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Wall paintings of the tomb of Nefertari : scientific studies for their conservation : first progress report, July, 1987 : a joint project of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization and the Getty Conservation Institute

Getty Conservation Institute; Hayat al-Athar al-Misriyah. Cairo, Egypt: The Organization, 1987.
ND 2863 H39 (Catalogue)

Framework for preservation of museum collections [= iitar 3amal alhimaayah almajmuu3at almuthafiyah] [Poster]

Canadian Conservation Institute = Institut canadien de conservation. Sharjah, UAE: International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property : Architectural Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab Region (ICCROM-ATHAR), Canadian Conservation Institute = Institut canadien de conservation, 2015.
Lien au document en anglais
AM 141 C36124 2015 PER CCI (Catalogue)
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