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Méthodes de développement pour obtenir des photos de la plus grande permanence possible

Bokman, Wilfred. Pages 5-6 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 5, novembre 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The preservation of photographic records

Bokman, Wilfred. Pages 1-5 dans Association of Canadian Map Libraries bulletin, vol. 43, June 1982.
# 5700 (Staff Bibliography)

Scientific analysis: more to a painting than meets the eye

Bokman, Wilfred. Pages 24-29 dans CCI journal, vol. 4, 1980.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

L'analyse scientifique: à la découverte de l'invisible

Bokman, Wilfred. Pages 26-31 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 4, 1980.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Basic care of paintings

Bosshard, Emil. Pages 3-5 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 3, April 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Soins élémentaires à apporter aux peintures

Bosshard, Emil. Pages 3-5 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 3, avril 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Varnishes: authenticity and permanence: a report of the Ottawa colloquium

Bourdeau, James. Washington, DC. Pages 10-19 dans AIC Paintings Specialty Group postprints 1995: papers presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 9-10, 1995, (1995),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Additives: phenolic antioxidants, stabilizers, and UV absorbers

Bourdeau, James. Washington, DC. Pages 213-220 dans Painting conservation catalog, volume 1: varnishes and surface coatings, (1998),
# 13782 ND 1640 S35 v.1 (REF) (Staff Bibliography)

The altarpiece of the Cathedral Saint-Germain, Rimouski

Bourdeau, James. Pages 1-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 15, March 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le retable de la cathédrale Saint-Germain de Rimouski

Bourdeau, James. Pages 1-4 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 15, mars 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Lights, camera, action, RETOUCHE!!!: supervision of a film crew in the Haskell Opera House = Projecteurs, caméra, action, RETOUCHE!!!: supervision d'une équipe de tournage au Haskell Opera House

Bourdeau, James. Pages 1-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 23, June 1999.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

'Remember, this is not a museum': CCI and the rehabilitation of the Parliamentary Precinct = «Souvenez-vous que ce n'est pas un musée»: l'ICC et les travaux de restauration et de construction de la Cité parlementaire

Bourdeau, James. Pages 12-13 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 32, November 2003.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Recovering the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario - one step at a time = Le rétablissement de la Chambre de l'Assemblée législative de l'Ontario - une étape à la fois

Bourdeau, James. Pages 5-7 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 25, May 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Symposium 2000 - The Conservation of Heritage Interiors = Symposium 2000 - La conservation des intérieurs patrimoniaux

Bourdeau, James. Page 7 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 26, November 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The Volatiles Testing Programme

Boyle, Mark. Page 13 dans CCI Newsletter, December 1987.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le programme d'évaluation des gaz volatiles

Boyle, Mark. Page 6 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, décembre 1987.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Study of volatile emissions from display and storage materials

Boyle, Mark. Pages 15-16 dans IIC-CG newsletter (International Institute for Conservation - Canadian Group), vol. 12, no. 2, December 1986.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The Atlantic Conservation Centre

Roche, Roger; Rathbone, Joan; Brandt, Charles A.E.; Byrne, Richard O.. Pages 23-26 dans CCI journal, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le Centre de conservation de l'Atlantique

Roche, Roger; Rathbone, Joan; Brandt, Charles A.E.; Byrne, Richard O.. Pages 23-26 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Effets du procédé de désacidification de masse sur le papier moderne, neuf ou vieilli artificiellement

Kaminska, Elzbieta; Burgess, Helen D.. Pages 11-12 dans Nouvelles de la Bibliothèque nationale, vol. 26, no. 7, juillet 1994.
# 12261 (Staff Bibliography)

To treat or not to treat - that is the question = Traiter ou ne pas traiter - voilà la question

Hanington, David J.. Pages 1-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 25, May 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Other cellulosic materials

Burgess, Helen D.; Carolyn L. Rose, Catharine A. Hawks, Hugh H. Genoways. [Pittsburgh, PA]. Pages 291-303 dans Storage of natural history collections: a preventive conservation approach: volume 1, (1995),
QH 61 S762 1995 (Staff Bibliography)

Treatment of a Boulle work bracket clock: a final report

Newlands, Peter. Pages 7-8 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 10, September 1992.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The effect of alkali on the long-term stability of cellulosic fibres

Burgess, Helen D.; Tse, Season; Duffy, Stephen. Pages 21-22 dans ACA bulletin (Association of Canadian Archivists), vol. 15, no. 1, September 1990.
# 15142 (Staff Bibliography)

Evaluation of commercial mass deacidification processes: AKZO-DEZ, WEI T'O and FMC-MG3: phase I: naturally aged papers

Burgess, Helen D.; Kaminska, Elzbieta; Boronyak-Szaplonczay, Aranka. Ottawa. (November 1992),
Z 701.3 D4 E85 v.1 (Staff Bibliography)


Type de document


Patrimoine culturel (308)
Cultural property - Protection (283)
Musées - Méthodes de conservation (272)
Muséologie (270)
Museum conservation methods (261)
Peinture - Conservation et restauration (251)
Painting - Conservation and restoration (239)
Museum techniques (236)
Art - Conservation et restauration (224)
Art - Conservation and restoration (217)
Objets d'art - Conservation et restauration (192)
Art objects - Conservation and restoration (181)
Paper - Preservation (178)
Musées - Aspect éducatif (175)
Matériel d'artistes (166)
Papier - Conservation (157)
Artists' materials (151)
Museums - Educational aspects (151)
Peinture - Technique (150)
Archéologie - Méthodologie (141)
Documents de bibliothèque - Conservation et restauration (140)
Livres - Conservation et restauration (140)
Textiles et tissus - Conservation et restauration (140)
Archaeology - Methodology (138)
Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration (132)
Painting - Technique (131)
Library materials - Conservation and restoration (129)
Books - Conservation and restoration (124)
Pigments (119)
Monuments historiques - Conservation et restauration (111)
Musées - Gestion (111)
Monuments - Conservation et restauration (110)
Architecture - Conservation et restauration (106)
Monuments - Conservation and restoration (102)
Historic buildings - Conservation and restoration (98)
Photographies - Conservation et restauration (98)
Bois - Conservation (96)
Photographs - Conservation and restoration (93)
Wood - Preservation (92)
Peinture - Expertise (91)
Antiquities - Collection and preservation (88)
Archéologie sous-marine (85)
Architecture – Conservation et restauration (82)
Underwater archaeology (82)
Architecture - Conservation and restoration (80)
Digital preservation (79)
Museums - Social aspects (78)
Painting - Expertising (78)
Documents d'archives - Conservation et restauration (77)
Musées - Aspect social (74)
Art - Expertise (70)
Corrosion and anti-corrosives (70)
Lieux historiques - Conservation et restauration (70)
Dyes and dyeing (69)
Gestion des situations d'urgence (67)
Historic sites - Conservation and restoration (67)
Teinture (67)
Archival materials - Conservation and restoration (66)
Emergency management (66)
Musées (66)
Museums - Congresses (65)
Musées - Expositions (65)
Musées - Fréquentation (62)
Art - Conservation and restoration - Training (61)
Museums - Administration (61)
Reconciliation (61)
Réconciliation (61)
Art - Conservation et restauration - Formation (60)
Art - Expertising (60)
Manuscrits - Conservation et restauration (60)
Museums (60)
Couleur (59)
Museums - Collection management (58)
Adhésifs (57)
Color (57)
Museums - Exhibitions (57)
Musées - Gestion des collections (57)
Museums - United States (56)
Musées - États-Unis (56)
Adhesives (55)
Polymers (55)
Polymères (55)
Musées - Méthodes d'enregistrement (54)
Musées - Philosophie (53)
Museums - Management (52)
Musées - Informatique (52)
Varnish and varnishing (52)
Image processing - Digital techniques (51)
Museum attendance (51)
Museums - Data processing (51)
Museum registration methods (50)
Naufrages (49)
Shipwrecks (49)
Museums - Philosophy (48)
Musées - Sécurité - Mesures (48)
Manuscripts - Conservation and restoration (47)
Museum conservation methods - Congresses (47)
Musées - Facteurs climatiques (47)
Sculpture - Conservation et restauration (47)


Auteur ou éditeur

Queen's University (370)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (180)
Barclay, Robert L. (169)
Grattan, David W. (135)
American Association of Museums (119)
Michalski, Stefan (119)
Getty Conservation Institute (105)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) = Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) (95)
Dignard, Carole (94)
National Museums of Canada (86)
International Council of Museums (83)
Unesco (82)
Wainwright, Ian N.M. (76)
Centre de conservation du Québec (75)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (70)
Strang, Thomas J.K. (67)
Université du Québec à Montréal (66)
Canadian Museums Association (62)
Tétreault, Jean (62)
Corbeil, Marie-Claude (61)
National Museum of Man (Canada) (61)
National Museum of Canada (59)
Great Britain. Museums and Galleries Commission (58)
Tse, Season (56)
Selwyn, Lyndsie S. (55)
National Gallery of Canada = Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (53)
Williams, R. Scott (53)
Young, Gregory S. (53)
Moffatt, Elizabeth A. (51)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (50)
Mason, Janet (50)
Burgess, Helen D. (49)
Stone, Thomas G. (47)
Canadian Museum of Civilization (46)
Royal Ontario Museum (46)
Iraci, Joe (45)
Logan, Judith A. (45)
Smithsonian Institution (45)
Vuori, Jan (45)
Sirois, P. Jane (44)
British Museum (42)
Conseil international des musées (42)
Société des musées québécois (42)
Binnie, Nancy E. (40)
Helwig, Kathleen (40)
University of Toronto (40)
English Heritage (39)
Musée du Québec (39)
Poulin, Jennifer (39)
University College London. Institute of Archaeology (39)
Victoria and Albert Museum (39)
Daly Hartin, Debra (38)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (38)
Lafontaine, Raymond H. (38)
Museums Association (Great Britain) (38)
The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) (38)
Textile Museum (Washington, D.C.) (37)
British Standards Institution (36)
Carlyle, Leslie (36)
United States. National Park Service (36)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (35)
Naud, Colette (35)
American National Standards Institute (34)
Down, Jane L. (34)
Hendriks, Klaus B. (34)
National Fire Protection Association (34)
Eastman Kodak Company (33)
United States. National Bureau of Standards (33)
Cook, Clifford (32)
McCawley, J. Clifford (32)
Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain) (32)
American Association for State and Local History (31)
Tremain, David (31)
Musée de la civilisation (Québec) (30)
Prytulak, George (30)
Taylor, John M. (30)
Unesco. General Information Programme (30)
Association des musées canadiens (29)
Grant, Tara (29)
Ontario Museum Association (28)
Townsend, Joyce H. (28)
Ward, Philip R. (28)
Bégin, Paul (27)
Musées nationaux du Canada (27)
Association of Science-Technology Centers (26)
Costain, Charles G. (26)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (26)
National Trust for Historic Preservation (26)
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
Dancause, Renée (24)
Marcon, Paul J. (24)
Québec (Province). Ministère des affaires culturelles (24)
Association des restaurateurs d'art et d'archéologie de formation universitaire (ARAAFU) (23)
American Society for Testing and Materials (22)
Guild, Sherry (22)
Québec (Province). Office de la langue française (22)
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (22)
American Museum of Natural History (21)