"ARTIST/MAKER" - Humanities
- Field label
- Field mnemonic
- AR
- Field name
- Artist/Maker/Designer Name
- Nom de l'artiste, de l'artisan ou du concepteur
- Field definition
- This field indicates the name of the artist, maker or designer responsible for the design and/or execution of the object.
- Status
- Strongly recommended for uploading to Artefacts Canada. Use of either Artist/Maker or Manufacturer field is required for data contributed to Artefacts Canada as part of a CHIN-funded project (e.g. VMC).
- Heading
- Comments
- Edits were made to this field in May 2010. Data entry rules were made more precise, and harmonized with those recommended in Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Website: http://www.vrafoundation.org/ccoweb/index.htm (accessed 2010-03-05).
- Entry rules
- Multiple entries are allowed; there may be one or more names, pseudonyms, nicknames, appellations for each person (artists, makers, designers, etc.) or corporate body. Enter names of individuals, from senior to junior or alphabetically, in the following format: surname, first name, followed by middle name(s) or initial(s), separated by a comma. The initial should be followed by a period. Honorific titles or other information that ordinarily precede the name, should be entered after the given name or initials, and separated from them by a comma. Other descriptive information may be appended within parentheses. Enter organization or business name(s), without inverting, in the format: name in full, followed by suffixed information in parentheses. The name should be entered in the language of the catalogue record when possible. However, do not invent translations of personal or corporate names to the language of the catalogue record if they are not found in authoritative sources. Capitalize proper names; capitalize surnames, initials, forenames, and honorifics consistently. Avoid abbreviations, except for the abbreviations for numbers (such as 3rd) and for abbreviations that are part of a corporate body’s official name (such as &). If the name includes an article or preposition used as a prefix (such as de, des, le, la, l’, della, van, von, von der), generally use lowercase (for example, Gogh, Vincent van). However, in some cases, the inverted form of the name is indexed with the prefix as the first word – in this case, the prefix should be capitalized (e.g. Le Carreì, John). For names of early creators (pre-16th Century, such as Leonardo da Vinci) or non-Western creators, do not invert the name if it is not inverted in authoritative sources. Initials should be followed by periods. Commas and periods should be followed by a space unless they are followed by other punctuation. Uncertainty in the attribution to an artist/marker/designer is indicated at one of two levels. A reasonably positive assertion that the work is by an artist should be indicated by the phrase "Attributed to" after the name. Significant doubt about the attribution to an artist should be indicated by following the name with a space "?".
- Cataloguers rules
- See also, other Artist/Maker/Designer fields with mnemonics prefixed by 'AR' and, for prints, Other Artist (ATEC).
- Data type
- alpha-numeric string
- Reference
- NGC Library. 1993. Artists in Canada. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. http://www.chin.gc.ca Professional Resources, Research & References.
- Examples
- Michael Wright, Attributed to
- Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista ?
- Browne, Archibald
- Roy, C. A., Dr. (Director)
- Roy, C. A. (M.Sc.)
- Parker, Louise, Mrs. (Education)
- Acme Insurance Limited
- Global Museum Associates
- John Forbes and Son Limited
- Michael Wright, attribué à
- Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista ?
- Pellan, Alfred
- Delique, Charles-François
- Erté
- Icart, Louis
- Studio des artistes 1-2-3
- Galerie Trente & Un
- John Forbes and Son Limited
- Authority list
- • The Artists in Canada Database. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 2008. Website: http://www.pro.rcip-chin.gc.ca/bd-dl/aac-aic-eng.jsp (accessed 2010-03-05). • The Union List of Artist Names (ULAN). J. Paul Getty Trust. Website: http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/ulan/index.html (accessed 2010-03-05).
- Discipline
- Multidiscipline
- Source
- Ethnology Task Force
- History extra Task Force
- Fine and Decorative Arts Task Force
- Fine and Decorative Arts Working Group, 1987
- Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Pages 81-95 and 286-292. Website: http://www.vraweb.org/ccoweb/cco/about.html (accessed 2013-10-28).
- Field label (French)
- Field mnemonic (French)
- AR
Contact information for this web page
To suggest edits or updates to this page, please contact the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) directly.