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A review of published temperatures for the control of pest insects in museums

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Pages 41-67 dans Collection forum, vol. 8, no. 2, Fall 1992.
AATA 30-2380 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Controlling museum fungal problems

Strang, Thomas J.K.; Dawson, John E.. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 12. (1991),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le contrôle des moisissures dans les musées

Strang, Thomas J.K.; Dawson, John E.. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 12. (1991),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Controlling vertebrate pests in museums

Strang, Thomas J.K.; Dawson, John E.. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 13. (1991),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

La lutte contre les vertébrés nuisibles dans les musées

Strang, Thomas J.K.; Dawson, John E.. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 13. (1991),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Solving museum insect problems: chemical control

Dawson, John E.; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 15. (1992),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

La lutte contre les insectes dans les musées: les méthodes chimiques

Dawson, John E.; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 15. (1992),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Integrated pest management

Dignard, Carole; Mason, Janet; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Montréal; Ottawa, Québec. Pages 33-42 dans Preventive conservation in museums: video handbook, (1995),
A-V ( c.1) AM 141 P7413 (c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

La lutte préventive contre les insectes et les petits animaux

Dignard, Carole; Mason, Janet; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Montréal; Québec; Ottawa. Pages 35-45 dans La conservation préventive dans les musées: manuel d'accompagnement, (1995),
A-V ( c.1) AM 141 P7414 (c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Integrated pest management

Dignard, Carole; Mason, Janet; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Montréal. Preventive conservation in museums; no. 5. (1995),
A-V (Staff Bibliography)

La lutte préventive contre les insectes et les petits animaux

Dignard, Carole; Mason, Janet; Strang, Thomas J.K.. Montréal. Conservation préventive dans les musées; no. 5. (1995),
A-V (Staff Bibliography)

A systematic approach to the conservation (care) of museum collections - with technical appendices

Michalski, Stefan; MacDonald, Maureen A.; Strang, Thomas J.K.; Tétreault, Jean; Williams, R. Scott. Ottawa. (May, 1992),
AM 141 M52 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

A brief guide to thermal and controlled atmosphere treatments for insect eradication

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Pages 4-5 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation. Preventive Conservation Working Group. Preventive conservation newsletter, vol. 1, Fall 1995.
PER # 12917 (Staff Bibliography)

Reducing the risk to collections from pests

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Pages 8-10 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 14, September 1994.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Réduction des risques causés aux collections par les ravageurs

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Pages 9-11 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 14, septembre 1994.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The effect of thermal methods of pest control on museum collections

Strang, Thomas J.K.; Chiraporn Aranyanak, Chalit Singhasiri. Bangkok. Pages 334-353 dans Biodeterioration of cultural property 3: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property, July 4-7, 1995, Bangkok, Thailand, (1995),
TA 418.74 I62 1995 # 13363 (Staff Bibliography)

The effect of thermal methods of pest control on museum collections

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Bangkok. Pages 199-212 dans 3rd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property, 4-7 July, 1995, Bangkok, Thailand: preprints, (1995),
# 12739 (Staff Bibliography)

Preventing infestations: control strategies and detection methods = Stratégies de lutte préventive contre les infestations et méthodes de détection

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 3/1. (1996),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Cómo evaluar la infestación de insectos

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 3/1. (1998),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Detecting infestations: facility inspection procedure and checklist = Détection des infestations: inspection des installations et liste de contrôle

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 3/2. (1996),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Detección de las infestaciones: procedimiento y lista de control de inspección de las instalaciones

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 3/2. (1998),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Controlling insect pests with low temperature = Lutte contre les insectes par exposition au froid

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 3/3. (1997),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Cómo controlar las plagas de insectos con bajas temperaturas

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 3/3. (1998),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Psocids or "book lice": a warning of dampness = Les psoques, des indicateurs d'humidité

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 3/4. (1998),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

El psócido o "piojo de los libros": signo de humedad

Strang, Thomas J.K.. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 3/4. (1999),
PER (Staff Bibliography)