
Notice bibliographique du personnel « Microfade testing to support exhibition decisions: the Catharine Parr Traill Scrapbooks »

Microfade testing to support exhibition decisions: the Catharine Parr Traill Scrapbooks
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Tse, Season
  • Cipera, Luci
  • Leckie, Carolyn G.
Date de publication
Titre de la source
Collection forum
Numéro de la source
vol. 25, no. 1
  • The Catherine Parr Traill Herbaria Collection consists of 25 scrapbooks compiled between 1866 and 1898. This is the largest known collection of Parr Traill plant pressings. They consist mainly of pressed plant species, present in southern Ontario, mounted directly on scrapbook pages or on unbound paper sheets. Many pages contain hand-written notes that are important to the specimens. This unique collection is expected to have relevance to research on species conservation and environmental change. Eleven of these scrapbooks were chosen by the nature artist, Barbara Gamble, to accompany her Exhibit Barbara Gamble: Natural Affinities. Many herbarium specimens are known to be sensitive to light exposure, resulting in colour change and/or fading. This leads to significant loss of aesthetic and study value. In order to determine the risk of fading during exhibition, items that are proposed for exhibition were tested using the Oriel microfade tester. Microfade testing is a non-destructive technique for direct identification of the light sensitive colourants on objects. The technique involves shining a high intensity UV-free light spot (~0.3mm diameter) directly on an object, and recording any colour change that occur. The lightfastness properties are expressed as ISO blue wool lightfastness categories. The technique is most useful for identifying highly light sensitive colourants (ISO blue wool 1-3). Pages of the scrapbooks that were proposed for exhibition were tested by microfading. These include flower petals, leaves, insects, ink and crayons. Of the 89 areas tested, approximately 70% were categorized as having high sensitivity to light while the remainder has medium sensitivity. Among the most sensitive are inscription inks, and pink and blue flower petals. The CCI Light Damage Calculator was used to estimate the percent change in colour for three lighting scenarios as well as for the planned exhibition. Based on these results, 6 pages of the scrapbook were chosen for the exhibit.
  • La collection d'herbiers de Catharine Parr Traill se compose de 25 albums constitués dans la 2nd moitié du XIXème siècle avec des plantes originaires du sud de l'Ontario (Canada). 11 d'entre eux ont été sélectionnés pour être exposés au public. Etant donné la fragilité et la valeur de ces objets, il a été nécessaire d'évaluer les risques de décoloration que leur exposition ne manquerait de causer. Des tests de sensibilité à la lumière ont été effectués sur différentes zones des herbiers, dont les encres, les crayons et les spécimens qu'ils contiennent. Les résultats ont été utilisés pour le choix des pages à exposer. Retour sur cette expérience.
English = Anglais
Type de document
Journal Article = Article de périodique
Staff Bibliography
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