
Notice catalographique « Conservation commune d'un patrimoine commun = Gemeinsames erbe Gemeinsam Erhalten : 2ème colloque du programme Franco-Allemand de recherche pour la conservation des monuments historiques, Bonn, 1996 »

Conservation commune d'un patrimoine commun = Gemeinsames erbe Gemeinsam Erhalten : 2ème colloque du programme Franco-Allemand de recherche pour la conservation des monuments historiques, Bonn, 1996
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
Programme Franco-Allemand de Recherche pour la Conservation des Monuments Historique
Date de publication
408 p.
Table des matières


Angela Nickel
Results of the researches to the history of the restoration of the stained glass in Meissen cathedral

Claudine Lautier and Nathalie Frachon-Gielarek, and Anne Pinto
The stained glass windows of the choir of the cathedral in Tours and the restoration concept from the 18th to the mid 20th century

Wolfgang E. Krumbein, Anna A. Gorbushina and
K. Palinska
Microbiogenic Surface Changes of Ancient Glass, Model Glass and Glass Sensors

Manfred Torge, Wolfgang Müller, Karin Adam and Ch.Köcher
Browning of glasses by oxidation of manganese

Marie-France Rousseau-Djabri, Anne-Marie Jaunet and Michel Robert
Glass alteration: role of bacteria and biological secretions in dissolution and glass browning

Pierre Barbey, Jérôme Sterpenich and Guy Libourel
Stained glass weathering: Corrosion products, manganese oxidation states, effects of retreatments of the surface

Evelyn Krawczyk-Bärsch, Siegfried Däbritz and Wolfgang Hauffe
The darkening of medieval glass by oxidation of manganese

Monika Piiz
Studies on the appilcation of sol-gel-materials for the effective protection of cleaned stained glasses against further darkening

Anne Pinto
Cleaning and consolidation of glass samples

Jean-Hugues Thomassin, Arnaud Gauthier, Marie-Françoise Abrioux, Philippe le Coustumer and Colette Besse
Cleaning treatments of stained glass windows supercritical drying and application of restoring products: Studies by electron microscopy

Jean-Michel Rosant, Patrice Mestayer, Jack Legrand and Yves Lorin
Test bench of historic stained glass windows protective glazing

S. Belharat, V. Garnier, G. Desrayaud and Guy Lauriat
Modelling and numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in vented double glazing-windows used for protecting historic stained giass-windows

Manfred Meurer and Joachim Vogt
An investigation of the indoor climate of the cathedral of Meissen

Jürgen Roloff, Roland Martin, Hubert Weier
Climatological calculation of a very heavy building - using the example "Meissner Dorm"

Horst Schuh
Preliminary investigations on the moisture and salt distribution on the north wall of the high choir (Meissen, cathedral).

Rainer Blum, Eva Nägelsbach and Uwe Rahm
Nondestructive physical methods in preservation of monuments : results in Tours and Meissen

Martin Joob, Gabriele Grassegger and Jurgen Frick
Pre-investgation by IR-thermography and chemical methods of the Meissen cathedral

Werner Klemm
Studies of the moisture and salt content in damage zones in the cathedral of Meissen

Evelyn Krawczyk-Bärsch, Siegfried Dabritz, Wolfgang Hauffe
Investigations concerning the problem of humidity and salt crystallization on the northern chancel wall of the Meissner Dorm

Stefan Simon, Christoph Herm and Jacques Lemaire
Ultrasonic investigation on sandstone sculptures and studies on painting technology at the back of the choir stalls in Meissen cathedral

Esther von Plehwe-Leisen
Investigatlons into preservation state and conservation treatments of sandstones from the Allerheiligenkapelle

Harald Vogel and Josef Brauns
Geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations at the cathedral of Salem

Gabriele Grassegger, Adrian Cerepi, Rene Burlot, Gunter Weiss, Louis Humbert
The Varieties and the Dacay Properties of the Molassic Sandstones from the Salem Minster - Petrography and Petrophysics

Jürgen Frick and Laurent Fallotm Mo Dai, Louis Humbert
Image analysis on scanning electron-microscopy images of sandstone varieties from the Minster in Salem.

Thomas Felix Reichert, Annette Bräuning and Eckehard Karotke
Effects of air pollutants on selected prepared and not prepared stones (Salem and Thann)

Jacques Phillppon
Etudes sur la conservation des tuffeaux de la cathédrale
Saint-Gatien de Tours

David Dessandier, Herve Gaboriau
Facies, porous medium and fluid transfer properties of tuffeau stones used in the cathedral Saint-Gatien of Tours

Gregoire Chéné, Claude Brunjail, Guy Bastian, Jack Legrand, René Burlotk, Adrian Cérépi
Experimental simulation of moisture migration through sandstone (Salem abbey) and tuffeau (Tours cathedral)

Stefan Bruggerhoff and Georg Wange
Examination of climatic influences to the stone material of the St. Gatien cathedral, Tours

Jacques Vouve and Philippe Malaurent
Microclimatic conditions and environmentai study of
a test wall selected inside the space of St. Gatien, Tours

Pierre Morat
Contribution To Stones Decay

Jean-Paul Laurent
Modelling water transport in the cathedral tuffeau using the "STEP" software

Weathering of tuffeaux and the petrographic changes of solid matrix and pore space, cathedral Saint-Gatien, Tours

René Burlot, Adrian Cerepi, Jurgen Frick, Friedrich Gruner and Louis Humbert
Part I: Petrophysics

Laurent Fallot, Jürgen Frick, Mo Dai, Louis Humbert
Part II: Microdiagraphy by use of image analysis.

Lidia Oubeid, Grabriele Grassegger, Louis Humbert
Part III: Texture heterogeneity and process

Andre Girou, Ricardo Guerra, Adrian Cerepi, Michel Franceschi, Louis Humber
Part IV: Experimental dissolution of tuffeau

Silvin Mausfeld
Reactions of clay minerals on weathering
processes: preliminary results of an x-ray diffraction study of a tuffeau limestone from the cathedral St. Gatien...

Roger-Alexandre Lefèvre, Mickaël Derbez, Melanie Gregoire, Patrick Ausset
Stone and glass sulphation in the urban environment: the Tours cathedral

Thomas Vieweger
Consolidation and grouting on the decayed tuffeau of the Tours cathedral. Application of the products.

Jacques Lemaire, Dominique Fromageot, Nicolas Pichon
In situ FTIR -microspectrophotometric analysis of organic compounds used in the consolidation of stones of the Toursand Meissen cathedrals

Stefan Simon
Studies on weathering and conservation of tuffeau at the pilot object St. Gatien in Tours

Eberhard Wendler, Friedrich Heckmann
Problems of surface and structural consolidation of tuffeau stone.

Ludwig Sattler, Hans Ettl
Problems of scalefixing by means of injection mortars concerning the tuffeau material

English = Anglais
  • Monuments - Conservation and restoration
  • Stone - Deterioration
  • Monuments historiques - Conservation et restauration
  • Pierre à bâtir - Détérioration
  • Monuments - Conservation et restauration
  • Pierre - Détérioration
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
N 8850 C55 1996
Date de modification :