"DATE OF OBJECT, TO" - Humanities
- Field label
- Field mnemonic
- EPD2
- Field name
- End Date 2
- Date of Object, To
- Date de fin de production 2
- Field definition
- This field indicates the precise date of the creation or production of the object. If the object was created over more than one year, this field indicates the latest date of the span of dates when the object was created, manufactured, or formed.
- Status
- Strongly recommended for uploading to Artefacts Canada. Required field for uploading to Artefacts Canada for data contributed to Artefacts Canada as part of a CHIN-funded project (e.g. VMC).
- Heading
- Comments
- Edits were made to this field in May 2010. Data entry rules were made more precise, and harmonized with those recommended in Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Website: http://www.vrafoundation.org/ccoweb/index.htm (accessed 2010-03-05).
- Entry rules
- Enter a numeric date. Do not use multiple entries. Record years without commas or other punctuation, except for the dash, which is used to express negative numbers for dates BCE. Use four digits for most years. If possible, for years that require fewer than four digits, insert leading zeroes (for example, 0009). Dates BCE may require more than four digits (for example, -10000). If the year alone is not precise enough, record a more precise date, using the following format if possible: YYYY-MM-DD. However, international standards suggest alternate possibilities, an alternate syntax (e.g. YYYYMMDD) may be used if it is consistent and it is compliant with the ISO standard . Local rules should be enforced. If the specific year or years is not known, record dates with the greatest accuracy known. Do not use n.d. to indicate no date.
- Cataloguers rules
- If only one date is known for the object, then use Date of Object, To (EPD2). If a date range is known, enter the earliest date in Date of Object, From (BPD1) and the most recent date in Date of Object, To (EPD2). If only a date range is known for the earliest date, then enter the lower value in Date of Object, From (BPD1) and the higher value in Date of Object, From (2) (BPD2). Similarly, if only a date range is known for the most recent date, then enter the less recent date in Date of Object, To (1) (EPD1) and the more recent date in Date of Object, To (EPD2). BP dates should be converted to BCE dates. BC dates should be expressed as negative integers. See also, Date of Object, From (BPD1), Date of Object, From (2) (BPD2), Date of Object, To (EPD2), Period (PER), and Absolute Date (ABD).
- Data type
- alpha-numeric string
- Examples
- 1950
- -0100
- 1935-08-29
- 1950
- -0100
- 1935-08-29
- Discipline
- Multidiscipline
- Source
- History Task Force
- Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Pages 166-176. Website: http://www.vraweb.org/ccoweb/cco/about.html (accessed 2013-10-28).
- ISO 8601:2004 Numeric Representation of Dates and Time. Data elements and interchange formats. Information interchange. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization, 2004.
- Field label (French)
- Field mnemonic (French)
- DFP2
Contact information for this web page
To suggest edits or updates to this page, please contact the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) directly.