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Analysis and evaluation of a 1994 test formulation of Skum-X

Moffatt, Elizabeth A.; Guild, Sherry. Pages 14-15 dans IIC-CG bulletin (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - Canadian Group), vol. 19, no. 2, June 1994.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluation of commercial mass deacidification processes: AKZO-DEZ, WEI T'O and FMC-MG3: phase III: evaluation of media, bindings and special paper types

Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Burgess, Helen D.; Dupont, Anne-Laurence. Ottawa. (November 1994),
Z 701.3 D4 E85 v. 3 (Staff Bibliography)

Dry methods for surface cleaning of paper

Cowan, Janet; Guild, Sherry. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 11. (2001),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Techniques de nettoyage à sec du papier

Cowan, Janet; Guild, Sherry. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 11. (2001),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Ultrasonic misting: part 2: treatment applications

Dignard, Carole; Guild, Sherry; Douglas, Robyn; Maheux, Anne F.; McWilliams, Wanda; Maheux, Anne. Pages 127-141 dans Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC), vol. 36, no. 2, Summer 1997.
# 13590 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Mould growth in heritage collections = Prolifération des moisissures dans les collections patrimoniales

Guild, Sherry. Pages 4-5 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 32, November 2003.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Mould prevention and collection recovery: guidelines for heritage collections

Guild, Sherry; MacDonald, Maureen A.. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 26. (2004),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Prévention des moisissures et récupération des collections: lignes directrices pour les collections du patrimoine

Guild, Sherry; MacDonald, Maureen A.. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 26. (2004),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Matting works on paper = Passe-partout pour les oeuvres sur papier

Guild, Sherry. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 11/5. (1997),
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PER (Staff Bibliography)

Colocación en carpetas de las obras sobre papel

Guild, Sherry. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 11/5. (1999),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The CCI Tapes and Heat-set Tissues Project

Down, Jane L.; Williams, R. Scott; Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry. Pages 13-17 dans PapierRestaurierung, vol. 7, no. 1, 2006.
# 15305 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Effect of aqueous treatments on nineteenth-century iron-gall-ink documents: assessment using hyperspectral imaging

Guild, Sherry; Tse, Season; Goltz, Douglas; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria; Orlandini, Valeria; Richardson, Maria. Washington, DC. Pages 75-82 dans The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). The Book and Paper Group annual, volume 28: papers presented at the Book and Specialty Group Session, AIC 37th Annual Meeting, May 20-23, 2009, Los Angeles, California, (2010),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Microfade Testing of 19th Century Iron Gall Inks

Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Orlandini, Valeria; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria. Pages 167-180 dans American Institute for Conservation Textile Speciality Group Postprint, vol. 20, 2010.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

A comparison of aqueous versus ethanol modified calcium phytate solutions for the treatment of iron-gall ink inscribed paper

Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Gould, Amanda. Pages 3-16 dans Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC), vol. 37, 2012.
PER #15939 (Staff Bibliography)

Technical note on treatment options for iron gall ink on paper with a focus on calcium phytate

Guild, Sherry; Tse, Season; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria. Pages 17-21 dans Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC), vol. 37, 2012.
PER #15940 (Staff Bibliography)

The Salzinnes Antiphonal: the history and examination of a sixteenth-century Slavonic manuscript

Guild, Sherry; McNair, Christine; Driscoll, M.J.; M.J. Driscoll; Curry, Lynn; Samson, Genevieve; Dietz, Judy. Copenhagen. Pages 167-183 dans Care and conservation of manuscripts 13, Proceedings of the thirteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 13th-15th April 2011, Care and conservation of manuscripts; vol. 13. (2012),
Z 110 C7 C27 2012 #15942 (Staff Bibliography)

A team approach to treating a pair of early-19th-century globes

Mason, Janet; Guild, Sherry. Pages 30-33 dans Reflections on conservation, 2012.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Un travail d'équipe pour le traitement de deux globes datant du début du XIXe siècle

Mason, Janet; Guild, Sherry. Pages 30-33 dans Réflexions sur la conservation, 2012.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluation of selected adhesive tapes and heat-set tissues - a final update

Down, Jane L.; Guild, Sherry; Hill, Greg; McNair, Christine; St-Jacques, Doris; Westbury, Kathleen. Pages 14-25 dans Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC), vol. 38, 2013.
PER, #16057 (For internal use only = Pour usage interne seulement) (Staff Bibliography)

Caring for paper objects = Le soin des objets de papier

Guild, Sherry. Preventive conservation guidelines for collections = Lignes directrices relatives à la conservation préventive des collections, (2018),
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(Staff Bibliography)

The Salzinnes Antiphonal project continued : treatment and exhibition of a sixteenth-century liturgical manuscript

McNair, Christine; Maitland, Crystal; Guild, Sherry; Driscoll, Matthew James, 1954-; Matthew James Driscoll; Curry, Lynn. Charlottenlund. Pages 381-394 dans Care and conservation of manuscripts 17 : proceedings of the seventeenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 11-13th April 2018, (2021),
Z 110 C7 C27 2018 (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluation of commercial mass deacidification processes : AKZO - DEZ, WEIT'O and FMC - MG3

Burgess, Helen Diana; Kaminska, Elzbieta M.; Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Dupont, Anne-Laurence; Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC). Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC), 1994.
Z 701.3 D4 E85 (Catalogue)