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For © contact:
Colchester Historeum
All rights reserved.
Object Name: Mug
Object Type: Commemorative
Category: Drinking vessel
Material: Ceramic
Accession Number: 04.3273
Other Geographical Data: [45.1378331,-63.3493508]
Earliest Production Date: 1980-01-01
Latest Production Date: 1980-12-31
Description: White mug with handle inscription on one side in gold lettering "1780 Bicentennial Stewiacke Valley 1980"; The opposite side has a picture of a tree in gold with green leaves inscription reads Like the elm our roots run deep
Height: 9 cm
Institution: Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Institution City: Truro
Institution Province: Nova Scotia

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