"OBJECT NAME" - Humanities
- Field label
- Field mnemonic
- OB
- Field name
- Object Name
- Nom de l'objet
- Field definition
- This field contains the common name of the object described in the record.
- Status
- Required field for uploading to Artefacts Canada.
- Heading
- Comments
- Edits were made to this field in May 2010. Data entry rules were made more precise, and harmonized with those recommended in Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Website: http://www.vrafoundation.org/ccoweb/index.htm (accessed 2010-03-05).
- Entry rules
- Enter the object name in singular form. Classification terms should not be entered in this field. Uncertain data should be followed by space and "?". Record the term in lowercase, except where the term includes a proper noun or is otherwise capitalized in the controlled vocabulary. Avoid abbreviations. Use terminology in the language of the catalogue record, except in cases where the term does not exist in the language of the record. Use diacritics as required. Record terms in natural word order, not inverted order. Do not use punctuation, except hyphens, as required. In general, do not use multiple entries; if there is more than one name for the object, use Alternative Object Name (OBA). When the object’s name has changed (e.g. object was once a flour sack, now an apron), record object name in reverse chronological order (most recent first), or with the most important first. The specific object type can be entered with more precision in the Object Type field (e.g. for a hospital bedside table, enter the term “bedside table” in the Object Name field, and the term “hospital” in the Object Type field).
- Cataloguers rules
- Classifications to which the item belongs are cited in the Category (CTGY), Sub-category (SCAT) and Group (GRP) fields. Modifiers that normally distinguish this item from similar ones of the same name are cited in the Object Type (OT) and Object Sub-type (OST) fields. Qualities and attributes not incorporated into the common name of the item are cited in other fields such as Material (MA), Period (PER), Culture (CU), etc.
- Data type
- alpha-numeric string
- Reference
- Delroy, Stephen H. 1994. Object Name and Related Standards. Canadian Heritage Information Network, Ottawa.
- Examples
- painting
- undershirt
- musket
- ammunition box ?
- cup
- saucer
- bedside table
- Peinture
- camisole
- baïonnette
- boîte à munitions ?
- tasse
- soucoupe
- table de chevet
- Authority list
- • The Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging: A Revised and Expanded Version of Robert G. Chenhall's System for Classifying Man-Made Objects. Altamira Press, 1995. • Nomenclature 3.0 for Museum Cataloging: Third Edition of Robert G. Chenhall’s System for Classifying Man Made Objects. American Association for State and Local History Nomenclature Committee, 2010. • Parks Canada Classification System for Historical Collections, 1992. • Parks Canada Look and Learn: Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects Available online: http://www.pro.rcip-chin.gc.ca/bd-dl/dvp-pvd-eng.jsp (accessed 2010-03-05) • Outline of Cultural Material. Murdock, G.P., et al. 1961. Fourth revised edition. Human Relations Area Files, Inc., New Haven. • Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). J. Paul Getty Trust. Website: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/aat (accessed 2010-03-05). The Objects facet is especially relevant for this field. • Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) and Canada-France Agreement, Religious Objects - User's Guide and Terminology, Ottawa, CHIN, 1994. • Religious Objects of the Catholic Faith Thesaurus. Dir. Joël Perrin, Sandra Vasco-Rocca • réd. Hélène Verdier, Claire Constans et al. Paris : Editions du patrimoine, 1999. 406 p. Trilingual (French, English, Italian). • Vocabulary of Basic Terms for Cataloguing Costume. Website: http://www.collectionstrust.org.uk/costume/vbt00e.htm (accessed 2010-03-05). • Ministère de la culture et de la communication de France, Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel. Objets civils domestiques : vocabulaire (1984), Le Mobilier domestique : vocabulaire typologique (1987), Thésaurus des objets mobiliers (2001) Website: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/dp/inventaire/telechar/thesau_objets.pdf (accessed 2010-03-05), Architecture : méthode et vocabulaire (1988), Thésaurus de l’architecture (2000) Website: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/dp/inventaire/presenta/dosth_sources.htm (accessed 2010-03-05), Le vitrail : vocabulaire typologique et technique (1993) • Ministère de la culture et de la communication de France, Base de données Joconde, Vocabulaires scientifiques pour la description des collections. Website: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/documentation/joconde/fr/partenaires/AIDEMUSEES/telechargement.htm (accessed 2010-03-05). • Bénichou, Anne, Documentation Standards in Contemporary Art, Ottawa, CHIN, 1993. • L'art d'enseigner la physique. Les appareils de démonstration de Jean-Antoine Nollet, 1700-1770, Sous la direction de Lewis Pyenson et Jean-François Gauvin, Sillery, (Québec). Éditions du Septentrion, 2002. • British Museum Object Names Thesaurus. Website: http://www.mda.org.uk/bmobj/Objintro.htm (accessed 2010-03-05). • Thesaurus of Monument Types. Website: http://thesaurus.english-heritage.org.uk/thesaurus.asp?thes_no=1 (accessed 2010-03-05). mda Archaeological Objects Thesaurus. Website: http://www.collectionstrust.org.uk/archobj/archcon.htm (accessed 2010-03-05). • Thesaurus for Graphic Materials: Genre and Physical Characteristics Terms, created by the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Website: http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm2/ (accessed 2010-03-05).
- Discipline
- Multidiscipline
- Source
- History Task Force
- Archaeology (Specimens) Task Force
- Ethnology Task Force
- Delroy, Stephen H. 1994. Object Name and Related Standards. Canadian Heritage Information Network, Ottawa.
- Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Pages 54-58. Website: http://www.vraweb.org/ccoweb/cco/about.html (accessed 2013-10-28).
- Field label (French)
- Field mnemonic (French)
- OB
Contact information for this web page
To suggest edits or updates to this page, please contact the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) directly.