
SUBJECT/IMAGE - Humanities

Field label
Field mnemonic
Field name
  • Subject/Image
  • Sujet ou image
Field definition
This field contains keywords or terms that refer to iconographic content to describe the subject or image of the object. It contains identification, description, or interpretation of what is depicted in and by a work or image. Subjects include things, places, activities, abstract shapes, decorations, stories, and events from literature, mythology, religion, or history.
Strongly recommended for uploading to Artefacts Canada. Required field for uploading to Artefacts Canada for data contributed to Artefacts Canada as part of a CHIN-funded project (e.g. VMC) where applicable for the object.
Edits were made to this field in May 2010. Data entry rules were made more precise, and harmonized with those recommended in Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Website: (accessed 2010-03-05).
Entry rules
Enter user defined keywords to describe the subject or image of the item. Multiple entries are allowed. Use the proper names of iconographical themes, mythological events, persons, places, and the like, as appropriate. For generic terms, generally use the singular form; where the singular is inappropriate, use the plural. For example, if a single tree is depicted in a painting, use the singular tree; if two or more trees are depicted, use the plural trees. Capitalize proper names; for other terms, use lowercase. Avoid abbreviations. Use terminology in the language of the catalogue record. Use diacritics as required. Express the subject in natural word order. Include both general and specific terms. Uncertain data should be followed by space and "?".
Cataloguers rules
The system of classification used for the Subject field should be noted in the Subject References field (SUBRF). See also, Iconographic Meaning (ICON).
Data type
alpha-numeric string
  • costume, footwear, moccasin
  • architecture, domestic architecture, tipi ?
  • costume, jewellery and ornaments, earring, Indian
  • cornucopia
  • Confederation
  • horses
  • love, marriage
  • still life, roses
  • vêtement, chaussure, mocassin
  • architecture domestique, wigwam ?
  • représentation animalière, corbeau
  • nature morte, roses
  • fromage
  • fête champêtre
  • danse
  • Confédération
Authority list
• Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus. Website: (accessed 2010-03-05). • Thesaurus of Graphic Materials I: Subject Terms (TGM I). Website: (accessed 2010-03-05). • Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms (TGM II). Website: (accessed 2010-03-05). • Ministère de la culture et de la communication de France, Base de données Joconde, Vocabulaires scientifiques pour la description des collections. Website : (accessed 2010-03-05). The Liste des sujets représentés (established from the Thésaurus iconographique Garnier) is the most relevant for this field. • Société des musées québécois, Subject/Image In Documenting Your Collections: Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide, Website: (accessed 2010-03-05).
  • Art
  • Fine and Decorative Arts Task Force
  • Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. By Murtha Baca, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Whiteside. Visual Resources Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. Pages 215-226. Website: (accessed 2013-10-28).
Field label (French)
Field mnemonic (French)

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