
Print, Photographic

Nom de l'objet : Print, Photographic
Catégorie de l'objet : Graphic Documents
Matériaux : Paper
Numéro d'accession : 2022.035.006
Date de début de production : 1958-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1959-12-31
Description : Photo of a large group of men and boys; several of the men are in clerical garb; streamer hanging from the ceiling.
Commentaires : Photo of members of the Marian Boy Choir, taken about 1960. Front row (left to right): Vaughn Hanrahan, Jim MacPherson, Ian Hardy, Kenny Stewart, Kenneth McIsaac, Jim Reddy, Bill Walsh, Ian McIsaac, Kenny Purcell, Jake McKinnon, Aird MacIsaac, Joe Cameron, Bill Lynch, Bill Lynch's brother [their uncle Fr. Terrance was the director]. 2nd from front: Redmond Power, Terry Stewart, Gerard MacDonald, Neil McKenna (later ordained, d. 2015), Edmund Brassett, Richard Doucet, John Barry (later ordained), Howard McVicar, Collie McVicar, Bishop William E. Power, Bill Forbes, Ira McInnis, Alex Chisholm, Mike PD MacDonald, Albert Chisholm, Danny Bradshaw, Fr. Terrance Lynch. 3rd from front: Peter Duykers, Brian Landry, Hugh Dan McIsaac, Jimmy Chisholm, Alex Chisholm, Angus MacIsaac, Ronnie MacIsaac, Berkley Breen, Lloyd Anesty, John Deagle, Joe MacGillivray, Jim Webb, Mike Bradshaw, Jim Hanrahan, Ralph Purcell. 4th from front: John Egan, Collie McInnis, Bill Taylor, Collie McGillivray, Frak McGibbon, Fr. Stanley MacDonald, Ralph MacIntosh, Danny Muldoon, Tom Murphy, Jackie MacMillan, Gerald McIsaac, Bill Kiely, Donald Belland. Back row: Fr. John Graham, Fr. Hus MacLeod, Fr. Regis Halloran. Duplicate of 639, but this copy is much clearer.
Hauteur : 13cm
Largeur : 18cm
Établissement : Antigonish Heritage Museum  Facebook-Antigonish Heritage Museum  Twitter-Antigonish Heritage Museum  YouTube-Antigonish Heritage Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Antigonish
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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