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Polymer degradation in conservation

Bilz, Malcolm; Dean, Lesley Ruth; Grattan, David W.. [Newark, NJ]. Pages 656-659 dans Papers presented at the Washington D.C. meeting of the American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry, 1992, American Chemical Society. Division of Polymer Chemistry. Polymer preprints; vol. 33; no. 2. (1992),
AATA 32-1513 (Staff Bibliography)

A silicone rubber/microballoon mixture for gap filling in wooden objects

Barclay, Robert L.; Grattan, David W.. Los Angeles. Pages 183-187 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 8th Triennial Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 6-11 September 1987: preprints, volume 1, (1987),
N 8560 I53 1987 v.1 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

The development of an apparatus for studying the effect of light exposure on museum materials

Bilz, Malcolm; Grattan, David W.. Paris. Pages 559-565 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 10th Triennial Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 22-27 August 1993: preprints, volume 2, (1993),
# 11961 N 8560 I53 1993 v.2 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

An investigation of POLYOX® for the conservation of wet archaeological textiles and other fragile fibrous materials

Bilz, Malcolm; Grattan, David W.; Logan, Judith A.; Newton, Charlotte L.; Per Hoffman. Bremerhaven. Pages 189-208 dans Proceedings of the 4th ICOM-Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven, 1990, (1991),
TA 424 I512 1990 (Staff Bibliography)

The conservation of parylene-coated books & papers

Burgess, Helen D.; Grattan, David W.. Paris. Pages 231-242 dans Sauvegarde et conservation des photographies, dessins, imprimés et manuscrits: actes des journées internationales d'études de l'ARSAG, Paris, 30 septembre au 4 octobre 1991, (1991),
AATA 30-850 TR 465 J68 1991 (Staff Bibliography)

A study of the thermal breakdown of polyethylene glycol

Bilz, Malcolm; Dean, Lesley Ruth; Grattan, David W.; McCawley, J. Clifford; Per Hoffman, Thomas Daley, Tara Grant; McMillen, Leslie; Cook, Clifford. Bremerhaven. Pages 167-197 dans Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Portland, Maine, 1993, (1994),
TA 424 I512 1993 (Staff Bibliography)

A practical comparative study of treatments for waterlogged wood: part III: pretreatment solutions for freeze-drying

Cook, Clifford; Grattan, David W.. Grenoble. Pages 219-239 dans Waterlogged wood: study and conservation: proceedings of the 2nd ICOM Waterlogged Wood Working Group Conference: Grenoble, 28-31 August 1984, (1985),
AATA 24-607 TA 424 I512 1984 (Staff Bibliography)

Experiments with aqueous treatments for waterlogged wood - metal objects

Cook, Clifford; Grattan, David W.; Adair, Neil T.; Dietrich, Anne. Grenoble. Pages 147-159 dans Waterlogged wood: study and conservation: proceedings of the 2nd ICOM Waterlogged Wood Working Group Conference: Grenoble, 28-31 August 1984, (1985),
AATA 24-606 TA 424 I512 1984 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Reversing old PEG treatments of objects from the Ozette site

Grattan, David W.; Per Hoffman, Thomas Daley, Tara Grant; Cooke, Vincent; Cooke, Deborah. Bremerhaven. Pages 97-109 dans Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Portland, Maine, 1993, (1994),
TA 424 I512 1993 (Staff Bibliography)

A method of calculating the concentration of PEG for freeze-drying waterlogged wood

Grattan, David W.; Per Hoffmann; Cook, Clifford. Bremerhaven. Pages 239-252 dans Proceedings of the 4th ICOM-Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven, 1990, (1991),
TA 424 I512 1990 (Staff Bibliography)

The conservation of a waterlogged dug-out canoe using natural freeze-drying

Grattan, David W.; McCawley, J. Clifford; Cook, Clifford. Paris. Pages 81/7/3-1 - 81/7/3-9 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 6th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 21-25 September 1981: preprints, volume 2, (1981),
AATA 18-1256 N 8560 I53 1981 v.2 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

The ICOM Waterlogged Wood Working Group

Grattan, David W.; Donald H. Keith. San Marino, California. Pages 8-10 dans Underwater archaeology: the proceedings of the 13th Conference on Underwater Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1982, Fathom Eight special publication; no. 5. (1984),
# 4025 (Staff Bibliography)

Advances in the conservation of waterlogged wood 1981-1984

Grattan, David W.. Paris. Pages 84.7.8 - 84.7.11 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 7th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, 10-14 September 1984: preprints, volume 1, (1984),
AATA 21-1652 N 8560 I 53 1984 v.1 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Degradation rates for some historic polymers and the potential of various conservation measures for minimizing oxidative degradation

Grattan, David W.; David W. Grattan. Ottawa. Pages 351-361 dans Saving the twentieth century: the conservation of modern materials: proceedings of a conference Symposium '91 - Saving the Twentieth Century, Ottawa, Canada, 15 to 20 September 1991, (1993),
N 8560 S96 1991 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Oxygen-free storage using ageless oxygen absorber

Grattan, David W.; Ashok Roy, Perry Smith; Gilberg, Mark R.. London. Pages 177-180 dans Preventive conservation: practice, theory and research: preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994, (1994),
# 12543 N 8554.5 I35 1994 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Treatment of iron/wood composite materials

Gilberg, Mark R.; Grattan, David W.; Rennie-Bisaillion, Deborah A.; I.D. MacLeod, David W. Grattan. Perth, Australia. Pages 265-270 dans Conservation of wet wood and metal: proceedings of the ICOM Conservation Working Groups on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials and Metals, Fremantle 1987, (1989),
TA 424 I512 1987 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

The characterization of enzymes for use in paper conservation

Grattan, David W.; Burgess, Helen D.; McCawley, J. Clifford; Guy Petherbridge; St. Hilaire, Johanne. London. Pages 6-13 dans International Conference on the Conservation of Library and Archive Materials and the Graphic Arts, Cambridge, UK, 1980: abstracts and preprints, (1980),
# 6568 Z 701 C682 (Staff Bibliography)

Poster session 2: examination of totem poles for the Canadian Museum of Civilization

Grattan, David W.; Bokman, Wilfred; R. Barclay; M. Gilberg; J.C. McCawley; T. Stone. Ottawa. Pages 264-266 dans Symposium 86: the care and preservation of ethnological materials: proceedings, ([1988]),
GN 320 S95 (c.1-3) (Staff Bibliography)

International Comparative Wood Treatment Study

Grattan, David W.; I.D. MacLeod. Perth, Australia. Pages 163-191 dans Conservation of wet wood and metal: proceedings of the ICOM Conservation Working Groups on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials and Metals, Fremantle 1987, (1989),
TA 424 I512 1987 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Conserving waterlogged wood- 30 million years old

Grattan, David W.; I.D. MacLeod; Drouin, S.. Perth, Australia. Pages 61-71 dans Conservation of wet wood and metal: proceedings of the ICOM Conservation Working Groups on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials and Metals, Fremantle 1987, (1989),
TA 424 I512 1987 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Parylene at the Canadian Conservation Institute - an initial survey of some applications

Grattan, David W.. Los Angeles. Pages 551-556 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 9th Triennial Meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26-31 August 1990: preprints, volume 2, (1990),
N 8560 I53 1990 v.2 (Staff Bibliography)

A practical comparative study of treatments for waterlogged wood: part II: the effect of humidity on treated wood

Grattan, David W.; David W. Grattan, J. Cliff McCawley. Ottawa. Pages 243-252 dans Proceedings of the ICOM Waterlogged Wood Working Group Conference, 15-18th September 1981, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, (1982),
AATA 21-411 TA 424 I512 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Consolidants for degraded and damaged wood

Grattan, David W.. Ottawa. Pages 27-42 dans Proceedings of the Furniture and Wooden Objects Symposium, 2-3 July 1980, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (1980),
# 3290 TA 422 F87 1980 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

The test treatment of waterlogged wood from the Biskupin archaeological site, Poland

Bilz, Malcolm; Grattan, David W.; Per Hoffmann, Thomas Daley, Tara Grant. Bremerhaven. Pages 23-40 dans Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Portland, Maine, 1993, (1994),
TA 424 I512 1993 (Staff Bibliography)

Developments in archaeological conservation: the role of science

Logan, Judith A.; Baribeau, Réjean; Grattan, David W.; Newton, Charlotte L.; Young, Gregory S.; Wainwright, Ian N.M.. Ottawa. Pages 10-20 dans Tools for tomorrow: archaeological methods in the 21st century: Ontario Archaeological Society: proceedings of the 1991 symposium, (1994),
# 12065 (Staff Bibliography)