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Feasibility study for a mass deacidification centre for libraries and archives in Metropolitan Toronto

Lord Cultural Resources Planning and Management Inc.. Toronto: LORD Cultural Resources Planning & Management Inc., 1989.
Z 701.3 D4 F43 (Catalogue)

Drying the W.E. Parry document : time lapse photography (November 9, 1984)

Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC). Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC), 1984.
Z 701.3 .P38 C36 (Catalogue)

Guidelines for the preparation of excavation archives for long-term storage

Walker, Kirsten. London: UKIC Archaeology Section, 1990.
CC 135 W35 (Catalogue)

Conservation of library and archive materials and the graphic arts

Petherbridge, Guy, 1944-; Society of Archivists (Great Britain); Institute of Paper Conservation. London ; Toronto: Society of Archivists : Institute of Paper Conservation : Butterworths, 1987.
Z 701 C68 (Catalogue)

The Conservation of Library and Archive Property : European Intensive Course, Rome 3rd-12th April 1980

Hackens, Tony; European University Centre for Cultural Heritage; European Study Group on Physical, Chemical, and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology. Ravello, Italy: European University Center for the Cultural Heritage, 1985.
CC 79 P32 v.12 (Catalogue)

Preservation of historical records

National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Preservation of Historical Records. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1986.
Z 110 C7 P73 (Catalogue)

Preservation of documents and papers = Problema dolgovechnosti dokumentov i bumagi

Fliate, D. M. (David Moiseevich), 1910-1991; Laboratoriia konservatsii i restavratsii dokumentov (Akademiia nauk SSSR) [= Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Documents (Academy of Sciences of the USSR)]. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1968.
Z 110 C7 A3613 1968 (Catalogue)

Manuel de conservation des documents d'archives = Basic conservation of archival materials : a guide

Conseil canadien des archives. Ottawa: Conseil canadien des archives, 1990.
Z 701 B38 (Catalogue)

Conservation of archival materials : fourth annual seminar

University of Texas at Austin Humanities Researach Center. Conservation Dept.. [Austin, TX]: Conservation Dept. The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, 1985.
Z 110 C7 C67 1985 (Catalogue)

Conservation of traditional records : paper and allied materials : proceedings of the international seminar, New Delhi, December 16-19, 1985

Perti, R. K., ed.; International Council on Archives. South and West Asian Regional Branch; National Archives of India. New Delhi: South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives and National Archives of India, 1987.
Z 701.3 A73 C66 1985 (Catalogue)

An investigation into the effects of the lamination process on some properties of paper

Mertens, Marion; Queen's University. Kingston, Ont.: The University, 1986.
Z 701.3 P38 M47 (Catalogue)

Libraries and archives : design and renovation with a preservation perspective

Swartzburg, Susan G., 1938-; Bussey, Holly, 1954-; Garretson, Frank. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1991.
Z 679 S92 (Catalogue)

Planning, equipping and staffing an archival preservation and conservation service : a RAMP study with guidelines

Roper, Michael; Unesco. General Information Programme; RAMP (Records and Archives Management Programme). Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1989.
Z 701 R6713 (Catalogue)

Guidelines on preservation and conservation policies in the archives and libraries heritage

Chapman, Patricia; Unesco. General Information Programme; RAMP (Program). Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1990.
Z 701 C53 (Catalogue)

Traditional restoration techniques : a RAMP study

Viñas, Vicente; Viñas, Ruth; Unesco. General Information Programme; RAMP (Records and Archives Management Programme). Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1988.
Z 701 V58 (Catalogue)

Study on mass conservation techniques for treatment of library and archives material

Unesco. General Information Programme; RAMP (Records and Archives Management Programme). Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1989.
Z 701 S78 (Catalogue)

Choosing and working with a conservator

Paris, Jan. Atlanta, GA: Southeastern Library Network, 1990.
Z 701 P38 (Catalogue)

Conservation of manuscripts and documents : problems and prospects

Agrawal, Om Prakash, 1931-; INTACH Indian Conservation Institute (Lucknow). Lucknow: INTACH Indian Conservation Institute, 1992.
Z 110 C7 C69 1990 (Catalogue)

Archival methods

Bearman, David; Archives & Museum Informatics (Firm). Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1989.
QA 76.9 I58 A73 9 (Catalogue)

Collection maintenance and improvement

Byrne, Sherry; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.1 (Catalogue)

Disaster preparedness

Brooks, Constance; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.3 (Catalogue)

Managing a library binding program

Merrill-Oldham, Jan; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.5 (Catalogue)

Organizing preservation activities

Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, 1955-; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.6 (Catalogue)

Collections conservation

DeCandido, Robert; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.7 (Catalogue)

Options for replacing and reformatting deteriorated materials

Banks, Jennifer; Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1993.
Z 701 P76 no.2 (Catalogue)

Type de document

Auteur ou éditeur

Association of Research Libraries (7)
Canadian Council of Archives (5)
Unesco. General Information Programme (4)
RAMP (Records and Archives Management Programme) (3)
Agrawal, Om Prakash, 1931- (2)
Feather, John (2)
Forde, Helen (2)
INTACH Indian Conservation Institute (Lucknow) (2)
International Council on Archives (2)
Queen's University (2)
Allsopp, D (1)
Alstrom, Eric (1)
American Library Association (1)
Archives & Museum Informatics (Firm) (1)
Balloffet, Nelly (1)
Banks, Jennifer (1)
Barton, John P. (1)
Bearman, David (1)
Boomgaarden, Wesley L. (1)
British Standards Institution (1)
Brooks, Constance (1)
Bussey, Holly, 1954- (1)
Byrne, Sherry (1)
Canadian Archives Foundation (1)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (1)
Chapman, Patricia (1)
Cloonan, Michèle V. (1)
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, 1955- (1)
Conseil International des Archives (1)
Conseil canadien des archives (1)
Cunningham-Kruppa, Ellen (1)
Dalley, Jane (1)
DeCandido, Robert (1)
Dorgeleo, Miluska (1)
European Study Group on Physical, Chemical, and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology (1)
European University Centre for Cultural Heritage (1)
Fliate, D. M. (David Moiseevich), 1910-1991 (1)
Garretson, Frank (1)
Gaylarde, Christine C. (1)
Gorman, G.E. (1)
Grattan, David W. (1)
Hackens, Tony (1)
Harvey, Ross (1)
Hille, Jenny (1)
Institute of Paper Conservation (1)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (1)
International Council on Archives. Committee on Current Records in an Electronic Environment (1)
International Council on Archives. Committee on Disaster Prevention (1)
International Council on Archives. South and West Asian Regional Branch (1)
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section on Preservation and Conservation. (1)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) = Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) (1)
Kolar, Jana (1)
Kremp, Virginie (1)
Kulka, Edward (1)
Laboratoriia konservatsii i restavratsii dokumentov (Akademiia nauk SSSR) [= Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Documents (Academy of Sciences of the USSR)] (1)
Library of Congress (1)
Lord Cultural Resources Planning and Management Inc. (1)
Mahard, Martha R. (1)
Manning, Ralph W. (1)
Martens, Marco (1)
Matthews, Graham (1)
Merrill, Andrea T. (1)
Merrill-Oldham, Jan (1)
Mertens, Marion (1)
Miller, Peter N., 1964- (1)
National Archives of India (1)
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Preservation of Historical Records (1)
Nieuwe Instituut (1)
Northeast Document Conservation Center (Andover, Mass.) (1)
Ogden, Sherelyn (1)
Paris, Jan (1)
Passaglia, Elio (1)
Perti, R. K., ed. (1)
Petherbridge, Guy, 1944- (1)
Poh, Soon Kai (1)
RAMP (Program) (1)
Reed, Judith A (1)
Rhys-Lewis, Johathan (1)
Ridgen, Robert Scott (1)
Roggia, Sally (1)
Roper, Michael (1)
Ruigrok, Romy (1)
Scott, Jude (1)
Shep, Sydney J. (1)
Sinha, S.N. (1)
Smit, Ellen (1)
Society of Archivists (Great Britain) (1)
Strlic, Matija (1)
Swartzburg, Susan G., 1938- (1)
Teper, Jennifer Hain (1)
United States. National Archives and Records Service (1)
United States. National Bureau of Standards (1)
University of Texas at Austin Humanities Researach Center. Conservation Dept. (1)
Viñas, Ruth (1)
Viñas, Vicente (1)
Walker, Kirsten (1)
Walsh, Betty, 1933- (1)
Weller, Aafke (1)
Wellheiser, Johanna G. (1)
Yeo, Geoffery (1)