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Protecting Canadian archival heritage from the hazards of iron gall ink = Protéger le patrimoine archivistique du Canada des risques posés par l'encre ferro-gallique

Tse, Season. Pages 1-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 36, Fall 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Wash water quality requirements for textile conservation: an overview of Canadian Conservation Institute research

Tse, Season. Philadelphia. Pages 143-151 dans Strengthening the bond: science & textiles: North American Textile Conservation Conference 2002, April 5 and 6, 2002, Philadelphia and Winterthur, Delaware: preprints, (2002),
# 15055 NK 8804.5 N66 2002 (Staff Bibliography)

Preliminary study of a micro extraction method for measuring the pH of textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season; Kathleen MacKay, Beth Szuhay, Joel Thompson. Washington, DC. Pages 63-73 dans American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works (AIC). The Textile Specialty Group: postprints, papers delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session, 33rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2005, volume 15, (2005),
# 15304 PER (Staff Bibliography)

A preliminary study of a micro extraction method for measuring the pH of textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. Pages 4-15 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation. Textiles Working Group. Newsletter, vol. 19, January 2004.
# 15031 PER (Staff Bibliography)

A preliminary study of the use of bathophenanthroline iron test strips on textiles

Vuori, Jan; Tse, Season. London. Pages 989-995 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: preprints, volume 2, (2005),
N 8560 I53 2005 v. 2 (REF, c.2) # 15225 (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluating commercial mass deacidification processes

Tse, Season. Pages 7-8 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 15, March 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Évaluation de procédés commerciaux de désacidification de masse

Tse, Season. Pages 8-9 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 15, mars 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Guidelines for pH measurement in conservation

Tse, Season. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 28. (2007),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Lignes directrices pour la mesure du pH en conservation

Tse, Season. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 28. (2007),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Developing a risk assessment model for iron gall ink on paper

Tse, Season; Janet Bridgland; Waller, R. Robert. New Delhi. Pages 301-309 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 15th Triennial Conference New Delhi, 22-26 September 2008 : preprints, volume 1, (2008),
N 8560 I53 2008 (Staff Bibliography)

A pilot project of analysis and characterization of two Canadian aboriginal treaties = Projet pilote d'analyse et de caractérisation de deux traités touchant les peuples autochtones du Canada

Bégin, Paul; Binnie, Nancy E.; Grattan, David W.; Sirois, P. Jane; Tse, Season; Williams, R. Scott; Young, Gregory S.; Carole Dignard, Kate Helwig, Janet Mason, Kathy Nanowin, Thomas Stone; Attas, Micheal; Goltz, Douglas; Craig-Bullen, Catherine; Grace, John; Murphy, Mary; Jones, Mary Jane. Ottawa. Pages 363-364 dans Preserving Aboriginal Heritage, Technical and Traditional Approaches : proceedings of a conference symposium 2007 : Preserving Aboriginal Heritage, Technical and Traditional Approaches, Ottawa, Canada, September 24-28, 2007 = Préserver le patrimoine autochtone, approches techniques et traditionnelles : actes d'un congrès symposium 2007 : Préserver le patrimoine autochtone, approches techniques et traditionnelles, Ottawa, Canada, du 24 au 28 septembre 2007, (2008),
E 78 C2 P74 2008 (Staff Bibliography)

The chemistry of sodium dithionite and its use in conservation

Selwyn, Lyndsie S.; Tse, Season. Pages 61-73 dans Reviews in conservation, , no. 9, 2008.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

An investigation of alum in the gelatin sizing of Far Eastern paintings on silk

Tse, Season; Paul Jett, John Winter, Blythe McCarthy; Pasnak, Ekaterina; Murray, Alison. London. Pages 81-91 dans Scientific research on the pictorial arts of Asia: proceedings of the second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, (2005),
N 7260 S36 (Staff Bibliography)

Effect of aqueous treatments on nineteenth-century iron-gall-ink documents: assessment using hyperspectral imaging

Guild, Sherry; Tse, Season; Goltz, Douglas; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria; Orlandini, Valeria; Richardson, Maria. Washington, DC. Pages 75-82 dans The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). The Book and Paper Group annual, volume 28: papers presented at the Book and Specialty Group Session, AIC 37th Annual Meeting, May 20-23, 2009, Los Angeles, California, (2010),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Microfade testing to support exhibition decisions: the Catharine Parr Traill Scrapbooks

Tse, Season; Cipera, Luci; Leckie, Carolyn G.. Pages 92-106 dans Collection forum, vol. 25, no. 1, 2011.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Microfade Testing of 19th Century Iron Gall Inks

Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Orlandini, Valeria; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria. Pages 167-180 dans American Institute for Conservation Textile Speciality Group Postprint, vol. 20, 2010.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Microfade testing: a new onsite service for identifying light sensitive objects = Les tests de microvieillissement à la lumière : un nouvel outil terrain pour identifier les objets sensible à la lumière

Binnie, Nancy E.; Tse, Season. Poster presented at the 2010 CAC Conference June 10-12, Ottawa, 2010.
#15893 (Staff Bibliography)

Treatment considerations for the Haggadah Prayer Book: evaluation of two antioxidants for treatment of copper-containing inks and colorants

Tse, Season; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria; St-Jacques, Doris. Pages 87-97 dans American Institute for Conservation Book and Paper Group Annual, vol. 31, 2012.
# 15933 (Staff Bibliography)

A comparison of aqueous versus ethanol modified calcium phytate solutions for the treatment of iron-gall ink inscribed paper

Tse, Season; Guild, Sherry; Gould, Amanda. Pages 3-16 dans Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC), vol. 37, 2012.
PER #15939 (Staff Bibliography)

Technical note on treatment options for iron gall ink on paper with a focus on calcium phytate

Guild, Sherry; Tse, Season; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria. Pages 17-21 dans Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC), vol. 37, 2012.
PER #15940 (Staff Bibliography)

Seeing the light: an overview of CCI's work on lighting

Michalski, Stefan; Hagan, Eric; Tétreault, Jean; Tse, Season. Pages 37-39 dans Reflections on conservation, 2012.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Que la lumière soit faite : un aperçu des travaux de l'ICC sur l'éclairage

Michalski, Stefan; Hagan, Eric; Tétreault, Jean; Tse, Season. Pages 37-39 dans Réflexions sur la conservation, 2012.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The treatment of a Mi’kmaq box made of birchbark, porcupine quills and iron-dyed spruce root

Dignard, Carole; Salmon, Amanda; Tse, Season. Washington, DC. Pages 109-128 dans Proceedings of the AIC Objects Specialty Group Session May 9-11, 2012 (Volume 19, 40th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico), (2012),
Lien au document en anglais
PER #16103 (Staff Bibliography)

An antioxidant research project resulting from treatment needs of an 18th century illuminated manuscript

Tse, Season; M.J. Driscoll; Bedynski, Maria; St. Jacques, Doris; Curry, Lynn. Copenhagen. Pages 157-176 dans Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 14: Proceedings of the fourteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 17th-19th October 2012, (2014),
Z 110 C7 C27 2012 (Staff Bibliography)

A low-oxygen capable storage and display case for the Proclamation of the Constitution Act

Tse, Season; Hagan, Eric; Smith, Michael; Maheux, Anne. Pages 81-88 dans The Book and Paper Group Annual, vol. 35, 2016.
#16474 (For internal use only = Pour usage interne seulement) (Staff Bibliography)


Type de document


Alkali - Effect on long-term stability of cellulose (2)
Cellulosic material - Analysis (2)
Aboriginal objets -- Conservation and restoration (1)
Birch bark (1)
Birch bark, light sensitivity, daylight, LED, microfade, MFT, colour change, bluewool rating (1)
Birch-bark artifacts - Solvent vapors treatment (1)
Books - Deacidification (1)
Canadian Conservation Institute (1)
Conservation du papier, vitrine, sensible à la lumière (1)
Dyes and dying - Analysis (1)
Ethanol (1)
Haggadah Prayer Book; Paper; Iron-gall Ink; Atacamite; Copper Chloride; Tetrabutylammonium Bromide; Methylimidazolium Bromide (1)
Iron gall ink (1)
Livres - Désacidification (1)
Manuscripts; conservation (1)
Methanol (1)
Microfade testing (MFT); lightfastness; Blue Wool; mordant; dye; fireweed; Three Leaf Goldthread of Greenland; bloodroot; onion; Speckled Alder; American Mountain Ash; Common Goldenrod; Eastern Hemlock; Sheep Laurel; Red Maple; quinine; Common Buckwheat; Paper Birch; Greenland Moss; Labrador Tea; iron (II) sulfate; copper (II) sulfate; potassium dichromate; tin chloride; alum (1)
Microfade, light sensitivity, light damage calculator, Blue Wool equivalent (1)
Microfade, sensibilité à la lumière, calculant les dégâts de lumière, équivalent laine bleue (1)
Paper (1)
Paper - Deacidification (1)
Paper conservation, display case, light sensitive (1)
Papier - Désacidification (1)
Plastic memory (1)
Plasticization (1)
Reshaping (1)
Risk assessment (1)
Screened products - Analytical tests (1)
Screened products - Composition (1)
Sodium dithionite (SDT) (1)
Stain removal (1)
Vapour (1)
Écorce de bouleau, sensibilité à la lumière, lumière du jour, LED, microfade, MFT, changement de couleur, indice de laine bleue (1)
