
Notice catalographique « New strategies for communication in museums : proceeding of ICOM / CECA 1996 »

New strategies for communication in museums : proceeding of ICOM / CECA 1996
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Kräutler, Hadwig
  • ICOM Committee for Education and Cultural Action
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
WUV Universitatsverlag
Date de publication
177 p.
Table des matières


Hans Peter Schwarz: Opportunities and limitations in communication technologies in museums

Gabriele Staarmann: the digitisation of art and museum
Titus Leber: The electronic museum: From the virtual to the imaginary museum

Michael Bockemühl: Can the museum dispense with the original work of art?

Peter Samis: The quest for a multimedia approach suited to the complexity of modern and contemporary art: a view from America

Xavier Perrot: New strategies of interactive applications in museums - a case study: Videomusem

G.S. Rautela: The role of museums in the information age

Adriana Mortara Almeida et al.
New communication strategies in Brazilian museums

Janusz Byszewski: The Other Museum - some questions (Abstract)

Orhan Kipcak
The Telematic Museum and MAK Design Info-Pool. Strategies of production (Abstract)

Peter Weibel
The museum of the future

William H.T. Vaughan
Multimedia, information technology and the education of art
historians (Abstract)

Paulette M. McManus
Towards criteria for the evaluation of interactive multimedia exhibits (Abstract)

Anne Claudel: Who needs national art inventories?

Danielle Boily, Céline De Guise, Bernadette Goldstein: An Internet exhibition: Christmas tradition: from a warehouse for objects to an electronic museum

Roland Jackson
Opportunities for museum education through digital networks

Peter Schneyder
Culture cannot be replaced by anything - above all not by technology (Abstract)

Francine Lelièvre
Virtuality and interactivity for beginners: What are the educational implications of this new technology? (Abstract)

Anne Claudel: Who needs national art inventories?

Danielle Boily, Céline De Guise, Bernadette Goldstein
An Intenet exhibition: "Christmas traditions in France and Canada. " For whom? and why?

Andrea Weltzl-Fairchild, Lise Dubé
Can multi-media help resolve cognitive dissonance?

Jutta Thinesse-Demel
Socrates-project: adult education for culture

Marilyn Phelan
Copyright issues in the use of multimedia technology in museum communication

Susan Hazan
The virtual art experience - beyond the museum walls. Children of the World Draw Jerusalem

Samy Bill
Strolling as a form of media education: On the role of space and time in the museum

Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu
The difficulties of turning a national database into a network
of museum databases

Richard Lachapelle
Pointing the camera the other way: What informant-made videos tell us about the museum experience

Trygve Haug
Aurora Borealis - known as The Northem Lights

Toncika Cukrov
Zagreb museums' educational project "What impressed Prof.-Baltasar in a museum"

Radek Horacek
The end of animation development in Central Europe? (Abstract)

Anne Berit Sael
Children's activities at the Canning Museum (Abstract)

Magda Krön
"Ans Werk" - Salzburg museums' invitation to the public (Abstract)

Mila Skaric
Arhimir Project (Abstract)

Christian Bauer
Communication tasks in exhibition marketing

Muriel Silberstein-Storfer
"Look what i see": A hands-on workshop in a new format

Arja van Veldhuizen
"Look at IT"

Denise C. Studart
The use of computer-based exhibits in a children's gallery: a case study

Julia Cordova-Gonzales
Yatiqasina: How to learn and understand at the San Miguel de Azapa Museum of Archaeology, Arica, Chile

Magaly Cabral
The significance of a multimedia programme in the Rui Barbosa Museum House Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Anneke van de Kieft
Gallery computer application: "Kopper" Monday

Eva Kolm
Personal mediatorship and digital media in the museum

Gerhard Frank
WECHSELSPIEL. Die Kunst des Staunens Ingomar Fritz: How can a Geographical Information System (GIS) improve archive management and presentations at museums of natural sciences? (Abstract)

Lida Branchesi
Multimedial approach and "real" and "virtual" interactivity as values in arts and museum education. Examples from Project MUSE (Abstract)

John H. Brooks
WHAT IF machine: exploring artistic creativity

Sara Smidt
"Erzählweisen ": Exemplary educational work at European institutions of art (Abstract)

Maija Koskinen
"Living history- World Heritage Sites in the Baltic Region" Multimedia CD-ROM programme

Claudia Haas
Building Vienna's first children's museum

Paul Rees
The Transatlantic Slave Gallery at the Merseyside Maritime Museum: communicating a "taboo" subject
Ann Grönhammar: Swedish Kings and Queens, a CD ROM production at the Royal Armoury, Stockholm (Abstract)

Magaly Cabral
Global museum (abstracts)

Reinhard Pohanka
The theory of the Global Museum (Abstract)

Dan Matei: Diversity and uniformity in the Web Museum - is there a possible reconciliation? (Abstract)

Bernd Lötsch
Virtual reality versus natural reality

Jean-Paul Natali
Science centers: between reality and virtuality (Abstract)

Hans Petschar
Report of the study group

Annalisa Zanni
The Piero Story : a different exhibition

Heidemarie Seblatnig
The language of empty space

Nike Glaser Wieninger
Video as a medium of communication

Geertrui Pas, Nicole Gesché-Koning
Report of the study group and the CECA Working Group

Franziska Dürr Reinhard
Kirchner's Cat. A children's book about Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (Abstract)

Image banks as a medium of communication (and European Region to ICOM-CECA)

Alison M. Heath
Report of the study group

Report of the European region to ICOM-CECA

Organisational models - information and education

Anica Ribicic Zupanic
Museum between socio-economic reality and the state structure

Matthias Opik
Going digital: the use of digital media for museum communication

Report of the study group

Petru Moldovan, Marius Claudiu Zeucianu
Useful tricks for the design and development of the museu
Web pages (Abstract)

Janos Karasz
The museum laboratory: An experimental approach (Abstract)

Charlotte Grake
Multimedia and communication with disabled people
Report of the study group

Marian Ciz
Report of excursion day in Bratislava

Harald Mehus Kräutler
Report of excursion day in Lower Austria


Michael Perin Wogenburg
Multimedia in museums. Opportunities and limitations (Abstract)

Harald Krämer
How should a museum database be structured so that the museum educator can make intelligent use of it? (Abstract)

Roland Jackson
The use of the Intenet as a medium of communication in museums (Abstract)

Werner Rodlauer
Museums on the Web - a new future in serving the audience? (Abstract)

Matthias Opik
Museum online. An introduction to the Internet (Abstract)

Autres titres
CECA '96, Austria : conference proceedings
English = Anglais
  • Museums - Automation
  • Museums - Interactive multimedia
  • Information technology
  • Multimedia systems
  • Technologie de l'information
  • Multimédia
  • Musées - Automatisation
  • Musées - Multimédias interactifs
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
QA 76.9 I58 I36 1996
Date de modification :