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Photographie scientifique et technique à l'ICC

Powell, Jeremy J.. Pages 6-8 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 20, septembre 1997.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The Craig family baby buggy

Prytulak, George. Pages 8-9 dans Museum roundup, vol. 193, November/December 1995.
PER # 13334 (Staff Bibliography)

Power of the press: treating a Chandler & Price "Old Series" platen printing press

Prytulak, George. Pages 1-3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 16, September 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Comment faire bonne impression: la restauration d'une presse à platine Chandler & Price

Prytulak, George. Pages 1-4 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 16, septembre 1995.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Threaded fasteners in metal artifacts

Prytulak, George. Ottawa. Technical bulletin; no. 17. (1997),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Fixations filetées d'objets métalliques

Prytulak, George. Ottawa. Bulletin technique; no. 17. (1997),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The care of antiques and collectibles: evening courses at CCI

Prytulak, George. Page 10 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 20, September 1997.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Le soin de objets anciens et de collection: cours du soir de l'ICC

Prytulak, George. Page 11 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 20, septembre 1997.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Start your engines: a search for meaningful conservation advice on the Internet = L'Internet: à la recherche de conseils intelligents en matière de conservation

Prytulak, George. Page 8 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 21, March 1998.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Rust and the working surfaces of industrial artefacts

Prytulak, George; Diane Dollery, Jane Henderson. Cardiff; London. Pages 59-64 dans Industrial collections: care and conservation: proceedings of the conference hosted by The Council of Museums in Wales & The United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, Cardiff, 9-11th April 1997, (1999),
T 183 G72 I64 1997 (Staff Bibliography)

'Horse sense' for a horseless carriage = Le gros bon sens des vieux routiers

Prytulak, George. Page 8 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 26, November 2000.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

A 1911 CCM motor bicycle = Vélomoteur CCM de 1911

Prytulak, George. Page 9 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 27, June 2001.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The return of Christo and Jeanne-Claude - Ars brevis? = Le retour de Christo et de Jeanne-Claude - De l'art bref?

Prytulak, George. Page 9 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 35, June 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Sham chamois shame - washing (and drying) the family car = La honte du faux chamois - le nettoyage (et le séchage) de la voiture familiale

Prytulak, George. Pages 10-11 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 35, June 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Mechanical removal of rust from machined ferrous surfaces = Élimination mécanique de la rouille sur les surfaces usinées

Prytulak, George. Ottawa. CCI notes; no. 9/8. (2007),
Lien au document en anglais / Lien au document en français
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Remoción mecánica del óxido desde las superficies ferrosas trabajadas

Prytulak, George. Santiago, Chile. Notas del ICC; no. 9/8. (1999),
PER (Staff Bibliography)

CCI advisory services for facilities upgrading: 'Hi, I'm from Ottawa and I'm here to help you' = Services consultatifs de l'ICC en matière de modernisation des installations: 'Bonjour, je suis d'Ottawa et je suis ici pour vous aider'

Rempel, Siegfried. Pages 12-13 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 35, June 2005.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Introducing conservation

Ogden, Lynn; Roche, Roger; Wainwright, Ian N.M.. Pages 5-7 dans CCI journal, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Introduction à la restauration

Ogden, Lynn; Roche, Roger; Wainwright, Ian N.M.. Pages 5-7 dans Journal de l'ICC, vol. 1, 1976.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

New materials for lining

Roche, Roger; Mervyn Ruggles. Ottawa. Pages [1-5] dans Lining of paintings - a reassessment: proceedings of a seminar held at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, April 6-8, 1976, (1976),
ND 1650 L5 1976 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)

Conservation surveys - the harsh facts

Roche, Roger. Page 3 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 2, January 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Enquêtes sur la conservation - des faits convaincants

Roche, Roger. Pages 3-4 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 2, janvier 1974.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

The road to excellence: Exhibit Transportation Services

Robichaud, Deborah. Pages 3-4 dans CCI Newsletter, , no. 20, September 1997.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Sur la route de l'excellence: les Services de transport d'expositions

Robichaud, Deborah. Pages 3-4 dans Bulletin de l'ICC, , no. 20, septembre 1997.
PER (Staff Bibliography)

Solvent action

Stolow, Nathan; Normon Brommelle, Perry Smith. London. Pages 153-157 dans Conservation and restoration of pictorial art [the chapters of this book consist substantially of papers presented at a Congress in Lisbon of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) in October 1972 on conservation of paintings and the graphic arts], (1976),
ND 1640 C6 1976 (c.1-2) (Staff Bibliography)


Type de document


Patrimoine culturel (308)
Cultural property - Protection (283)
Musées - Méthodes de conservation (272)
Muséologie (270)
Museum conservation methods (261)
Peinture - Conservation et restauration (252)
Painting - Conservation and restoration (240)
Museum techniques (236)
Art - Conservation et restauration (221)
Art - Conservation and restoration (214)
Objets d'art - Conservation et restauration (191)
Art objects - Conservation and restoration (180)
Paper - Preservation (178)
Musées - Aspect éducatif (175)
Matériel d'artistes (166)
Papier - Conservation (157)
Artists' materials (151)
Museums - Educational aspects (151)
Peinture - Technique (150)
Archéologie - Méthodologie (141)
Documents de bibliothèque - Conservation et restauration (140)
Livres - Conservation et restauration (140)
Textiles et tissus - Conservation et restauration (140)
Archaeology - Methodology (138)
Textile fabrics - Conservation and restoration (132)
Painting - Technique (131)
Library materials - Conservation and restoration (129)
Books - Conservation and restoration (124)
Pigments (118)
Monuments historiques - Conservation et restauration (111)
Musées - Gestion (111)
Monuments - Conservation et restauration (110)
Architecture - Conservation et restauration (106)
Monuments - Conservation and restoration (102)
Historic buildings - Conservation and restoration (98)
Photographies - Conservation et restauration (98)
Bois - Conservation (96)
Photographs - Conservation and restoration (93)
Wood - Preservation (92)
Peinture - Expertise (91)
Antiquities - Collection and preservation (88)
Archéologie sous-marine (85)
Architecture – Conservation et restauration (82)
Underwater archaeology (82)
Architecture - Conservation and restoration (80)
Digital preservation (79)
Museums - Social aspects (78)
Painting - Expertising (78)
Documents d'archives - Conservation et restauration (77)
Musées - Aspect social (74)
Art - Expertise (70)
Corrosion and anti-corrosives (70)
Lieux historiques - Conservation et restauration (70)
Dyes and dyeing (69)
Gestion des situations d'urgence (67)
Historic sites - Conservation and restoration (67)
Teinture (67)
Archival materials - Conservation and restoration (66)
Emergency management (66)
Musées (66)
Museums - Congresses (65)
Musées - Expositions (65)
Musées - Fréquentation (62)
Reconciliation (62)
Réconciliation (62)
Art - Conservation and restoration - Training (61)
Museums - Administration (61)
Art - Conservation et restauration - Formation (60)
Art - Expertising (60)
Manuscrits - Conservation et restauration (60)
Museums (60)
Couleur (59)
Museums - Collection management (58)
Adhésifs (57)
Color (57)
Museums - Exhibitions (57)
Musées - Gestion des collections (57)
Museums - United States (56)
Musées - États-Unis (56)
Adhesives (55)
Polymers (55)
Polymères (55)
Musées - Méthodes d'enregistrement (54)
Image processing - Digital techniques (53)
Musées - Philosophie (53)
Museums - Management (52)
Musées - Informatique (52)
Varnish and varnishing (52)
Museum attendance (51)
Museums - Data processing (51)
Museum registration methods (50)
Museum conservation methods - Congresses (49)
Naufrages (49)
Shipwrecks (49)
Museums - Philosophy (48)
Musées - Sécurité - Mesures (48)
Manuscripts - Conservation and restoration (47)
Musées - Facteurs climatiques (47)
Sculpture - Conservation et restauration (47)


Auteur ou éditeur

Queen's University (370)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) = Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) (180)
Barclay, Robert L. (169)
Grattan, David W. (135)
American Association of Museums (119)
Michalski, Stefan (119)
Getty Conservation Institute (105)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) = Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) (95)
Dignard, Carole (94)
National Museums of Canada (86)
International Council of Museums (83)
Unesco (82)
Wainwright, Ian N.M. (76)
Centre de conservation du Québec (75)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (70)
Strang, Thomas J.K. (67)
Université du Québec à Montréal (66)
Canadian Museums Association (62)
Tétreault, Jean (62)
Corbeil, Marie-Claude (61)
National Museum of Man (Canada) (61)
National Museum of Canada (59)
Great Britain. Museums and Galleries Commission (58)
Tse, Season (56)
Selwyn, Lyndsie S. (55)
National Gallery of Canada = Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (53)
Williams, R. Scott (53)
Young, Gregory S. (53)
Moffatt, Elizabeth A. (51)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (50)
Mason, Janet (50)
Burgess, Helen D. (49)
Stone, Thomas G. (47)
Canadian Museum of Civilization (46)
Royal Ontario Museum (46)
Iraci, Joe (45)
Logan, Judith A. (45)
Smithsonian Institution (45)
Vuori, Jan (45)
Sirois, P. Jane (44)
British Museum (42)
Conseil international des musées (42)
Société des musées québécois (42)
Binnie, Nancy E. (40)
Helwig, Kathleen (40)
Musée du Québec (40)
University of Toronto (40)
English Heritage (39)
Poulin, Jennifer (39)
The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) (39)
University College London. Institute of Archaeology (39)
Victoria and Albert Museum (39)
Daly Hartin, Debra (38)
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (38)
Lafontaine, Raymond H. (38)
Museums Association (Great Britain) (38)
Textile Museum (Washington, D.C.) (37)
British Standards Institution (36)
Carlyle, Leslie (36)
United States. National Park Service (36)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (35)
Naud, Colette (35)
American National Standards Institute (34)
Down, Jane L. (34)
Hendriks, Klaus B. (34)
National Fire Protection Association (34)
Eastman Kodak Company (33)
United States. National Bureau of Standards (33)
Cook, Clifford (32)
McCawley, J. Clifford (32)
Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain) (32)
American Association for State and Local History (31)
Tremain, David (31)
Musée de la civilisation (Québec) (30)
Prytulak, George (30)
Taylor, John M. (30)
Unesco. General Information Programme (30)
Association des musées canadiens (29)
Grant, Tara (29)
Ontario Museum Association (28)
Townsend, Joyce H. (28)
Ward, Philip R. (28)
Bégin, Paul (27)
Musées nationaux du Canada (27)
Association of Science-Technology Centers (26)
Costain, Charles G. (26)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (26)
National Trust for Historic Preservation (26)
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (25)
Dancause, Renée (24)
Marcon, Paul J. (24)
Québec (Province). Ministère des affaires culturelles (24)
Association des restaurateurs d'art et d'archéologie de formation universitaire (ARAAFU) (23)
American Society for Testing and Materials (22)
Guild, Sherry (22)
Québec (Province). Office de la langue française (22)
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (22)
American Museum of Natural History (21)