
Notice catalographique « Preserving the recent past »

Preserving the recent past
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Slaton, Deborah
  • Shiffer, Rebecca A.
Lieu de publication
Washington, D.C.
Maison d'édition
Historic Preservation Education Foundation
Date de publication
1 v. (loose-leaf)
Draws together information on evaluating, maintaining, and reusing cultural properties from the 20th century. Topics include both the philosophical and practical issues associated with identifying and maintaining historic properties, and conservation of modern materials.
Table des matières


Introduction: Preserving the Recent Past
H. Ward Jandl I - 3

A Search for a Twentieth-Century Architecture
Moris Lapidus I-5

Preserving a Recent Past
Bertrand Goldberg, FAIA 1-II

I Can't See It; I Don't Understand It; and It Doesn't Look Old to Me
Richard Longstreth I -15

The Significance of the Recent Past

Trends in Recognizing Places for Significance in the Recent Past
Carol D. Shall and Beth L. Savage II - 3

Kent State, White Castles and Subdivisions: Evaluating the Recent Past
W. Ray Lace II - 15

Landmarks Preservation and the AIA Twenty-five Year Award
Timothy Barton II - 21

Gas, Food, and Lodging
Service Station Design in Texas, 1910 to the Present
Florence A. Rice, AIA II-25

In Search of the Vernacular Twentieth-Century Drive-In restaurant
Dwayne Jones II-31

Accommodating the Traveler: The Development of Tourist Courts on US Route 20
in New York State
Tania G. Werbizky II-41

Communities in Context

The Bias of Culture: When Does a Community Come of Age?
Ellen J. Uguccioni II - 55

Assessing Significance and Preservation Value in Waikiki
William Chapman and Don Hibbard II-57

The Sense and Dollars of Preservation
W.L. Rathje II-65

The Cold War
The Packaging of Armageddon: Symbolic Landscapes and American Civil Defense,
Carol Ahlgren and Frank Edgerton Martin II - 73

Preserving a Cold War Icon: The Minuteman II Missile System

Paul K. Williams II - 81

Documenting South Carolina's Military Bases and Cold War Legacy
Daniel R. Bilderback II-89

The Suburbs
Interpreting Post-World War II Suburban Landscapes as Historic Resources
David L. Ames II-97

Forgotten Environs: Preserving Olmsted Brothers' Planned Communities
Arleyn A. Levee II -103

Surveying the Suburbs: Back to the Future?
C1audia R. Brown II-105

From Graceland to the Promised Land: Places Associated with American Music
Graceland and Sun Studio
Claudette Stager II -115

Landmarks of Chicago Blues and Gospel: Chess Records and First Church of
Tim Samuelson and Jim Peters II-117

The American House: 1900-1960
American Single Family Houses from 1935 to 1960
Virginia McAlester II-125

Technology and Housing: Industrialization, Standardization, and Prefabrication, 1930-1950
John Burns II-129

Now You're Cooking with Gas! or, From Black to White to Color in the Kitchen and Why
Phyllis M. Ellin II - 137

Post-War Housing
The Houses of Levittown in the Context of Postwar American Culture
Barbara M. Kelly, Ph.D II -147

Hyde Park-Kenwood Urban Renewal: Forty Years Later
Ruth Eckdish Knack II-157

Down Lego Lane : Alexandra Road and Issues in the Preservation of Post-War Public Housing in London
Catherine F.A. Croft II - 165

Organizing to Preserve the Recent Past
Organizing to Preserve Modern Architecture: The Modern Architecture Preservation League
Diane Wray III-3

Saving the Suburban Sixties: Historic Preservation Planning in Fairfax County, Virginia
Bruce M. Kriviskey, AIA/AICP III - 11

Scholarship, Strategy, and Activism in Preserving the Recent Past
Richard Striner III -17

Industrial-Strength Solutions
Rehabilitation Option for the Warehouse Retailer
Jack S. Frank III - 25

Design Challenges of The Citadel
O. Randolph Jones III - 29

Rediscovery of the Recent Past
The Preservation Movement Rediscovers America
Elizabeth A. Lyon and Frederick C. Williamson III - 39

Getting Around in the Twentieth Century
Dog Days - Saving a Greyhound
Frank E. Wrenick, Esq III-47

Historic Development of the Metropolitan Washington Airports: A Framework for Preservation
H. Henry Ward III-55

The Expansion and Preservation of Dulles and National Airports
Mary Harding Sadler III-63

Reviving Route 66
Teri A. Cleeland III-71

Beyond the Street to the Strip Hidden History, Revealed Landmarks
Alan Hess III - 81

Historic Neon Signs? You've Got to be Kidding!
Peter Phillips III-87

Preserving Military Assets
Preserving the Past While Building for the Future: The ARMS Initiative and Defense Conversion
Rand H. Fishbein III-95

ContemPorary Landscape Architecture

Preserving Contemporary Landscape Architecture: Is Nothing Permanent but Change Itself?
Charles A. Birnbaum, ASLA III -101

Understanding the Design Intent of Dan Kiley's St. Louis Arch Landscape
Mary V. Hughes, ASLA III- 107

Preserving the Home and Legacy of James Rose
Dean Cardasis III- 115

Preservation Solutions for Institutions
Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka: Strategies for Schoolhouse Restoration / Rehabilitation / Reuse
Cheryl Brown Henderson III-129

Establishing a Historic Preservation Framework Within Campus Management and Planning
Stephen L. Chambers, Ph.D. III-129

Modern Materials Conservation: Issues, Theory, and Perspectives

Early Modern Architecture: How to Prolong a Limited Lifespan?
Wessel De Jonge IV - 3

Conservation Issues for Modern Materials
Mary T. Baker IV- 11

Replacement and Retention of Twentieth-Century Materials in the Nation's Capital
Andrea Mones-O'Hara IV - 19

Shiny Surfaces and Structural Underpinnings
Twentieth-century Ornamental Metals and Their Care
Dennis R. Montagna IV- 27

Research and Restoration of Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Dwelling Machine (a work in progress)
Christian W. 0verland IV-33

Structural Metals: Use and Misuse of Weathering Steel
Carolyn L. Searls and Sven E. Thomasen IV- 47

The Concrete Atlantis
The Deterioration, Repair, and Replication of Cast Stone
Richard Pieper IV- 51

Architectural Precast Concrete
Sidney Freedman IV- 53

The Inside Story
The Restoration of Zenitherm, Absorbege, Cushocel, and Silent Ceal
Anne E. Weber, AIA IV- 61

The Century Apartments: Lobby Restoration Will Restore Coherence of Original Building, But What Color Should the Harewood Be? And Other Veneer Tales
Dean K Koga, AIA IV-67

Wondrous Fiber-based Wallboards of the Twentieth Century
Carol S. Gould, Kimberly Konrad, and Kathleen Catalano Milley IV- 69

Finishing the Future When The Artificial Becomes Real
Anthony Walker IV- 81

Structural Glass: Its History, Manufacture, Repair and Replacement
Carol J. Dyson and Floyd Mansberger IV - 87

Pushing the Envelope

Porcelain Enamel: Steel in Glass Clothing
Thomas C. Jester IV- 99

From Beer to Buildings: The Curious History of Glass Masonry
Derek H. Trelstad IV-107

Replacing Historic Asphalt Shingles
Alan W. O'Bright IV-115

Building Systems and Modern Hazards Conflicts Between Preservation Standards and Environmental Hazards
Delph A. Gustitus, AIA IV-125

A History of the Flat Roof and Its Implications for Drainage
William B. Rose IV- 127

Energy Conservation Issues for Modern Buildings
Ernest A. Conrad, PE IV - 137

Historic Cover-ups

Stonewalling America: Simulated Stone Products, 1920s -1940s
Ann Milkovich McKee IV- 143

Asphalt Siding: An Artificial Reality
Mike Jackson, AIA IV -145

The Curtain Wall

Curtain Wall Development: The Loss of Redundancy
Harry J. Hunderman, AIA, Jetcrey Koerber, and Stephen J. Kelley, AIA, SE V - 9

The History of the Curtain Wall: From Craftsmanship to the Machine-Made
Stephen J. Kelley, AIA, SE V- 9

The Metal and Glass Curtain Wall
Bruce S. Kaskel, SE, AIA V- 19

The Development and Conservation of Thin-Stone Veneer
Michael J. SchefiSer V - 25

The Development of Sealants and Their Significance to the Modern Curtain Wall
Michael J. Scheffler and Richard Cechner V - 31

English = Anglais
  • Historic buildings - United States - Conservation and restoration
  • Monuments historique - États-Unis - Conservation et restauration
United States
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
E 159 P73
Date de modification :