
Notice catalographique « Metal 98 : proceedings of the international conference on metal conservation = actes de la conférence internationale sur la conservation des métaux, Draguignan-Figanières, France, 1998 »

Metal 98 : proceedings of the international conference on metal conservation = actes de la conférence internationale sur la conservation des métaux, Draguignan-Figanières, France, 1998
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Mourey, William
  • ICOM Committee for Conservation. Metals Working Group
  • ICOM-CC. Metal Working Group
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
James & James (Science Publishers)
Date de publication
346 p.
Table des matières


Métaux et patrimoine culturel: éthique, gestion et présentation = Metals and cultural heritage: ethics, management and presentation

Restauration, déontologie, citoyenneté
B. Cuffini

Examples of philosophy and disciplines of conservation
P. Shorer

The conservation of metallic artifacts from the site of Aiani, a metallurgical centre of the Archaic and Classical period in North-Western Greece
M. Lykiardopoulou-Petrou

Conservation of metal artifacts from an Anglo-Saxon
cemetery at Buckland, Kent, England
S.C. Wathns, F.N. Shearman and C. Haith

L'observatoire de Nice Côte d'Azur, site de Nice: Projets et réalisations
F. Le Guet Tully, J. Françoise, W. Mourey, J. Rebière

Projet de restauration d'un lustre combiné gaz et électrique pour l'exposition de technologie domestique:
Amours, délices et ménage' au Musée National des Sciences et de la Technologie,Ottawa,Canada
A. Dessaint

Sculpture monumentale 'Le Cyclop': de Jean Tinguely, à Milly-la-Forêt (Essonne)
A. Leroy

Méthodes d'études non destructives / Non-destructive methods

The use of portable XRF systems for preliminary compositional surveys on large bronze objects: A critical review after some years' experience
M. Ferretti and P. Moioli

Utilisation de la microscopie électronique à balayage
(SEM) pendant le traitement des objets archéologiques métalliques
C. Prats

Doubles placages en bronze - magnétite sur des objets préromains: Caractérisation analytique et problème de conservation
J.A. Lopez, P.Lopez Sebastiàn

A copper-plated artifact from the early medieval site of Peveragno (north-western Italy)
E. Angelini, G. Bultrini

The Bishop's Ring of Warder - a falsification?
H.O. Nielsen

Analysis and restoration of Chilean silverware of the colonial period
J.M. Theile B.

Celtic goldwork found in north-east Belgium: An analytical approach
H.J.M. Wouters

Are recently excavated bronze artifacts more deteriorated than earlier finds: Second report
M. Fjaestad, I. Ullén,

A systematic approach to the evaluation of the corrosion
load of archaeological metal objects
D.H.J. Wagner,

Monitoring of metal corrosion and soil solution at two excavatlon sites and in the laboratory
F. Galliano

The corrosion of metallic artifacts within different environments: Archaeological objects and laboratory simulations
E. Franceschi

In situ preservation of artifacts in Nydam Mose
B. Soerensen

Corrosive decay of archaeological metal finds from different soils and effects of environmental pollution
W. Gerwin

Effect of burial in different soils on the decay of iron artifacts: Laboratory investigation
E. Angelini

Iron sulphides: Corrosion products on artifacts from waterlogged deposits
V. Fell and M. Ward

In situ corrosion studies on iron shipwrecks and cannon: The impact of water depth and archaeological activities on corrosion rates
l.D. MacLeod

Corrosion du Rouleau de cuivre de Qumrân et localisation de la surface originelle
R. Bertholon

Decuprification phenomenon of Cu-Sn alloys in aqueous solution in nearly neutral pH conditions
L. Robbiola

Characterization of the corrosion structures of Roman
copper alloys by SEM and EDAX: IMMACO

Improvement of Means of Measurements on Archaeological Copper Alloys for Characterization
and Conservation
A. Dorigo

Conservation of archaeological metal artifacts: Thermal
treatment methods for iron objects and temporary
consolidation of fragile corrosion products with volatile binders
W. Scharff

Restauration des Grilles de l'Abbaye de Sainte Foy de Conques
S. Pennec

Altération de plaques de cheminée en fonte de fer
exposées en extérieur et proposition d'un traitement de restauration
C. Degrigny

A possible method based on CMC for cleaning metalwork decorative art objects
M.l.A. Lupu

Méthode de conservation et restauration d'une falcata-ibérique de la nécropole de El Salobral
(Albacete, Espagne)
J. B. Martin

La conservation et restauration d'une armure 'noire': Château de Chillon, Suisse, situé sur un lac
A. Mannella

La restauration d'une plaque de corselet: (Iran, dix-septième siècle)
M. Tomozei

The removal of lacquers from silver by steam
H.A. Ankersmit

Restauration du triptyque reliquaire de la Sainte-Croix
vers 1170, conservé à Liège
G. Dewanckel

Aborder la restauration de l'orfevrerie religieuse: La
Grande Châsse reliquaire de la Cathédrale de Sion
F. Schweizer

Application of cold plasma for the restoration of calcographics plates
S. Borros

Effect of hydrogen plasma on chloride content in corroded copper samples
M. El Shaer

Integration of hydrogen plasma into the traditional conservation process of metal
A. Havlinova

Étude de la déchloruration de dépôts de CuCI formés
sur du cuivre en absence et en présence de benzotriazole (BTA)
M.-A. Loeper-Attia

Étude de l'adsorption du benzotriazole sur le fer le cuivre et le laiton a par Tof-SIMS et XPS
R. Combarieu

Some new photoelectrochemical insights into the oxidation mechanisms of a Cu-13Sn alloy in a NaCI
aqueous solution with and without 0.1 M BTA
F. Ammeloot, C. Fiaud, L. Robbiola and E. Sutter

Protection d'un cuivre archéologique par le benzotriazole (BTA) en milieu aqueux de polyéthylène glycol (PEG)
E. Guilminot

Long-term conservation of heritage in transformed atmospheres
M. Argemi

Interaction métal-environnement: Application à des milieux confinés
J. Rebière, W. Mourey,

Archaeological metals in the ancient Athenian Agora
A.B. Paterakis

Assessment of the risks to metal artifacts posed by
volatile carbonyl pollutants
D. Thickett

Influence des conditions d'exposition et de protection des surfaces sur l'altération de plaquettes en laiton argenté au Musée de la Musique à Paris
N. Lacoudre

Preliminary treatments of artificial ageing of a bronze
alloy in a climatic chamber for corrosive gases
M.C. Squarcialupi

Perspective thermochimique et cinétique de l'action d'absorbeurs de dioxygène sur la conservation des métaux
E. Sidot

Étude pour la protection d'une sculpture en 'corten': Possibilités et limites de la protection cathodique
E. Ruiz de Arcaute

Reliable methods for the measurement and inspection
of protective barrier coatings for outdoor monuments
J. Sembrat Jr.

Transparent coatings - suitable corrosion protection for industrial heritage made of iron?
B. Seipelt

Perspectives on bronze sculpture conservation: Modelling corrosion
H. Strandberg

Application of electrochemical impedance measurements as a tool for the characterization of the conservation and protection state of bronze works of art
P. Letardi

Electrochemical evaluation of the anti-corrosion performance of waxy coatings for outdoor bronze conservation
Z Otieno-Alego

Electrochemical impedance studies of the corrosion
resistance of wax coatings on artificially patinated bronze
Z Otieno-Alego

Chemical characterization of metal/coating interfaces
from model samples for outdoor bronzes by reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIR) and attenuated total reflection spectroscopy (ATR)
L.B. Brostoff

Investigations into intercrystalline corrosion and conservation of zinc
P. Mottner

German model project for the restoration of large outdoor bronze statues and galvanized sculptures in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt (1 Jan 1998-31 Dec 1999)
B. Meisner and A. Michel

English = Anglais
  • Metal-work - Conservation and restoration
  • Metals - Conservation and restoration
  • Antiquities - Conservation and restoration
  • Métaux, Travail des, Conservation
  • Métaux - Conservation
  • Antiquités - Conservation et restauration
  • Métaux, Travail des - Conservation et restauration
  • Métaux - Conservation et restauration
United Kingdom
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
NK 6404.5 I67 1998
Date de modification :