
advertising booklet

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For © contact:
Museum of Health Care at Kingston
All rights reserved.
Object Name: advertising booklet
Artist/Maker: None
Classification: Advertising Drugs, Non-Prescription -- advertisements MM= Drugs -- patent, proprietary, over-the-counter -- multi-purpose cures -- advertisements
Material: paper: brown
Accession Number: 1977.12.244
Manufacturer: The Dr. A.W. Chase Medicine Co.
Latest Production Date: None
Description: A rectangular, 48-page booklet, secured by two staples; on the cover there are printed images of teacups and playing cards through the title; a monied white woman with signifiers of wealth: elaborate hat, umbrella, coiffed hair, fine dress; has her palm read by a gypsy/witch, wearing rough clothing, with darkened skin, unbound hair in the vestibule of a large tent that has the signifiers of magic/witchery scattered about: a cauldron, medicine bottles, a two-headed snake, and a black cat; while ostensibly about palmistry and fortunetelling, the subjects covered are actually: a biography of Dr. A.W. Chase; advertisements for Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Kidney-Liver Pills, Ointment, Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, Catarrh Cure, Liver Cure and Receipt Book and Household Physician; descriptions of palmistry, card fortunetelling, teacup reading, domino fortunetelling, and interpretation of dreams; descriptions of disease symptoms and causes; the danger of cocaine addiction among patent medicine users; and the dangers of giving morphia to infants.
Number of Components: 1
Institution: Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Facebook-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Twitter-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  YouTube-Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Institution City: Kingston
Institution Province: Ontario

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