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Object Name: Painting
Title: Church of the Holy Spirit, Anglican, Lakeland, 1845
Category: Art
Material: wood, masonite, oil paints
Accession Number: 1977.054.003
Other Geographical Data: [44.9224249,-63.889934]
Earliest Production Date: 1860-01-01
Latest Production Date: 1920-12-31
Description: By Mary Anderson. White church with white steeple & graves; built by Loyalists, Oil. Church of the Holy Spirit, Anglican Church. Lakeland, Nova Scotia. 
Narrative: [ From A.I.F. Folder] "Church of the Holy Spirit" 1845 / Anglican, Built by Loyalists. / Scotch and Irish Presbyterians / English design / A Gem in the Wilderness 
Institution: Dartmouth Heritage Museum  Facebook-Dartmouth Heritage Museum  YouTube-Dartmouth Heritage Museum
Institution City: Dartmouth
Institution Province: Nova Scotia

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