
Notice catalographique « The Directory of Hand Stitches Used in Textile Conservation »

The Directory of Hand Stitches Used in Textile Conservation
Auteur ou éditeur
  • Cruise, Jennifer
  • Hoppe, Johnathan
Maison d'édition
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Textile Speciality Group
Date de publication
Wiki edition
  • This wiki edition of The Directory of Hand Stitches Used in Textile Conservation. is based on the 2nd edition (1995) of this publication. The original work was a project of the Study Group on Threads and Stitching Techniques of The Textile Conservation Group, New York. It was compiled by Martha Winslow Grimm, and illustrated by Rachel Paar.
  • Acknowledgements (from the printed version, 2nd edition, 1995)
  • The Stitch Directory Committee, part of the TCG Study Group on Threads and Stitching Techniques, researched, wrote, reviewed and edited the information contained in this book. The members are: Elizabeth Brown, Julia M. Burke, Margaret (Meg) Geiss-Mooney, Martha Winslow Grimm, Molly Hope, Ada H.(Dusty) Logan, and Audrey M. Spence. Numerous textile conservators and needleworkers have been generous with their suggestions, expertise and time. Those who supplied information and reviewed the text for content are: Mary Ballard, Alice Blohm, Virginia B. Carter, Vicki Cassman, Anne Ennes, Patricia Ewer, Frances K. Faille , Kathy Francis, LaTasha Harris, Bruce Hutchison, Mary Ellen Johnson, Monica Lenci, Sarah Lowengard, Catherine McLean, Dorothy Morrison, Margaret Ordonez, Zoe Annis Perkins, Rebecca Rudolph and Cara Varnell.
  • The executive board of the Textile Conservation Group has been very supportive of this project. The three chairmen of The TCG Study Group on Threads and Stitching Techniques, Teresa A. Knutson, Susan Anne Mathisen and Julia B. Swetzoff, have helped by supplying leadership, enthusiasm, guidance, and knowledge.
  • Wiki version acknowledgements
  • Digital conversion of the directory was accomplished in 2014 by Jennifer Cruise and Jonathan Hoppe.
  • Disclaimer
  • The techniques for executing hand stitches used in textile conservation may differ from stitches in other disciplines of needlework. The condition, type, and decoration of the artifact and its proposed treatment dictate how the stitches are completed. The inclusion of stitches in this directory is not a professional endorsement nor recommendation of their application.
English = Anglais
  • Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration
  • Textiles et tissus - Conservation et restauration
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Type de document
Online resource = Ressource en ligne
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