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A method for putting crêpeline onto mats

Vuori, Jan. Pages 11-14 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), Fall 1984.
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AATA 27-2142 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Repair of tears in fur skin garments

Lougheed, Sandra; Mason, Janet; Vuori, Jan. Pages 13-22 dans Journal of the International Institute for Conservation - Canadian Group (J.IIC-CG), vol. 8&9, 1983/84.
PER AATA 24-1094 (Staff Bibliography)

A collaborative treatment: reducing water stains on a silkscreen on linen

Daly Hartin, Debra; Tse, Season; Vuori, Jan. London. Pages 293-298 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon, 29 August - 3 September 1999: preprints, volume 1, (1999),
# 14157 N 8560 I53 1999 v.1 (REF, c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Local stain removal from 'Océanie, la mer' by Henri Matisse: the development of a reducing bleach technique using a suction disk, ultrasonic mister, and airbrush

Vuori, Jan; Daly Hartin, Debra; Tse, Season; Maheux, Anne F.; Ruggles, Anne; Maheux, Anne. Asheville, NC. Pages 165-175 dans Conservation combinations: preprints of the North American Textile Conservation Conference 2000, Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A., March 29 to 31, 2000, (2000),
# 14194 NK 8804.5 N66 2000 (Staff Bibliography)

Wet cleaning of an oversized textile on a vacuum wash table: a treatment phase of the Gondar Hanging at the Canadian Conservation Institute

Keyserlingk, Michaela A.; Vuori, Jan; Patricia Ewer, Beth McLaughlin. Washington, DC. Pages 79-86 dans American Institute for Conservation. The Textile Specialty Group: postprints, papers delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session, 23rd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 1995, (1995),
PER # 13206 (Staff Bibliography)

A tablet-woven treasure: The Gondar Hanging

Keyserlingk, Michaela A.; Vuori, Jan. Pages 10-11 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 16, September 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Une tenture digne d'éloges

Keyserlingk, Michaela A.; Vuori, Jan. Pages 9-11 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 16, septembre 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

More fragile than it seems = Plus fragile qu'il n'y paraît

Vuori, Jan; Fox, Alastair. Page 11 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 34, December 2004.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Development of archaeological textile mounts at the Canadian Conservation Institute

Vuori, Jan; Newton, Charlotte L.; Segal, Martha. Pages 3-11 dans Journal of the International Institute for Conservation - Canadian Group (J.IIC-CG), vol. 14, 1989.
PER AATA 29-738 (Staff Bibliography)

The padded free mount

Segal, Martha; Vuori, Jan. Page 21 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), Spring 1985.
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PER # 13186 (Staff Bibliography)

Light fastness of Irgalan and Lanaset dyed silk: immersion vs. direct application: results of a preliminary study

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. Pages 12-14 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation. Textiles Working Group. Newsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, 1997.
# 13540 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Light fastness of Irgalan and Lanaset dyed silk: immersion vs. direct application: results of a preliminary study

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. Pages 14-18 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), vol. 33, Fall 1997.
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# 13727 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Preliminary study of a micro extraction method for measuring the pH of textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season; Kathleen MacKay, Beth Szuhay, Joel Thompson. Washington, DC. Pages 63-73 dans American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works (AIC). The Textile Specialty Group: postprints, papers delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session, 33rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2005, volume 15, (2005),
# 15304 PER (Staff Bibliography)

A preliminary study of a micro extraction method for measuring the pH of textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. Pages 4-15 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation. Textiles Working Group. Newsletter, vol. 19, January 2004.
# 15031 PER (Staff Bibliography)

A preliminary study of the use of bathophenanthroline iron test strips on textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. London. Pages 989-995 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: preprints, volume 2, (2005),
N 8560 I53 2005 v. 2 (REF, c.2) # 15225 (Staff Bibliography)

Conservation treatment of the Kanehsatake flag = Restauration du drapeau de Kanehsatake

Vuori, Jan. Page 3 dans CCI Newsletter = Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 27, June / juin 2001.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Restauration du drapeau de Kanehsatake

Vuori, Jan. Pages 7-8 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 27, juin 2001.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

An 18th century Malecite costume

Vuori, Jan. Pages 3-4 dans CCI Newsletter, February 1989.
PER # 13185 (Staff Bibliography)

Un costume malécite du XVIIIe siècle

Vuori, Jan. Pages 6-7 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, février 1989.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

'Océanie. la mer' by Henri Matisse = 'Océanie, la mer' par Henri Matisse

Vuori, Jan. Page 11 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 24, November 1999.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Adhesives today: exploring current adhesive options and application techniques = Les adhésifs d'aujourd'hui: exploration des options et des techniques d'application actuelles

Vuori, Jan. Pages 6-7 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 31, June 2003.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

A possible adhesive for native tanned skin

Vuori, Jan. Page 6 dans Leather conservation news, vol. 2, no. 1, Fall 1985.
AATA 27-2198 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Treatment of a Malecite chief's costume

Vuori, Jan. Pages 15-16 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), Spring 1985.
Lien au document en anglais
PER # 13182 (Staff Bibliography)

Textiles Division

Vuori, Jan. Pages 26-27 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), Spring 1986.
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Reproduction of an 18th century Malecite costume

Vuori, Jan. Pages 5-7 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), Spring 1988.
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PER (Staff Bibliography)
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