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Image - Photograph
For © contact:
McCord Museum of Canadian History
All rights reserved.
Object Name: Photograph
Title: Dufferin Terrace from Citadel stairs, Quebec City, QC, about 1885
Artist/Maker: Wm. Notman & Son
Category: Communication Artifacts - Documentary Artifacts
Medium: Silver salts on paper mounted on paper - Albumen process
Accession Number: VIEW-1269.1
Origin-Province: Quebec
Earliest Production Date: 1880
Latest Production Date: 1890
Absolute Date: About 1885
Period: 19th century
Height: 17
Width: 23
Unit-Linear: cm
Subject/Image: view
Department: Notman Photographic Archives
Institution: McCord Museum of Canadian History  Facebook-McCord Museum of Canadian History  Twitter-McCord Museum of Canadian History  YouTube-McCord Museum of Canadian History
Institution City: Montreal
Institution Province: Quebec
Institution record: Full record provided on the museum's site

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