
Cabinet Card

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Image - Cabinet Card
For © contact:
Colchester Historeum
All rights reserved.
Object Name: Cabinet Card
Category: Graphic Documents
Accession Number: 87_81_1
Other Geographical Data: [45.3657733,-63.2869407]
Earliest Production Date: 1865-01-01
Latest Production Date: 1910-12-31
Description: Bessie Dickie Kent (Mrs. Hedley V. Kent) Truro. Photographed by Edinburgh Moffat. Mrs. Bessie Kent is shown in an exquisite gown of the period. It could be a wedding gown. The wife of Dr. Hedley V. Kent, Bessie Kent was prominent in community activities such as the Literary Club, the Colchester Hospital Ladies Auxiliary and the Local Council of Women. In her hands she carries a fan, which would have been used not only to cool, but as an aid to conversational gestures of punctuation, mock admonition, emphasis, or perhaps flirtation. Negative available in negative binder 2, pg 44, slot 2
Length: 6.5 in
Width: 4 in
Institution: Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Institution City: Truro
Institution Province: Nova Scotia

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