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Canadian Cooperative Permanent Paper Research Program: development process: chemical testing aspects

Burgess, Helen D.; Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna. Philadelphia. Pages 151-158 dans Workshop on the Effects of Aging on Printing and Writing Papers: proceedings: July 6-8, 1994, Philadelphia, PA, (1994),
# 15064 Z 701.3 P38 W67 1994 (Staff Bibliography)

'Theory guides, experiment decides': working with Klaus

Iraci, Joe; Bégin, Paul; Mogens S. Koch. Kobenhavn. Pages 25-30 dans Klaus B. Hendriks: a life remembered, (2002),
# 14845 TR 465 K58 (Staff Bibliography)

The effect of air pollutants on paper stability

Bégin, Paul; Grattan, David W.; Iraci, Joe; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna; Deschâtelets, Sylvie; Gurnagul, Norayr; Zou, Xuejun; Deschâtelets, S.; Gurnagul, N.; Zou, X.. Pages 1-21 dans Restaurator, vol. 20, no. 1, 1999.
# 13946 PER (Staff Bibliography)

The impact of lignin on paper permanence: a comprehensive study of the ageing behaviour of handsheets and commercial paper samples

Bégin, Paul; Grattan, David W.; Iraci, Joe; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna; Deschâtelets, Sylvie; Gurnagul, Norayr; Zou, Xuejun; Deschâtelets, S.; Gurnagul, N.; Zou, X.. Pages 135-154 dans Restaurator, vol. 19, no. 3, 1998.
# 13903 PER (Staff Bibliography)

The impact of lignin on paper permanence: part 1: a comprehensive study of the aging behaviour of handsheets and commercial paper samples

Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Grattan, David W.; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna; Zou, Xuejun; Gurnagul, Norayr; Deschâtelets, Sylvie. Paris. Pages 141-152 dans La conservation: une science en évolution: bilan et perspectives: actes des troisièmes journées internationales d'études de l'ARSAG, Paris, 21 au 25 avril 1997, (1997),
# 13785 Z 701 A87 1997 (Staff Bibliography)

Accelerated ageing as an aid in the evaluation of mass deacidification treatments

Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Hendriks, Klaus B.; Carlo Federici, Paola F. Munafò, Daniela Costantini. Palermo. Pages 727-741 dans International Conference on Conservation and Restoration of Archival and Library Materials, Erice, 22nd - 29th April 1996, volume 2, (1999),
Z 701 I66 1996 v.2 (Staff Bibliography)

Canadian Co-operative Permanent Paper Research Project: the impact of lignin on paper permanence: final report

Bégin, Paul; Iraci, Joe; Grattan, David W.; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Woods, Donna; Zou, Xuejun; Gurnagul, Norayr; Deschâtelets, Sylvie; Zou, X.; Gurnagul, N.; Deschâtelets, S.. [S.l.. (January 1998),
Z 701.3 P38 Z68 (Staff Bibliography)

Symposium 2003 - a resounding success! = Symposium 2003 - un succès retentissant!

Down, Jane L.; Iraci, Joe. Pages 14-15 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 32, November 2003.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Care of encased photographic images = Le soin des images photographiques présentées en coffret

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/1. (2007),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Care of black-and-white photographic glass plate negatives = Le soin des négatifs photographiques en noir et blanc sur plaque de verre

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/2. (2007),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Care of black-and-white photographic negatives on film = Le soin des négatifs photographiques en noir et blanc sur pellicule

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/3. (2007),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Care of black-and-white photographic prints = Le soin des épreuves photographiques en noir et blanc

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/4. (2007),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Care of colour photographic materials = Le soin des documents photographiques couleur

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/5. (2007),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Processing contemporary black-and-white photographic films and papers for maximum permanence = Le traitement des pellicules et papiers photographiques noir et blanc modernes pour en assurer la longévité

Hendriks, Klaus B.; Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 16/6. (2007),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Disaster recovery of modern information carriers: compact discs, magnetic tapes, and magnetic disks

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 25. (2002),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The relative stabilities of optical disc formats

Iraci, Joe. Pages 134-150 dans Restaurator, vol. 26, no. 2, 2005.
PER # 15189 (Staff Bibliography)

Preservation of optical and magnetic media: participant manual

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Preservation of museum collections program. (2000),
Z 678.93 O7 I64 (Staff Bibliography)

The disaster recovery of compact discs and magnetic diskettes

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Research report for The Canadian Council of Archives. (May 31, 1999),
# 15079 (Staff Bibliography)

The recovery of magnetic diskettes from stubborn deposits

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Research report for The Canadian Council of Archives. (September 30, 2000),
# 15080 (Staff Bibliography)

The disaster recovery of compact discs - part II

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Research report for The Canadian Council of Archives. (October 13, 2000),
# 15081 (Staff Bibliography)

The disaster recovery of magnetic tapes (VHS)

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Research report for The Canadian Council of Archives. (February 23, 2001),
# 15082 (Staff Bibliography)

Remedies for deteriorated or damaged modern information carriers

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 27. (2005),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Modern information carriers: participant manual

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. (2000),
Z681.3 O67 I64 (Staff Bibliography)

Longevity of Recordable CDs and DVDs = Durabilité des CD et des DVD inscriptibles

Iraci, Joe. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 19/1. (2010),
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(Staff Bibliography)

The stability of DVD optical disc formats

Iraci, Joe. Pages 39-59 dans Restaurator, vol. 32, no. 1, 2011.
PER (Staff Bibliography)
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