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The preservation of antiquities

Plenderleith, Harold James. London: The Museums Association, 1934.
N 8560 P53 (Catalogue)

La conservation des antiquités et des oeuvres d'art

Plenderleith, Harold James. Paris: Eyrolles, 1966.
N 8560 P514 (Catalogue)

The conservation of antiquities and works of art : treatment, repair and restoration

Plenderleith, Harold James. London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1956.
N 8560 P5 (Catalogue)

The conservation of antiquities and works of art : treatment, repair and restoration

Plenderleith, Harold James; Werner, Alfred Emil Anthony. London ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1971.
N 8560 P5 1971 (Catalogue)
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