
Record, Vinyl

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Colchester Historeum
All rights reserved.
Object Name: Record, Vinyl
Category: Sound Communication Media
Material: Vinyl, plastic, cardboard
Accession Number: 2017.88.3
Earliest Production Date: 1967-01-01
Latest Production Date: 1967-12-31
Description: A vinyl record and sleeve for 'Nova Scotia Youth Training Centre Choir.' The sleeve (A) features photos of camp members in black and white. The back details the members of the camp and the songs featured on the album. A plastic sleeve is still on the sleeve. The record (B) has silver text in the middle.
Narrative: Purchased at a yard sale in Truro.
Institution: Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Institution City: Truro
Institution Province: Nova Scotia

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