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'Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink': the need for more disaster training for conservators

Tremain, David. Sydney, Australia. Pages 219-230 dans Redefining disasters: a decade of counter-disaster planning: papers submitted by speakers, September 20-22, 1995, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, (1995),
# 15065 Z 679.7 R34 1995 (Staff Bibliography)

Conservation assists accident investigations

Tremain, David. Budapest. Pages 62-72 dans Papers of the Conference on Book and Paper Conservation, Budapest, 4-7, September 1990, (1992),
# 15095 Z 700.9 C66 1990 (Staff Bibliography)

Protecting cultural collections from disasters: an overview of recent developments

Tremain, David. Paris. Pages 121-128 dans La conservation préventive: colloque sur la conservation restauration des biens culturels, Paris, 8-10 octobre 1992, (1992),
AATA 32-247 N 8554.5 J68 1992 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Is there a need for more disaster training for conservators?

Tremain, David. Pages 15-22 dans IIC-CG bulletin (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - Canadian Group), vol. 20, no. 2, June 1995.
# 12738 PER (Staff Bibliography)

Reverse-glass prints: their history, technique, and conservation

Tremain, David; Helen D. Burgess. Ottawa. Pages 143-152 dans Conservation of historic and artistic works on paper: proceedings of a conference - Symposium 88, Ottawa, Canada, October 3 to 7, 1988, (1994),
# 14052 Z 701.3 P38 S96 1988 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency contingency planning

Dignard, Carole; Tremain, David; Stewart, Deborah. Montréal; Ottawa; Québec. Pages 65-72 dans Preventive conservation in museums: video handbook, (1995),
A-V (c.1) AM 141 P7413 (c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Le plan de prévention et d'urgence en cas de sinistre

Dignard, Carole; Tremain, David; Stewart, Deborah. Montréal; Québec; Ottawa. Pages 69-76 dans La conservation préventive dans les musées: manuel d'accompagnement, (1995),
A-V (c.1) AM 141 P7414 (c.2) (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency contingency planning

Dignard, Carole; Tremain, David; Stewart, Deborah. Montréal. Preventive conservation in museums; no. 9. (1995),
A-V (Staff Bibliography)

La plan de prévention et d'urgence en cas de sinistre

Dignard, Carole; Tremain, David; Stewart, Deborah. Montréal. Conservation préventive dans les musées; no. 9. (1995),
A-V (Staff Bibliography)

Two eighteenth-century 'glass prints'

Tremain, David. Page 12 dans CCI Newsletter, December 1987.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Deux " estampes transférées sur verre" du XVIIIe siècle

Tremain, David. Page 13 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, décembre 1987.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

CCI assists Dryden air crash investigation

Tremain, David. Pages 15-16 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 6, September 1990.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

L'ICC prête son concours à l'enquête sur l'écrasement d'un avion à Dryden

Tremain, David. Pages 16-17 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 6, septembre 1990.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Commodore Billing's voyage to the Arctic: the treatment of a portfolio of etchings

Tremain, David. Pages 4-6 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 13, March 1994.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le voyage du Commodore Billings dans l'Arctique: traitement d'une collection d'eaux-fortes

Tremain, David. Pages 4-6 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 13, mars 1994.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Billing's expedition preserved: the conservation of an Arctic portfolio

Tremain, David. Pages 1-6 dans Information north, vol. 21, no. 1, March 1995.
# 12714 (Staff Bibliography)

Developing an emergency response plan

Tremain, David. Taipei. Pages 1-1 - 1-37 dans On preservation and disaster planning: the symposium on the conservation and preservation of the cultural properties, June 3rd to 6th, 1996, Taipei Municipal Library, (1996),
# 13202 AM 148 S96 1996 (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency preparedness in Taiwan and Poland: a tale of two cities: Taipei and Kraków

Tremain, David. Pages 9-10 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 18, September 1996.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

L'intervention d'urgence à Taiwan et en Pologne: deux réalités: Taipei et Cracovie

Tremain, David. Pages 9-11 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 18, septembre 1996.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency planning: what really happens

Tremain, David. Paris. Pages 265-270 dans La conservation: une science en évolution: bilan et perspectives: actes des troisièmes journées internationales d'études de l'ARSAG, Paris, 21 au 25 avril 1997, (1997),
# 13784 Z 701 A87 1997 (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency preparedness and the protection of cultural heritage in Canada: part two: the protection of cultural heritage in peacetime emergencies

Tremain, David. Cracow. Pages 30-47 dans Cultural heritage protection in wartime and in state of emergency: partnership for peace conference, Cracow, June 1996, (1997),
# 13933 N 8260 C8513 (Staff Bibliography)

Blades' 'The Enemies of Books' = 'The Enemies of Books', de William Blades

Tremain, David. Page 6 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 21, March 1998.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Emergency co-operation between cultural institutions in the National Capital Region = Collaboration dans le domaine des mesures d'urgence entre les établissements culturels de la régiion de la capitale nationale

Tremain, David. Pages 8-9 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 25, May 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Removing paper artifacts from their frames = Comment désencadrer les oeuvres sur papier

Tremain, David. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 11/6. (1993),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Cómo desenmarcar los objetos de papel

Tremain, David. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 11/6. (1998),
PER (Staff Bibliography)