
Door, Prison

Image - Door, Prison
Pour © contacter :
Trinity Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Door, Prison
Catégorie de l'objet : 1: Structures
Matériaux : Wood, Iron
Numéro d'accession : 2008.1.506
Date absolue : unknown
Description : The artifact is a prison door. It is rectangular in shape and is green in color. The door has a serving hole (bar) three-quarters of the way to the top. This serving hole was used to pass food to the prisioners. Below the serving hole there is a hinge with a bar and two hasps to put a lock through. Along with this exhibit there was a document on the first prison of Newfoundland, but it is now missing.
Longueur : 192.500
Largeur : 63.000
Profondeur : 6.600
Établissement : Trinity Museum  Facebook-Trinity Museum  Twitter-Trinity Museum  YouTube-Trinity Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Trinity
Province de l'établissement : Newfoundland and Labrador

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