
Sampler (Bible Verse)

Image - Sampler (Bible Verse)
Pour © contacter :
Trinity Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Sampler (Bible Verse)
Catégorie de l'objet : 8: Communication Artifact
Matériaux : Glass, Wood and Pamama Cloth
Numéro d'accession : 2008.1.373
Date absolue : unknown
Description : The artifact is a sampler. The sampler is displayed in a rectangular black frame. It has the alphabet and numbers embroidered on it. Also embroidered is the verse - "And Jesus saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things." Mark. Father whatere of early bliss, Thy Soverign will denies; Accepted at they throne of grace; Let this petition rise. Give me a calm a thankful heart, From every murmur free, The blessing of thy grace impart ; and make me live to thee Let the sweet hope that thou art mine, my life and death attend; Thy presence through my journeys shine' and crown my journey's end. Elizabeth Warr
Longueur : 31.000
Largeur : 28.500
Établissement : Trinity Museum  Facebook-Trinity Museum  Twitter-Trinity Museum  YouTube-Trinity Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Trinity
Province de l'établissement : Newfoundland and Labrador

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