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Image - Saucer
For © contact:
Colchester Historeum
All rights reserved.
Object Name: Saucer
Artist/Maker: Aynsley
Object Type: Commemorative
Category: Eating vessel
Material: Ceramic
Accession Number: 86.1853 B
Other Geographical Data: [51.5112139,-0.11982439999997]
Earliest Production Date: 1953-01-01
Latest Production Date: 1953-12-31
Description: Commemorating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, June 2, 1953 Crowned in Westminster Abbey; Saucer displays a crown, surrounded by a floral design; Inside of the saucer is trimmed in leaf design and edged in gold
Institution: Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Institution City: Truro
Institution Province: Nova Scotia

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