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Affiche 26 à 50 de 18 417 entrées |


Sci-Tech libraries serving zoological gardens

Mount, Ellis. New York: Haworth Press, 1988.
Z 675 Z66 S35 (Catalogue)

Natural history museums : directions for growth

Cato, Paisley S.; Jones, Clyde. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, 1991.
QH 70 A1 N38 (Catalogue)

Forming and managing a non-profit organization in Canada

MacLeod, Flora. Vancouver ; Seattle: International Self-Counsel Press, 1986.
KE 1373 Z82 M33 (Catalogue)

Museum store management

Theobald, Mary Miley, 1952-. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History (AASLH, 1991.
HF 5469.65 T44 (Catalogue)

The museum world of Henry James

Tintner, Adeline R., 1912-. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1986.
PS 2127 A75 T56 (Catalogue)

Hazardous laboratory chemicals disposal guide

Armour, M. A. (Margaret-Ann). Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1991.
QD 64 A76 REF (Catalogue)

Museums 2000 : politics, people, professionals & profit

Boylan, Patrick J.; Museums Association (Great Britain). London ; New York: Routledge, 1992.
AM 121 M898 (Catalogue)

The cambridge guide to the museums of Europe

Hudson, Kenneth; Nicholls, Ann. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
AM 40 H83 REF (Catalogue)

Magic sounds : musical instruments of the Far East

Haifa Museum of Music and Ethnology. Haifa, Israel: Haifa Museum of Music and Ethnology, 1989.
ML 525 H35 (Catalogue)

Historic buildings : a study on the magnitude of architectural conservation needs in America

National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property (U.S.). Washington, D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1984.
NA 106 H57 (Catalogue)

Importance of cultural heritage and its conservation and preservation : monuments and sites, and groups of buildings : report of Regional Training Seminar for Cultural Personnel in Asia and the Pacific, Tokyo, Nara and Kyoto, 8-21 November 1988

Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO. Tokyo: Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO, 1989.
NA 109 A8 R44 1988 (Catalogue)

Long term stability of cellulosic fibres : effect of alkiline deacidifying agents on aged cotton fabrics

Méthé, Esther. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1989.
TS 1542 M48 (Catalogue)


Toscano, Eamon. Paris: Dessain et tolra, 1974.
N 8550 T67 (Catalogue)

Lavas y tobas volcanicas : trabajos presentados a la Reunión Internacional, Isla de Pascua, Chile, 25-31 Octubre, 1990 = Lavas and volcanic tuffs : preprints of the contributions to the International Meeting, Easter Island, Chile, 25-31 October, 1990

Charola, A. Elena. Santiago, Chile: Dirección de Bibliotecas Archivos y Museos, 1990.
QE 461 I61 1990 (Catalogue)

Holz als Rohstoff für den Musikinstrumentenbau

Richter, Hans Georg. Celle, West Germany: Moeck, 1988.
TS 903 R53 (Catalogue)

Examen de motifs décoratifs chez les Ovimbundu et Tchokwe d'Angola

Hauenstein, Alfred; Universidade de Coimbra. Instituto de Antropologia. Coimbra, Portugal: Instituto de Antropologia Universidade de Coimbra, 1988.
NK 1087.6 A5 H38 (Catalogue)

La gravure

Adhémar, Jean. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1980.
NE 430 G73 1980 (Catalogue)

La gravure : les procédés, l'histoire

Bersier, Jean-E.; Chastel, André. Nancy, France: Berger-Levrault, 1984.
NE 400 B47 1984 (Catalogue)

Méthodes pour l'archéologie

Djindjian, François. Paris: Armand Colin, 1991.
CC 75 D55 (Catalogue)

The graduate conservator in employment : expectations and realities : proceedings of the Interim Meeting, ICOM-CC ... Amsterdam and Leiden, 31 August-1 September, 1989

ICOM Committee for Conservation. Working Group on Training in Conservation and Restoration. Amsterdam: Opleiding Restauratoren, 1990.
N 8560.5 I26 1989 (Catalogue)

La conservation de l'art des cavernes et des abris

Brunet, Jacques; Dangas, Isabelle; Vidal, Pierre; Vouve, Jean; Section française de l'Institut international de conservation (SFIIC). Paris: Section française de l'institut international de conservation (SFIIC), 1990.
N 5310.5 F7 C66 (Catalogue)

Giotto : architecte des couleurs et des formes

Guillaud, Jacqueline; Guillaud, Maurice. Paris: Guillaud Éditions, 1987.
ND 623 G6 G85 (Catalogue)

Images of the French Revolution

Hould, Claudette; Musée du Québec. Québec: Musée du Québec, 1989.
NE 962 F7 H6813 (Catalogue)

Emergency measures and damage assessment after an earthquake

Pichard, Pierre. Paris: UNESCO, 1984.
TH 1095 P53 (Catalogue)

Après un séisme : mesures d'urgence, évaluation des dommages

Pichard, Pierre. Paris: UNESCO, 1984.
TH 1095 P5314 (Catalogue)

Type de document


Biens culturels - Protection (275)
Cultural property - Protection (275)
Musées - Méthodes de conservation (269)
Muséologie (266)
Museum conservation methods (256)
Peinture - Conservation et restauration (253)
Painting - Conservation and restoration (238)
Museum techniques (229)
Art - Conservation et restauration (224)
Art - Conservation and restoration (217)
Objets d'art - Conservation et restauration (194)
Art objects - Conservation and restoration (180)
Musées - Aspect éducatif (174)
Matériel d'artistes (166)
Artists' materials (149)
Museums - Educational aspects (149)
Peinture - Technique (144)
Textiles et tissus - Conservation et restauration (140)
Livres - Conservation et restauration (139)
Archéologie - Méthodologie (134)
Archaeology - Methodology (131)
Documentation de bibliothèque - Conservation et restauration (131)
Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration (130)
Library materials - Conservation and restoration (128)
Painting - Technique (125)
Books - Conservation and restoration (121)
Monuments historiques - Conservation et restauration (110)
Musées - Gestion (109)
Paper - Preservation (107)
Architecture - Conservation et restauration (106)
Monuments - Conservation et restauration (106)
Pigments (105)
Monuments - Conservation and restoration (98)
Bois - Conservation (97)
Historic buildings - Conservation and restoration (97)
Photographies - Conservation et restauration (96)
Wood - Preservation (92)
Peinture - Expertise (91)
Photographs - Conservation and restoration (91)
Antiquities - Collection and preservation (87)
Papier - Conservation et restauration (87)
Papier - Conservation (85)
Archéologie sous-marine (84)
Paper - Conservation and restoration (83)
Architecture – Conservation et restauration (82)
Architecture - Conservation and restoration (80)
Underwater archaeology (80)
Painting - Expertising (78)
Documents d'archives - Conservation et restauration (77)
Digital preservation (76)
Museums - Social aspects (75)
Musées - Aspect social (71)
Art - Expertise (70)
Lieux historiques - Conservation et restauration (70)
Dyes and dyeing (68)
Historic sites - Conservation and restoration (67)
Teinture (67)
Archival materials - Conservation and restoration (66)
Corrosion and anti-corrosives (66)
Gestion des situations d'urgence (66)
Emergency management (65)
Museums - Congresses (65)
Musées (65)
Musées - Expositions (65)
Musées - Fréquentation (62)
Art - Conservation and restoration - Training (61)
Museums - Administration (61)
Adhésifs (60)
Art - Conservation et restauration - Formation (60)
Art - Expertising (60)
Manuscrits - Conservation et restauration (59)
Museums (59)
Adhesives (57)
Couleur (57)
Museums - Exhibitions (57)
Museums - United States (56)
Musées - États-Unis (56)
Color (55)
Polymers (55)
Polymères (55)
Musées - Méthodes d'enregistrement (53)
Musées - Philosophie (53)
Museums - Management (52)
Musées - Informatique (52)
Reconciliation (52)
Réconciliation (52)
Museum attendance (51)
Museums - Data processing (51)
Musées - Gestion des collections (51)
Varnish and varnishing (50)
Image processing - Digital techniques (49)
Museums - Collection management (49)
Museum registration methods (48)
Museums - Philosophy (48)
Naufrages (48)
Shipwrecks (48)
Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration - Congresses (47)
Canada - Politique culturelle (46)
Musées - Facteurs climatiques (46)


Auteur ou éditeur

Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) (318)
American Association of Museums (119)
Getty Conservation Institute (105)
Canadian Conservation Institute (92)
International Organization for Standardization (88)
International Council of Museums (86)
National Museums of Canada (86)
Unesco (83)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (77)
Centre de conservation du Québec (75)
Université du Québec à Montréal (66)
Canadian Museums Association (62)
National Museum of Man (Canada) (61)
Institut canadien de conservation (59)
National Museum of Canada (59)
Great Britain. Museums and Galleries Commission (58)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (50)
Canadian Conservation Institute = Institut canadien de conservation (50)
Royal Ontario Museum (47)
Canadian Museum of Civilization (46)
National Gallery of Canada (46)
Smithsonian Institution (44)
Conseil international des musées (42)
Société des musées québécois (42)
British Museum (41)
ICOM Committee for Conservation (41)
University of Toronto (40)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (39)
Musée du Québec (39)
University College London. Institute of Archaeology (39)
Victoria and Albert Museum (39)
English Heritage (38)
Museums Association (Great Britain) (38)
Textile Museum (Washington, D.C.) (37)
British Standards Institution (36)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (36)
Queen's University (Kingston, ON) (36)
United States. National Park Service (36)
American National Standards Institute (34)
National Fire Protection Association (34)
Eastman Kodak Company (33)
United States. National Bureau of Standards (33)
American Association for State and Local History (32)
Dignard, Carole (32)
Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain) (32)
Unesco. General Information Programme (30)
Association des musées canadiens (29)
Musée de la civilisation (Québec) (28)
Ontario Museum Association (28)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (27)
Musées nationaux du Canada (27)
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (26)
Association of Science-Technology Centers (26)
National Trust for Historic Preservation (26)
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
Naud, Colette (24)
Québec (Province). Ministère des affaires culturelles (24)
Association des restaurateurs d'art et d'archéologie de formation universitaire (ARAAFU) (23)
Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (23)
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (23)
American Society for Testing and Materials (22)
Québec (Province). Office de la langue française (22)
American Museum of Natural History (21)
Archives & Museum Informatics (Firm) (21)
Canadian Ethnology Service (21)
Musée national de l'Homme (Canada) (21)
National Gallery (Great Britain) (21)
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property (U.S.) (21)
United States. Dept. of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards (21)
Archaeological Survey of Canada (20)
J. Paul Getty Museum (20)
Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties (20)
Townsend, Joyce H. (20)
Agrawal, Om Prakash, 1931- (19)
Historic England (19)
Historic Scotland. Technical Conservation, Research and Education Division (19)
American Association of Museums. Technical Information Service (18)
ICOM International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM) (18)
Section française de l'Institut international de conservation des oeuvres d'art (18)
Society of Dyers and Colourists (18)
New Brunswick Museum (17)
Oil and Colour Chemists' Association (Great Britain) (17)
Scottish Museums Council (17)
Institute of Paper Conservation (16)
Lepage, Michèle (16)
Mason, Janet (16)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (16)
Rémillard, France (16)
Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration (16)
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (16)
University of Copenhagen (16)
Barclay, Robert L. (15)
Council of Europe (15)
Institute of Paper Chemistry (Appleton, Wis.) (15)
Kirby, Jo (15)
McGhee, Robert (15)
Michalski, Stefan (15)
Musée canadien des civilisations (15)
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (15)

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