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Cleaning historic buildings

Ashurst, Nicola. London: Donhead, 1994.
TH 3361 A83 (Catalogue)

Metals in America's historic buildings : uses and preservation treatments

Gayle, Margot; Look, David W.; Waite, John G.. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resources, Preservation Assistance, 1992.
NA 3940 M47 1992 (Catalogue)

Il degrado dei monumenti in Roma : in rapporto all'inquinamento atmosferico

Laurenzi Tabasso, Marisa; Marabelli, Maurizio; International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property. Viterbo, Italy: BetaGamma editrice, 1992.
N 8850 L38 (Catalogue)

Conservation of architectural surfaces : stones and wall covering

Biscontin, Guido. Venice: Il Cardo, 1993.
NA 105 I55 1992 (Catalogue)

Konservering igar och idag

Helsinki, Finland: Nordiska Konservatorforbundets, 1985.
N 8850 K66 1985 (Catalogue)

An investigation into the use of perfluoropolyethers as anti-graffiti coatings and of solvents for the removal of graffiti from marble and concrete

Woolfitt, Catherine; Queen's University. Kingston, ON: Queen's University, 1992.
TH 3411 W66 (Catalogue)

Cultural resource recording

Association for Preservation Technology. Fredericksburg, Va.: Association for Preservation technology (APT), 1990.
N 8850 C85 (Catalogue)

Origin, mechanisms and effects of salts on degradation of monuments in marine and continental environments

Zezza, Fulvio; European Commission. Bari: TECNOMACK, 1997.
N 8850 E86 1997 (Catalogue)

Il problema del restauro : dal rinascimento all'eta contemporanea

Chirici, Cesare. Milan: Casa Editrice Ceschina, 1971.
N 8850 C47 (Catalogue)

Caring for your historic house

Heritage Preservation (Washington, D.C.); United States. National Park Service. [New York]: Harry N. Abrams, 1998.
TH 4817 C32 (Catalogue)

A history of architectural conservation

Jokilehto, Jukka. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
NA 105 J64 (Catalogue)

Conservation of historic brick structures : case studies and reports of research

Baer, Norbert S. (Norbert Sebastian), 1938-. Shaftesbury: Donhead Publishing Ltd., 1998.
TH 3411 B44 (Catalogue)

Timber : the EC woodcare project : studies of the behaviour, interrelationships and management of deathwatch beetles in historic buildings

Ridout, Brian. Northampton: English Heritage, 2001.
NA 109 E9 T55 v.4 (Catalogue)

Graffiti on historic buildings and monuments : methods of removal and prevention : technical advice note

English Heritage. London: English Heritage, 1999.
TH 3411 G63 (Catalogue)

The conservation of heritage interiors : preprints of a conference - Symposium 2000 = La conservation des intérieurs patrimoniaux : les prétirages de la conférence - Symposium 2000

Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC). Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Canada, Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC), 2000.
Lien au document en anglais
NA 105 C68 2000 (Catalogue)

The use of and need for preservation standards in architectural conservation

Sickels-Taves, Lauren B.. Philadelphia: ASTM, 1999.
TH 3301 U74 (Catalogue)

Creative re-use of buildings : principles and practice

Latham, Derek. Shaftesbury: Donhead Publishing Company, 2000.
TH 3401 L47 (Catalogue)

Conservation of historic timber structures : an ecological approach

Larsen, Knut Einar; Marstein, Nils. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000.
NA 105 L37 (Catalogue)

Media save art '91, conservare il futuro : concorsi, confronti e mostre sui mezzi di comunicazione (stampa, cinema, TV, audiovisivi, sponsorizzazioni) per la salvaguardia e la conservazione dei patrimoni culturali di tutto il mondo : 17-22 giugno 1991, Roma, Complesso monumentale di San Michele a Ripa.

Roma: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per l'Informazione e l'Editoria, 1991.
N 8560 M45 (Catalogue)

Monuments and the millennium : proceedings of a joint conference organised by English Heritage and the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation

English Heritage; United Kingdom Institute for Conservation. London: English Heritage, 2001.
N 8850 I67 1998 (Catalogue)

Preserving post-war heritage : the care and conservation of mid-twentieth century architecture

Macdonald, Susan. Shaftesbury: Donhead Pub, 2001.
NA 105 P64 (Catalogue)

The painted house of Maud Lewis : conserving a folk art treasure

Hamilton, Laurie E.. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2001.
ND 249 L45 H35 (Catalogue)

Wood structures : a global forum on the treatment, conservation and repair of cultural heritage

Kelley, Stephen J.. West Conshokocken, PA: ASTM, 2000.
TH 3301 W58 (Catalogue)

Fontes, fers et aciers dans l'architecture : étude, détection et conservation des métaux ferreux dans les bâtiments

Paris: Section francaise de l'ICOMOS, 1997.
NA 3940 F66 1995 (Catalogue)

Structural analysis of historic buildings : restoration, preservation and adaptive reuse applications for architects and engineers

Rabun, J. Stanley. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
TA 645 R32 (Catalogue)

Type de document


Auteur ou éditeur

Historic Scotland. Technical Conservation, Research and Education Division (4)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (4)
English Heritage (3)
Forsyth, Michael, 1951- (3)
Parks Canada (3)
Ashurst, John (2)
Association for Preservation Technology (2)
Fitch, James Marston (2)
Fram, Mark (2)
Gayle, Margot (2)
Laurenzi Tabasso, Marisa (2)
Macdonald, Susan (2)
National Trust (Great Britain) (2)
Nylander, Jane C., 1938- (2)
Ontario Heritage Foundation (2)
Queen's University (2)
Swallow, Peter (2)
Unesco (2)
United States. National Park Service (2)
Waite, John G. (2)
Watt, David (2)
Young, Maureen (2)
Andrews, David (1)
Ashurst, Nicola (1)
Association for Preservation Technology International (1)
Azéma, Aurélia (1)
Baer, Norbert S. (Norbert Sebastian), 1938- (1)
Balen, K. van, ed. (1)
Ball, Jonathan (1)
Baltsavias, E. P. (Emmanuel P.), 1957- (1)
Bastian, Zeno (1)
Beckmann, Poul, 1924 - (1)
Bercé, Françoise (1)
Biscontin, Guido (1)
Blake, Bill (1)
Boito, Camillo, 1836-1914 (1)
Bowles, Robert (1)
Brebbia, C.A. (1)
Brommelle, N. S. (Norman S.) (1)
Burns, John A. (1)
Butcher-Younghans, Sherry (1)
CEDE (1)
Cameron, Sonja (1)
Canada. Parks Canada (1)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (1)
Centre for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings (1)
Chirici, Cesare (1)
Choay, Françoise (1)
Colston, Belinda (1)
Commission of the European Communities (1)
Conseil international des monuments et des sites (1)
Council of Europe (1)
Crevello, Gina (1)
Custance-Baker, Alice (1)
D'Agostino, Salvatore (1)
Dallas, Ross (1)
Duin, Paul van (1)
Ecclesiastical Architects' and Surveyors' Association (1)
Erder, Cevat (1)
European Commission (1)
Fabbri, Kristian (1)
Gale, Frances R. (1)
Gaspar, Florindo (1)
Gazzola, Pietro (1)
Geological Society of America. Division on Engineering Geology (1)
Getty Conservation Institute (1)
Gherardi, Francesca (1)
Gonçalves, Luisa, M.S. (1)
Grimmer, Anne E. (1)
Hamilton, Laurie E. (1)
Heritage Preservation (Washington, D.C.) (1)
Hirst, Elizabeth (1)
Historic American Buildings Survey (1)
Historic England (1)
Historic Houses Association (London, England) (1)
Hudec, Peter P. (1)
International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry (1)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (1)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (1)
Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (1)
Italian Ministry of Education (1)
Jackson, Sophie (1)
Jandl, H.Ward (1)
Johansson, Sölve (1)
Jokilehto, Jukka (1)
Kelley, Stephen J. (1)
Laing, Richard A. (1)
Larsen, Knut Einar (1)
Latham, Derek (1)
Lazzarini, Lorenzo (1)
LeBlanc, François, 1946- (1)
Lemaire, Raymond M., ed. (1)
Letellier, Robin (1)
London, Mark (1)
Look, David W. (1)
Low, Gordon (1)
Mandosio, Jean-Marc (1)
Marabelli, Maurizio (1)