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PEG concentration and solvent selection for freeze-drying of waterlogged archaeological woods

Kim, Soo-chul; Chungbuk National University (Cheongju, Korea). Cheongju, Korea: Chungbuk National University, 2003.
TA 424.4 K55 (Catalogue)

Charred wood consolidated with Butvar B-98

Cobb, Kim Cullen; Queen's University. Kingston, ON: Queen's University, 2005.
TT 199 C63 (Catalogue)

Conservation chemistry : an introduction

Lister, Ted; Renshaw, Janet; Osborne, Colin; Pack, Maria. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004.
QD 39.2 L57 (Catalogue)

The effectiveness of Ciba® Lignostab® 1198 wood photostabilizing additive in three wood species

Dendy, Jean A.; Queen's University. Kingston, ON: Queen's University, 2007.
TA 424.6 C5 D36 (Catalogue)

Waterlogged archaeological wood : biodegradation and its implications for conservation

Björdal, Charlotte Gjelstrup. Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2000.
CC 137 W6 B55 (Catalogue)

Panel painting : technique and conservation of wood supports

Ciatti, Marco; Castelli, Ciro; Santacesaria, Andrea; Kunzelman, Diane. Firenze: Edifir, 2006.
ND 1640 D5713 2006 (Catalogue)

The structure and conservation of wood as applied to archaeology

McGregor, Marjorie; University of London. Institute of Archaeology. London: University of London, [1962].
CC 137 W6 M33 (Catalogue)

Waterlogged wood : guidelines on the recording, sampling, conservation, and curation of waterlogged wood

Brunning, Richard; Watson, Jacqui. Swindon, England: English Heritage, 2010.
CC 77 W48 W36 2010 (Catalogue)

Candied cedar bark : the treatment of waterlogged western red cedar bark using sucrose

Boyce, Elizabeth; Queen's University. Kingston, ON: Queen Victoria Memorial Library and Museum, 2012.
TA 424.6 B69 2012 (Catalogue)

Studies on controlled thermal treatment in pest-infested wood

Ertelt, Petra. Rosenheim, Germany: Rosenheim Technical College, 1995.
TA 424 E78 1995 Missing (Catalogue)

Study on the durability of traditional and modified limewash recipes results weathered wood and rough-sawn new wood : 2005-03

Jackson, Sarah; United States. National Park Service. Natchitoches, LA: National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, 2005.
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TA 424 J33 2005 (Catalogue)

Guide for the use of wood preservatives in historic structures : general technical report FPL-GTR-217

Lebow, Stan; Anthony, Ronald W.. Madison, WI: National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, 2012.
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TA 424 L43 2012 (Catalogue)

Wood deterioration, protection and maintenance

Reinprecht, Ladislav. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016.
TA 424 R45 2016 (Catalogue)

Preserving Vasa

Hocker, Emma. London: Archetype Books, 2018.
VA 595 .V3 H63 2018 (Catalogue)

Comportement hygromécanique de panneaux en bois peints du patrimoine : étude menée pour le LRMH et le C2RMF, bilan des travaux effectués en 2007

Colmars, Julien; Gril, Joseph. Montpellier, France: HAL open access archive, 2007.
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TA 666.5 .P35 .C65 2007 (Catalogue)

Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement hygromécanique d’un panneau de bois.

Gauvin, Cécilia; Université Montpellier. Montpellier, France: HAL open access archive, 2015.
TA 666.5 .P35 .G.38 2015 (Catalogue)

Durabilité des bois et problèmes associés

Dirol, Danièle; Deglise, Xavier. Paris: Hermès Science Europe Ltd, 2001.
TS 852 .D57 2001 (Catalogue)

L'utilisation de solutions organiques liquides pour la désinfection des panneaux de bois polychromes contre l'attaque des insectes xylophages

Prunet, Thérèse. Aubervilliers: Institut français de restauration des oeuvres d'art, 1983.
ND 1630 .P78 1983 (Catalogue)

Holz : ergänzung, festigung, kittung

Bürger, Monika; Haas, Alexandra; Kühner, Harald; Winkelsen, Britta. Müchen: Siegl, 2008.
TA 422 .B87 2008 (Catalogue)

Heritage wood : investigation and conservation of art on wood

Nevin, Austin; Sawicki, Malgorzata. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019.
NK 9604.5 .H47 2019 (Catalogue)

W.E.R.-System manual : structural rehabilitation of deteriorated timber

Stumes, Paul. Ottawa, ON: Association for Preservation Technology (APT), 1979.
TA 422 S78 1979 (Catalogue)

Type de document


Auteur ou éditeur

Queen's University (8)
Hickin, Norman E. (4)
Hoffmann, Per (3)
ICOM Committee for Conservation. Working Group on Wet Organic (3)
Barbour, R. James (2)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (2)
Comité de l'ICOM pour la conservation (2)
Daley, Thomas (2)
Grant, Tara (2)
Hamel, Margaret P., ed. (2)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (2)
McGrail, Sean (2)
National Maritime Museum (Great Britain) (2)
Ridout, Brian (2)
Tokyo Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyujo (2)
Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties (2)
Unger, Achim (2)
American Chemical Society. Cellulose, Paper, and Textile Division (1)
Anthony, Ronald W. (1)
Association of British Picture Restorers (1)
Baltazar, Vera de la Cruz (1)
Barkman, Lars (1)
Battram, Anne Dales (1)
Beck, Walther (1)
Björdal, Charlotte Gjelstrup (1)
Boyce, Elizabeth (1)
British Museum. Research Laboratory (1)
Brommelle, N. S. (Norman S.) (1)
Brunning, Richard (1)
Buck, Richard D. (1)
Bürger, Monika (1)
Carthy, Deborah (1)
Castelli, Ciro (1)
Cech, Marian Y. (1)
Centre Tecnique du Bois et de l'Ameublement . Pôle Construction (1)
Christensen, B. Brorson (1)
Chungbuk National University (Cheongju, Korea) (1)
Ciatti, Marco (1)
Cobb, Kim Cullen (1)
Cockcroft, R. (1)
Coggins, C. R. (1)
Colmars, Julien (1)
Conseil international des monuments et des sites (1)
Deglise, Xavier (1)
Dendy, Jean A. (1)
Dietrich, Anne (1)
Dirol, Danièle (1)
Dobbs, A.J. (1)
Dumpis, Benita (1)
Edwards, Robin (1)
Ertelt, Petra (1)
Findlay, Walter Philip Kenneth (1)
Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.) (1)
Forest Products Research Society (1)
Fortin, Yves (1)
Galligan, William L. (1)
Gauvin, Cécilia (1)
Grant, C. (1)
Graystone, Jon (1)
Gril, Joseph (1)
Grosso, Gerald H. (1)
Haas, Alexandra (1)
Helleur-Monteiro, Lynette M., 1954- (1)
Hocker, Emma (1)
Horns, James S. (1)
Institut international pour la conservation des objets d'art et d'histoire (1)
International Atomic Energy Agency (1)
International Development Research Centre (Canada) (1)
Jackson, Sarah (1)
Jong, J. de (1)
Kaplan, Emily (1)
Kellogg, Robert M. (1)
Kim, Soo-chul (1)
Kolch, David (1)
Kubel, H. (1)
Kunzelman, Diane (1)
Kühner, Harald (1)
Lebow, Stan (1)
Lister, Ted (1)
Lyon, Duane E. (1)
McGregor, Marjorie (1)
McWilliam, Colin, 1928- (1)
Meyer, Robert W. (1)
Mississippi Forest Products Utilization Laboratory (1)
Moren Rolf E. (1)
Mühlethaler, Bruno (1)
National Timber Research Institute (South Africa) (1)
Nevin, Austin (1)
Nicholas, Darrel D. (1)
Noack, Detlef, 1931- (1)
Noseworthy, Gillian A. (1)
Oddy, W. A. (1)
Osborne, Colin (1)
Oxley, T.A. (1)
Pack, Maria (1)
Parks Canada (1)
Phillips, Morgan W. (1)
Poliquin, Jean (1)
Price, Eddie W. (1)