
Notice bibliographique du personnel « A low-oxygen capable storage and display case for the Proclamation of the Constitution Act »

A low-oxygen capable storage and display case for the Proclamation of the Constitution Act
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Tse, Season
  • Hagan, Eric
  • Smith, Michael
  • Maheux, Anne
Date de publication
Titre de la source
The Book and Paper Group Annual
Numéro de la source
vol. 35
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) holds the two original copies of the Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1982 in the collection. One was signed outdoors and exposed to water droplets, and subsequently became known as the ‘Rain Drop’ copy. The second was signed indoors; however, it later suf-fered intentional damage from an activist in 1983. This copy is described as the ‘Red Paint’ or ‘Red Stain’ copy. Microfade testing conducted in 2011 by the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), concluded that the signature inks used on both copies are highly light sensitive. This information, coupled with an increasing demand for the long-term dis-play and loan of the objects, compelled LAC to collaborate with CCI on the design of a pair of custom storage cases. The enclosures were speci cally developed with the capability of maintaining low oxygen conditions for the duration of a typi-cal loan, since the technique has shown promise for slowing the fading rate of many light-sensitive colourants. The broader project included several sub-components: design and construction of the sealed inner display case (or storage case); design of a document mounting system suit-able for display and transportation; and procurement of a specialized outer case that addressed additional functional requirements. These elements are described in the context of a loan that prompted rapid completion of the work. The results of preliminary lightfastness testing of fountain pen inks are also presented
English = Anglais
  • Paper conservation, display case, light sensitive
  • Conservation du papier, vitrine, sensible à la lumière
United States
Type de document
Journal Article = Article de périodique
#16474 (For internal use only = Pour usage interne seulement)
Staff Bibliography
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