil Sketches on the Reverse of "Le Basin de Jas de Bouffan"
Gillian McMillan

CCI Lining Project: Preliminary Testing of Lined Model Paintings
Stefan Michalski and Debra Daly Hartin

Non-Invasive Evaluation of Moisture Sorption and Desorption Processes in Canvases
M. Odlyha, G. Foster and M.Scharff

Use of KRF Excimer Laser for Cleaning Fragile and
Problematic Paint Surfaces
William A. Real, Demetrios Anglos, loanna Zergioti and Yota Spetsidou

Kinetics of Cellulose Fiber Degradation and Correlation with some Tensile Properties to Plan Consolidation or Lining Interventions
Giovanna C Scicolone, Elena Rossi, Antonio Sardella, Alberto Seves and Giovanni Testa

The Silver Framed Icons in Old Russian Art
Anna Nikolaievna Trifonova

Biaxial Properties of Sized Cotton-Duck
Christina R. T. Young

Paintings II: Scientific Study of Paintings / Peinture II: Etude
scientifique des peintures

Interpretation as an Inevitable Risk in Conservation of Icons
Yuri Bobrov

Formal Connoisseurship and the Study of Paintings Techniques
Spike L. Bucklow

The Technical Examination of Joachim Beuckelaers "The
Miraculous Draught of Fishes"
Joris Dik, Arie Wallert, Yvonne Szafran, HJ.M. Meijers, K.A.N. Abelskamp, R. Leenheer and H. Kars

Les feuilles mixtes or argent en peinture de chevalet
Myriam Eveno and Elisabeth Martin

Examination of the painting Technique of Nine Dutch Pictures of the First Half of the 18th Century
Karin Groen, Matthijs de Keijzer and Elisabeth Baadsgaard

Expert Examination of Icons
Olga Lelekova

Technique picturale et problèmes de conservation des
peintures mates d'Antoine Wiertz (1806-1865)
Françoise Rosier

Turner's "Drawing Book", The Liber Studiorium: Materials
and Techniques
Joyce H. Townsend

A Proposal for the Classfication of Painting Recipes
Margriet H. Van Eikema Hommes

Mongolian Thangka Paintings from the 18th and 19th Centuries. Techniques and Use of Materials in Thangka Paintings
Karin Vestergaard

A Preliminary Attempt to Identfy Ruben's Studio Practice
Jurgen Wadum

Polychrome Sculpture / Sculpture polychrome

La sculpture polychromée du XVIIIe siècle dans l'état de
Minas Gerais, Brésil: quelques caractéristiques techniques, formelles et stylistiques
Beatriz Ramos de Vasconcelos Coelho and Marcos César de Senna Hill

Our Lady of Delivery: Restoration of a "tella encolada" Sculpture
Gilca Flores de Medeiros

Polychromed Sculpture and Textile Arts
Manfred Koller

The Processional Image in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Maria Regina Emery Quites

Mural Paintings and Rock Art / Peintures murales et art rupestre

Characterization of Pigments Used on Roman and Abbasid Frescoes in Jordan Chompunut Prasartset, Materials and Techniques of Thai Wall Paintings: A
Comparative Study of late 19th Century Murals and Early-period Murals
Marie-Claude Corbeil, John Peter Oleson and Rebecca Foote

Artiste et restaurateur face à la matière picturale et sa
Walter Schudel

Les peintures de Saint-Savin-sur-Gartemp: étude 20 ans après leur restoration
M. Stefanaggi, B. Callede, S. Demaily, P. Hugon, G. Orial, A. Brunet and I. Dangas

Rock Art on Lake Baikal: Research and Practice in Rock Art Preservation
Emma N. Ageeva and Natalia L. Rebrikova

Stereophotogrammetric Recording of Rock Art at the Cueva de El Raton, Baja California, Mexico
John Bell, Jean-Pierre Jerôme, Peter Sawyer, Valerie Magar and Nicholas Stanley Price

Intihuasi 5, Cordoba, Argentina: Back to the Original Ground Level
Erica Bolle

Problématique liée à la conservation de la grotte ornée Henri Cosquer: l'accès artficiel est-il possible?
Philippe Malaurent, Jean Vouvé and Jacques Brunet

Le parc national "Serra da Capivara, Piaui" Brésil: Essai de nettoyages des parois peintes
Maria Conceiçao Soares Meneses Lage, Sonia Campello and Jacques Brunet

Andrew Thorn, (Rogers 2). 7H20

Graphic Documents / Documents graphiques

Mechanisms of Paper Ageing and Non-aqueous Paper Deacidfication Combined with Paper Strengthening
Manfred Anders, Karl Bredereck and Anna Haberditzl

L'Analyse des papyrus
Marie-Caroline de Bignicourt and Françoise Flieder

The Application of Enzyme-containing Methylcellulose Gels for the Removal of Starch-based Adhesives in Albums
Agnes Bluher, Gerhard Banik, Karl-Heinz Maurer and Elisabeth Thobois

The Elimination of Parchment Deformation in a Text Blockfrom Simeon Gordyi's Codex
Galina Z. Bykova, Tatisna B. Rogozina, Natalia L. Petrova and Valeria S. Petetskaya

Etude comparée des peintures de plusieurs manuscrits du meme texte: le de laudibus sanctae Crucis de Raban
Bernard Guineau, Laurent Dulin and Jean Vezin

Changes in Some Mechanical Properties of Paper during Ageing in an Archival Box
Jozef Hanus, Magda Komornikova and Jarmila Minarikova

Une lieue sous la mer, le Titanic: traitement des papiers
Florence Herrenschmidt, Marianne Moinot, Stéphane
Louis Pennec, Ian MacLeod and Claire Chahine

Improving and Monitoring the Condition of a Collection of Illuminated Parchment Manuscript Fragments - at Home and in Transit
Merryl Huxtable, Victoria Button, Danny Norman and David Ford

The Papersave Process - a New Mass Deacidfication Treatment in the German Library, Leipzig
Joachim Liers, Jurgen Wittekind and Claus Theune

The Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts: Two Case Studies
Ann Peckstadt, Lieve Watteeuw andJan Wouters

Etude du comportement mécanique des dessins de grands formats doublés sur des matériaux non-tissés
Alain Roche

Etude comparative des procédés de renforcement mécanique des papiers par thermocollage et clivage
Léon-Bavi Vilmont, Georges Gervason and Astrid-Christiane Brandt

Tannins on the Parchment of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Arie Wallert

Photographic Records / Documents photographiques

La restauration du Fonds Tuminello: Problèmes techniques de restauration et de conservation des premiers négatifs photographiques
Silvia Berselli and Giulia Cucinella Briant

Acetic Acid and Paper Alkaline Reserve: Assessment of a Practical Situation in Film Preservation
Jean-Louis Bigourdan, Peter Z. Adelstein and James M. Reilly

The Use of Digital Imaging for the Preservation of Collections of Photographs and Motion Pictures
Rudolf Gschwind, Lukas Rosenthaler and Franziska Frey

Accelerated Aging: Changes in Swelling and Melting Point of Photographic Gelatin
Jesper Stub Johnsen

The Coming of Age of Photograph Conservation
Nora Kennedy

Relevés infographiques pour le constat d'état des
Jean-Gabriel Lopez

Air-drying of Water-soaked Photographic Materials:
Observations and Recommendations
Debra Hess Norris

Etudes des techniques de montages des panoramas photographiques composés des vues juxtaposées sur papier albuminé
Sandra Petrillo

Ethnographic Collections / Collections ethnographiques

Where Symbols Meet: Conservation for a West African Exhibit at the Glenbow Museum
Heather Dumka and Susan Braovac

Les objectfs de la conservation et de la restauration de l'art forain
C.A. Faye, B.M. Rolland-Villemot, B. Rostagno and F. Vassal

Some Aspects of Moving an Anthropological collection
Ethnographic Collections
Greta Hansen

Laundry Bluing as a Colorant in Ethnographic Objects
Nancy N. Odegaard and Matthew F. Crawford

Expect the Unexpected: Early Uses of Plastic in Ethnographic Collections
Catherine Sease and April H. Berry

Artifacts Revisited: The Evaluation of Old Treatments
Thomas G. Stone

Wet Organic and Archaeological Materials / Matériaux organiques et archéologiques gorgés d'eau

Etude de cas: Le traitement de masse de cuirs archéologiques gorgés d'eau
Céline Bonnot

Sucrose for Waterlogged Wood - Not So Simple at All
Perr Hoffmann


Hanging Out: Strength, Elongation, and Relative Humidity:
Some Physical Properties of Textiles Fibers
Mary W. Ballard

The Application of Low Energy X-Radiography in the Examination and Investigation of Degraded Historic Silk
Textiles: Preliminary Report
M. M. Brooks, S O'Connor and J.G.McDonnell

La restauration d'un ensemble de bannières et de peintures provenant du site de Dunhuang et conservées au Musée National des Arts Asiatiques-Giumet
Natalie Coural, Claire Gerin-Pierre, Michel Cailleteau

To Clean or Not to Clean: The Value of Soils and Creases
Dinah Eastop, Mary Brooks

Some Mechanical Effects of Inappropriate Humidity on Textiles
David Howell

Conservation and Cooperation: Treatment of the Tablet
Woven Gondar Hanging at the Canadian Conservation Institute
Michaela Keyserlingk

A Preliminary Study of Light-ageing Effects on the Analysis of Natural Flavonoid-dyed Wools by Photodiode Array HPLC and by Direct Temperature Mass Spectrometry
Anita Quye

Investigation into the Effects of Cleaning Old, Dyed,
naturally Soiled Textiles by Aqueous Immersion
Yvonne Shashoua

The Conservation Treatment of Two Partially Restored
18th Century Brussels Tapestries
Lynsay K. Shephard

The Use of Photogrammetry in Determining the Correct Method of Displaying a Textile Artefact: The Cowl of St Francis of Assisi
Rosalia Varoli-Piazza, Rosanna Rosicarello and Maria Giorgi

Conservation of Leathercraft and Related Objects / Conservation des cuirs artisanaux et objets similaires

Manon Kite

Vegetable Tanned Leather: Evaluation of the Protective Effect of Aluminium Alkoxide Treatment
René Larsen, Claire Chahine, Jan Wouters and Christopher Calnan

Tensioning Gilded and Painted Leather
Mara Nimmo, Mariabianca Paris, Lidia Rissoto, Francesco Bonetti and Paolo Cappa

L'ADN ancien. Outil de diagnostic dans le domaine des biens culturels
Dominique de Reyer, Sandrine Pibout, Nicole dennebouy, and Monique Monnerot

Natural History Collections / Collections d' histoire naturelle

Deterioration of Calcareou Materials by Acetic Acid Vapour: A Model Study
Agnes W. Brokerhof and Maarten van Bommel

The Fossil Forest Project at The Canadian Conservation Institute
David W. Grattan, Charles Gruchy, Malcolm Bilz and Carl Bigras

The Conservation Assessment Survey as a Long-range
Planning Tool: A Case Study at the Peabody Museum
Barbara P. Moore

Stone/Matériaux pierreux

Radiographie et restauration de marbres antiques: l'exemple du Musee du Louvre
Brigitte Bourgeois, Jean-Louis Boutaine and Bernard Rattoni

Desalination of Highly Deteriorated Stone: A Preliminary Evaluation of Preconsolidants
Eric F. Hansen, John Griswold, Leslie Harrison and WiDiam S. Ginell

The Conservation of the Atrium of the Capitoline Museum
Roberto Nardi

The Conservation of Funerary Monuments at the Protestant
Cemetery (Cimitero Acattolico) in Rome: Initial treatment of the Lady Temple Memorial
Thomas C. Roby

Glass, Ceramics and Related Materials / Verre, céramiques et matériaux apparentés

Conservation of Glass Recovered from Shipwreck Sites
Carmela Corvaia, lan D. MacLeod and Cate Harley

La dégradation des émaux peints des XVe et XVIe siècles
Dominique Germain-Bonne, Isabelle Biron and Patrick Trocellier

Reconstruding Major Missing Areas of Ceramic Vessels using Clay
Loretta Hogan, Lorna Butler, John Cooper, Kirsten Elliott, Denise Ling, Jan Quinton, Michelle Sank, Susie Stirling, Wendy Walker, Fiona Ward

Glass Deterioration in the Museum Environment: A Study of the Mechanisms of Decay using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Jason L. Ryan, David S. McPhail, Philip S. Rogers and Victoria L. Oakley

The Manufacture and Conservation of Egyptian Faience
Sandra M. Smith

Analyses of Deteriorated Spanish Glass Windows, Cleaning Methods using Gel Systems
Nieves Valentin, Andrés Sanchez and Isabel Herraez

The Conservation of a Vandalised Nodding Figure, Royal
Pavilion, Brighton
Bouke de Vries


Faciès de corrosion développés sur des poids en plomb du Musée du CNAM de Paris
Christian Degrigny, René Le Gall and Elodie Guilminot

Environmental Threats to Archaeological Artefacts
Monika Fjaestad, Anders G. Nord, Kate Tronner, Inga Ullén and Agneta Lagerlof

Prevention of conservation Problems of Outdoor Sculpture -
the Importance of the Commissioning Documentation
Janet Hughes

Corrosion and Conservation of Lead in Sea Water
lan Donald MacLeod and Rhonda Wozniak

Traitement de conservation d'une croix processionnelle
du XVème siècle
Maria Paz F. -Bolanos

Outdoor Bronze Sculptures - A Conservation View on the Examination of the State of Preservation
Helena Strandberg, Lars-Gunnar Johansson and Jan Rosvall

Furniture and Lacquer / Meubles et laques

Coordinators' overview
Valerie Dorge and Marianne Webb

New versus Old Wood: Differences and Similarities in Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Properties
David Erhardt, Marion F. Mecklenburg, Charles S. Tumosa and Tone M. Olstad

Historical Colours used in 17th Century and 18th Century
Margaret Ballardie

On Ryukyu Urushi Technique and Restoration
Kazumi Murose

The Red Lacaquer-work in the Cabinet of Miniatures in the Munich Residenz
Katharina Walch, Joahnn Koller, Ursula Baumer and Christian-Herbert Fischer

Resins: Characterization and Evaluation / Résines: Caractérisation et évaluation

The Aging of Parylene: Difficulties with the Arrhenius Approach
M. Bilz and D. W. Grattan

State of Oxidation of Diterpenoid Pinaceae Resins in Varnish, Wax Lining Material, 18th Century Paint and a Recent Copper Resinate Glaze
KlaasJan van den Berg, Ivana Pastorova, Leo Spetter and Jaap J. Boon

A Comparison of the Interaction of Five Adhesives with Mastodon Tooth Adherends
I. K. L. Vestergaard and C. V. Horie

Modern Materials / Matériaux modernes

Testing and Development of Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium Artefacts
C. R. Moynehan, G. C. Allen and E. Then

La conservation-restauration de deux linoléums de la Maison Pasteur
Stéphane Louis Pennec, Rhonda Wozniak, Alain Tchapla and Jean Bleton

A Passive Approach to the Conservation of Polyvinyl Chloride
Yvonne Shashoua

The Use of Accelerated Ageing Tests for Studying the Degradation of Cellulose Nitrate
R. Stewart, D. Littlejohn, R. A. Pethrick, N. H. Tennent and A. Quye

Life Long Guaranteed: The Effect of Accelerated Ageing on Tupperware Objects made of Polyethylene
Thea B. van Oosten and Arjo Aten

Laser Suface profilometry in Materials Consenvation
Daryl Williams and Sheila Fairbrass

Autres titres
  • ICOM-CC preprints
  • 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland 1996
  • French = Français
  • English = Anglais
  • Art objects - Conservation and restoration
  • Cultural property - Protection
  • Objets d'art - Conservation et restauration
  • Biens culturels - Protection
United Kingdom
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
N 8560 I53 1996
Date de modification :