
Notice catalographique « GRADOC - Graphic Documentation Systems in Mural Painting Conservation : research seminar, Rome 16-20 November 1999 »

GRADOC - Graphic Documentation Systems in Mural Painting Conservation : research seminar, Rome 16-20 November 1999
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Schmid, Werner
  • International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
Date de publication
345 p.
Table des matières


Documentation of Intangibles

Basic Concepts of Documentation

Costing Graphic Documentation: How much money and whose time?

Graphic Documentation of Paintings is More Than a Technical Requirement for Conservation

A Protocol for Graphic Documentation

Different Documentation Levels According to the Tasks of a Mural Painting Conservation Department

Documentation in Restoration: Possibilities and Limits of Visual Documentation for Mural Paintings

Documentation in the Fourth Dimension

The Use of Graphic Documentation for Monitoring Conditions of Frescoes and Mosaics: the case of Caesarea Martima

Documentation of Wall Painting in China

Visions and realities in Computer-aided Documentation for a Private Conservator: documentation is never done!

Beyond CAD: a look at data integration and analysis using GIS

Mural Painting Documentation as a Spatial Database

Manual or Digital Graphic Documentation: development of standards

A User-Friendly Approach (...more about standards and customized menus in digital recording of condition)

Use of a Standardized Approach for a Large-Scale Computer-Aided Graphic Documentation Project at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

The Documentation of the Conservation of the Sandstone Reliefs at Angkor Wat in Cambodia

GIS and CAD Together as an Optimal Solution in Heritage Recordings for Documentation, Research and Monitoring for Wall Paintings or Other Types of Artistically Valuable Surfaces

Computer Technology and the Documentation of the Restoration of Michelangelo's Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, 1987-1994

Graphic Information Systems for the Care and Monitoring of Monuments: a report on an exemplary data acquisition, visualization and analysis system used for the documentation of medieval wall paintings

The Archival Documentation System: the computerized heart of the restored "History of the True Cross" by Piero Della Francesca

3-D Visual Information and GIS Technology for Documentation of Wall Paintings in the "M" Sepulchre in the Vatican Necropolis

Levels of Recording and Demonstration of Heritage 3-D Laser Scanning Technology for the Recording and Monitoring of Wall Paintings, Mosaics and Other Cultural Resources

The Stereoscopic Exploration of 3-D Models as Instruments of Knowledge, Documentation, and Measurement for Mural Painting

English = Anglais
  • Mural painting and decoration - Conservation and restoration
  • Peinture et décoration murales - Conservation et restauration
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
ND 2552 G64
Date de modification :