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Canadian Cooperative Permanent Paper Research Program: development process: chemical testing aspects

Burgess, Helen D.; Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna. Philadelphia. Pages 151-158 dans Workshop on the Effects of Aging on Printing and Writing Papers: proceedings: July 6-8, 1994, Philadelphia, PA, (1994),
# 15064 Z 701.3 P38 W67 1994 (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluation and comparison of commercial mass-deacidification processes: part 1: project planning and selection of materials

Burgess, Helen D.; Kaminska, Elzbieta. Washington, DC. Pages 22-42 dans The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). The Book and Paper Group annual: papers delivered at the Book and Specialty Group Session, AIC 19th Annual Meeting, June 3-8, 1991, Albuquerque, New Mexico, (volume 10, 1991),
# 11124 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Highlights of paper research at the Canadian Conservation Institute

Tse, Season; Bégin, Paul; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Vincent Daniels, Alan Donnithorne, Perry Smith. London. Pages 193-198 dans Works of art on paper, books, documents and photographs: techniques and conservation: IIC contributions to the Baltimore Congress, 2-6 September 2002, (2002),
# 14758 N 8554.5 I35 2002 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

The impact of lignin on paper permanence: part 1: a comprehensive study of the aging behaviour of handsheets and commercial paper samples

Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Grattan, David W.; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna; Zou, Xuejun; Gurnagul, Norayr; Deschâtelets, Sylvie. Paris. Pages 141-152 dans La conservation: une science en évolution: bilan et perspectives: actes des troisièmes journées internationales d'études de l'ARSAG, Paris, 21 au 25 avril 1997, (1997),
# 13785 Z 701 A87 1997 (Staff Bibliography)

The yellow/bleaching of oil paintings and oil paint samples, including the effect of oil processing, driers and mediums on the colour of lead white paint

Carlyle, Leslie; Binnie, Nancy E.; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Ruggles, Anne. London. Pages 328-337 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 13th Triennial Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 22-27 September 2002: preprints, volume 1, (2002),
# 14761 N8560 I53 2002 v.1 (REF, c.2) N8560 I53 2002 CD-ROM (c.3) (Staff Bibliography)

Determination of degree of polymerization of cellulose in ligneous papers

Kaminska, Elzbieta; Pamela B. Vandiver, James R. Druzik, John F. Merkel, John Stewart. Pittsburgh, PA. Pages 45-51 dans Materials issues in art and archaeology V: symposium held December 3-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., Materials Research Society symposium proceedings; vol. 462. (1997),
CC 135 M34 1996 # 13750 (Staff Bibliography)