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West meets East: a snapshot of conservation in Taiwan = L'Ouest à la rencontre de l'est: aperçu de la conservation à Taïwan

Dancause, Renée. Pages 6-7 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 35, June 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Criteria for packing works of art for travelling exhibitions

Marriner, Paul C.. Pages 3-5 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 5, November 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Normes d'emballage des objets destinés aux expositions itinérantes

Marriner, Paul C.. Pages 3-5 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 5, novembre 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

'A case history'

Marriner, Paul C.. Pages 12-16 dans Gazette (Canadian Museums Association), vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 1975.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Temperature and humidity control = Régulation de la température et de l'humidité

Marriner, Paul C.. Pages 12-17 dans Gazette (Canadian Museums Association) = Gazette (l'Association des musées canadiens), vol. 13, no. 1, Winter/hiver 1980.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The bibliographic database of the Conservation Information Network: a success story on many levels = La Base de données bibliographiques du Réseau d'information sur la conservation: une réussite à maints égards

Davis, Vicki. Page 16 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 35, June 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Alicia Prata retires = Alicia Prata prend sa retraite

Davis, Vicki. Pages 14-15 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 29, June 2002.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

CCI's Director General Bill Peters retires = Départ à la retraite: Bill Peters

Costain, Charles G.; Street, Linda. Pages 17-18 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 32, November 2003.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Page-image recipe databases, a new approach for accessing art technological manuscripts and rare printed sources: the Winsor & Newton archive prototype

Carlyle, Leslie; Clarke, Mark. London. Pages 24-29 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: preprints, volume 1, (2005),
N 8560 I53 2005 v. 1 (REF & c.2) # 15230 (Staff Bibliography)

Comparison of the fading and surface deterioration of red lake pigments in six paintings by Vincent van Gogh with artificially aged paint reconstructions

Carlyle, Leslie; Burnstock, Aviva; Lanfear, Ibby; van den Berg, Klaas Jan; Clarke, Mark; Hendriks, Ella; Kirby, Jo. London. Pages 459-466 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: preprints, volume 1, (2005),
N 8560 I53 2005 v. 1 (REF & c.2) # 15229 (Staff Bibliography)

'A perfect ground is the very soul of art' (Kingston 1835): ground recipes for oil painting, 1600-1900

Carlyle, Leslie; Witlox, Maartje. London. Pages 519-528 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: preprints, volume 1, (2005),
N 8560 I53 2005 v. 1 (REF & c.2) # 15228 (Staff Bibliography)

A make-over for Lady Blanche

Mason, Janet. Pages 3-7 dans Textile conservation newsletter (TCN), vol. 16, Spring 1989.
Lien au document en anglais
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Another technique for cleaning feathers

Mason, Janet. Pages 13-14 dans ICOM Committee for Conservation. Working Group on Ethnographic Materials - The ethnographic conservation newsletter, vol. 6, June 1990.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

A review of feather cleaning techniques

Mason, Janet; Graham, Fiona. Ottawa. Pages 79-96 dans Fur trade legacy: the preservation of organic materials: preprints from the workshop at the 31st Annual Conference, Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property, Jasper, Alberta, 17-18 May 2005, (2005),
CC 137 F4 C33 2005 (c.1-2) # 15175 (Staff Bibliography)

Wrapping it up: the cape = Quelques passes de cape

Mason, Janet. Page 7 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 21, March 1998.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Moccasins = Mocassins

Mason, Janet. Page 11 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 25, May 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Treatment of the Adney model canoe collection = Le traitment de la collection Adney de maquettes de canots

Mason, Janet. Pages 2-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 28, December 2001.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Making triwall containers = Fabrication d'une caisse de carton ondulé triple cannelure

Marcon, Paul J.; Snutch, D.. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 1/4. (1997),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Confección de contenedores con cartón corrugado de triple lámina

Marcon, Paul J.; Snutch, D.. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 1/4. (1998),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Conservation Processes Research

McCawley, J. Clifford. Pages 30-31 dans CCI journal, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

La Recherche sur les traitements de restauration

McCawley, J. Clifford. Pages 30-31 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Waterlogged artifacts: the challenge to conservation

McCawley, J. Clifford. Pages 17-26 dans CCI journal, vol. 2, 1977.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Les objets saturés d'eau: un défi pour les restaurateurs

McCawley, J. Clifford. Pages 17-26 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 2, 1977.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Regional services: 'helping museums help themselves'

McCawley, J. Clifford; Ward, Philip R.. Pages 14-19 dans CCI journal, vol. 4, 1980.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Les services régionaux: 'aider les musées à s'aider eux-mêmes'

McCawley, J. Clifford; Ward, Philip R.. Pages 13-19 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 4, 1980.
PER (Staff Bibliography)


Type de document


Patrimoine culturel (308)
Cultural property - Protection (283)
Musées - Méthodes de conservation (272)
Muséologie (270)
Museum conservation methods (261)
Peinture - Conservation et restauration (251)
Painting - Conservation and restoration (239)
Museum techniques (236)
Art - Conservation et restauration (224)
Art - Conservation and restoration (217)
Objets d'art - Conservation et restauration (192)
Art objects - Conservation and restoration (181)
Paper - Preservation (178)
Musées - Aspect éducatif (175)
Matériel d'artistes (166)
Papier - Conservation (157)
Artists' materials (151)
Museums - Educational aspects (151)
Peinture - Technique (150)
Archéologie - Méthodologie (141)
Documents de bibliothèque - Conservation et restauration (140)
Livres - Conservation et restauration (140)
Textiles et tissus - Conservation et restauration (140)
Archaeology - Methodology (138)
Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration (132)
Painting - Technique (131)
Library materials - Conservation and restoration (129)
Books - Conservation and restoration (124)
Pigments (119)
Monuments historiques - Conservation et restauration (111)
Musées - Gestion (111)
Monuments - Conservation et restauration (110)
Architecture - Conservation et restauration (106)
Monuments - Conservation and restoration (102)
Historic buildings - Conservation and restoration (98)
Photographies - Conservation et restauration (98)
Bois - Conservation (96)
Photographs - Conservation and restoration (93)
Wood - Preservation (92)
Peinture - Expertise (91)
Antiquities - Collection and preservation (88)
Archéologie sous-marine (85)
Architecture – Conservation et restauration (82)
Underwater archaeology (82)
Architecture - Conservation and restoration (80)
Digital preservation (79)
Museums - Social aspects (78)
Painting - Expertising (78)
Documents d'archives - Conservation et restauration (77)
Musées - Aspect social (74)
Art - Expertise (70)
Corrosion and anti-corrosives (70)
Lieux historiques - Conservation et restauration (70)
Dyes and dyeing (69)
Gestion des situations d'urgence (67)
Historic sites - Conservation and restoration (67)
Teinture (67)
Archival materials - Conservation and restoration (66)
Emergency management (66)
Musées (66)
Museums - Congresses (65)
Musées - Expositions (65)
Musées - Fréquentation (62)
Art - Conservation and restoration - Training (61)
Museums - Administration (61)
Reconciliation (61)
Réconciliation (61)
Art - Conservation et restauration - Formation (60)
Art - Expertising (60)
Manuscrits - Conservation et restauration (60)
Museums (60)
Couleur (59)
Museums - Collection management (58)
Adhésifs (57)
Color (57)
Museums - Exhibitions (57)
Musées - Gestion des collections (57)
Museums - United States (56)
Musées - États-Unis (56)
Adhesives (55)
Polymers (55)
Polymères (55)
Musées - Méthodes d'enregistrement (54)
Musées - Philosophie (53)
Museums - Management (52)
Musées - Informatique (52)
Varnish and varnishing (52)
Image processing - Digital techniques (51)
Museum attendance (51)
Museums - Data processing (51)
Museum registration methods (50)
Naufrages (49)
Shipwrecks (49)
Museums - Philosophy (48)
Musées - Sécurité - Mesures (48)
Manuscripts - Conservation and restoration (47)
Museum conservation methods - Congresses (47)
Musées - Facteurs climatiques (47)
Sculpture - Conservation et restauration (47)


Auteur ou éditeur

Queen's University (370)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (180)
Barclay, Robert L. (169)
Grattan, David W. (135)
American Association of Museums (119)
Michalski, Stefan (119)
Getty Conservation Institute (105)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) = Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) (95)
Dignard, Carole (94)
National Museums of Canada (86)
International Council of Museums (83)
Unesco (82)
Wainwright, Ian N.M. (76)
Centre de conservation du Québec (75)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (70)
Strang, Thomas J.K. (67)
Université du Québec à Montréal (66)
Canadian Museums Association (62)
Tétreault, Jean (62)
Corbeil, Marie-Claude (61)
National Museum of Man (Canada) (61)
National Museum of Canada (59)
Great Britain. Museums and Galleries Commission (58)
Tse, Season (56)
Selwyn, Lyndsie S. (55)
National Gallery of Canada = Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (53)
Williams, R. Scott (53)
Young, Gregory S. (53)
Moffatt, Elizabeth A. (51)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (50)
Mason, Janet (50)
Burgess, Helen D. (49)
Stone, Thomas G. (47)
Canadian Museum of Civilization (46)
Royal Ontario Museum (46)
Iraci, Joe (45)
Logan, Judith A. (45)
Smithsonian Institution (45)
Vuori, Jan (45)
Sirois, P. Jane (44)
British Museum (42)
Conseil international des musées (42)
Société des musées québécois (42)
Binnie, Nancy E. (40)
Helwig, Kathleen (40)
University of Toronto (40)
English Heritage (39)
Musée du Québec (39)
Poulin, Jennifer (39)
University College London. Institute of Archaeology (39)
Victoria and Albert Museum (39)
Daly Hartin, Debra (38)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (38)
Lafontaine, Raymond H. (38)
Museums Association (Great Britain) (38)
The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) (38)
Textile Museum (Washington, D.C.) (37)
British Standards Institution (36)
Carlyle, Leslie (36)
United States. National Park Service (36)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (35)
Naud, Colette (35)
American National Standards Institute (34)
Down, Jane L. (34)
Hendriks, Klaus B. (34)
National Fire Protection Association (34)
Eastman Kodak Company (33)
United States. National Bureau of Standards (33)
Cook, Clifford (32)
McCawley, J. Clifford (32)
Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain) (32)
American Association for State and Local History (31)
Tremain, David (31)
Musée de la civilisation (Québec) (30)
Prytulak, George (30)
Taylor, John M. (30)
Unesco. General Information Programme (30)
Association des musées canadiens (29)
Grant, Tara (29)
Ontario Museum Association (28)
Townsend, Joyce H. (28)
Ward, Philip R. (28)
Bégin, Paul (27)
Musées nationaux du Canada (27)
Association of Science-Technology Centers (26)
Costain, Charles G. (26)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (26)
National Trust for Historic Preservation (26)
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
Dancause, Renée (24)
Marcon, Paul J. (24)
Québec (Province). Ministère des affaires culturelles (24)
Association des restaurateurs d'art et d'archéologie de formation universitaire (ARAAFU) (23)
American Society for Testing and Materials (22)
Guild, Sherry (22)
Québec (Province). Office de la langue française (22)
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (22)
American Museum of Natural History (21)