
Notice catalographique « Authenticity in transition : Changing practices in art making and conservation »

Authenticity in transition : Changing practices in art making and conservation
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Hermens, Emma
  • Robertson, Frances
Lieu de publication
Maison d'édition
Date de publication
xi, 205 p., ill. (colour), 25 cm.
This volume contains papers from the NeCCAR 2014 conference “Authenticity in Transition”. The papers debate the various ways that changing artistic practices affect our interpretation, conservation, and curation of contemporary art, with a special reference to the shifting concepts of authenticity and artistic intent. The papers examine the topic through many mediums including artists’ viewpoints, the ephemeral nature of materials, historical perspective. The volume especially focuses on the problems caused by a shifting concept of authenticity to the conservation of artworks and conservation ethics
Table des matières

Contemporary conservation: keynotes
In the wings
The aesthetics of change: on the relative durations of the impermanent and critical thinking in conservation

Contemporary conservation: curating and translating art history
Reconfiguring contemporary art in the museum
Moving away from the artist's away: change in the critical reception of Mike Kelley's Day is Done
The Cybernetic Tower by Nicolas Schoffer: the conservator's role between continuity and historicity of the production
Between curator and the artist: a provlem of authority
Stills and touches: merging concepts of authenticity between a paper conservator, artists and curators in a private art gallery
...Designed to exist in passing time: Robert Rauschenberg's Black Painting
Indentifying aesthetic and technological thresholds in the restoration of contemporary art

Contemporary conservation: connecting practices
Authenticity and authorship in socially engaged art
Connecting practices of preservation: exploring authenticities in collaborative performance-based artworks
Blind spots in contemporary art conservation? Results of an interdisciplinary workshop

Contemporary conservation: reinventing technologies and media
Conservation of contemporary art: from concepts to practice, Cloaca by Wim Delvoye

In search of the real Suzanne: authenticity and evolving artistic practice in the conservation of a time-based media sculpture by Julian Opie

Good vibrations: the conservation of Soto's Gran muro panoramico vibrante

Through the conservator's lens: from analogue photowork to digital printout. How is authenticity served?

Exploring the conservation of net art: a call for authentic alliances

Artists' experiments with new materials in works of art: how to preserve intent and matter

Motors matter: some reflections on the preservation fo electro-mechanical devices in contemporary art

English = Anglais
  • Art - Conservation and restoration
  • Art - Technique
  • Art, Contemporary
  • Art - Conservation and restoration - Congresses
  • Art - Conservation et restauration
  • Art - Conservation et restauration – Congrès
  • Art, contemporain
United Kingdom
Type de document
Monograph = Monographie
N 6490 H47 2016
Date de modification :